Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 322: The "Barrio" country full of worms

Although the enemy's strength is quite strong, even if there are existences like Yun and Kirito who can fight against their demihumans, after all, they are not as good as the former in terms of fighting methods. After all, those who are used to fighting with them. The non-human existence of combat objects completely made Gus unable to boost their energy.

That's why he looked forward to this fortress that was hard to beat by word of mouth. It might be difficult to make them demihumans feel very difficult.

"Okay! Compared to this! You should arrange for your subordinates to take a good rest and take precautions! After all, it will take a lot of time to completely take care of this town! Otherwise, it will be troublesome if there is a fire behind the supply route at that time!"

"Well~Well! I'm fine under the commander, but I can use my brain to appease humans or something! I'm not good at it! At this time, I can only trouble your personnel!"

"Naturally! Then you can take care of your tasks! Uncle Gus!"


After a while of conversation, Gus also got up and started to settle all the demigods, and started the task of resupplying on the spot...

Although many of the lords’ troops did want to gather near these three towns and prepare to fight against Kirito’s three coalition forces, I didn’t know that Aldo General, who was entrusted with full responsibility, went his own way in the middle. All the remaining troops were stationed in the two most important front tooth fortresses of'Glenfens' and'Wundt'.

The final outcome of the three towns being uprooted together at the same time, no one knows what kind of weird plan Aldo has drawn in his brain, and even the king of Bais in his own country is kept in the dark.


"Report~Report! The three major fortress towns of'Groot','Ben', and'Lulet' all fell yesterday night! They have now fallen into the hands of the rebel army of the witch! And please, Your Majesty Bais Instructions!"

"What? Lost in these three decisive battle locations?"

"Could it be that Aldo is gone with so many troops!"

"No? How could this happen! Could it be that we are really subjugated?"


The sound of hurried footsteps was accompanied by a gasp-like messenger, who came to the hall of Bais’s palace before as if crawling, and some made excessively surprised sounds to convey the devastating news to the sitting in front of them. In the ears of King Bais on the throne and the ministers gathered around him.

For a time, this hall was full of gossip, and even fear-like desperate words. It could be seen that everyone was frightened and horrified by the speculation that almost the nation’s troops came out and never returned. The atmosphere in the whole hall can be described as The chaos is at its extreme...

(It's only a few days a week. If it was Aldo, the old cunning and innocent man, it would be impossible to consume all of his rich capital in such a single breath. It is very likely that the messenger did not talk about everything!)

"Quiet everyone! You~you! Haven't you caught your breath yet, or even forgot to tell us the rest?"

Looking at the panic scene in front of him, and the messenger who was greedily breathing the air with the language in front of him, the somewhat puzzled King Bais pointed to him and asked in this way.

(Eh~Eh? Not finished? xN)

"Guru~ Guru"

The ministers themselves were like a mess of porridge. Hearing and seeing the words and actions of Beth pointing at the messenger, they subconsciously swallowed their saliva, and they all looked at the messenger's body together.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It is very likely that it has already been clear that it is meaningless for him to go!"

"Second, the two lords in'Groot' arbitrarily mobilized a large number of people in the city, and they rushed to the town to capture the attack, but they were all annihilated by weird means, resulting in the fall of the air defense of'Groot' city. This is also the case in this town. The way was captured together, and the southernmost'Lulet' was captured by the invincible demihuman! These are the latest information provided by the soldiers who fled back!"

After really slowing down, the messenger calmly gave the information he knew to King Bais and all the personnel in one breath, and everyone fell into silence for a long time...

(Is that true? I didn’t expect that old fox actually made a blindfold at this juncture, held the troops in his own hand in one breath, and then took the opportunity to transform into his own strength? What an ambitious stinky guy! After he comes to the military power, he is ready to turn his face and deny people as long as he finishes the battle, right?)

(Or that the wings are hardened now, ready to dominate this ‘Urbas’? Anyway...we have to think about our own way too!)

"Um~hmm... After listening to this, everyone thinks so?"

Bais, who already had some ideas of his own, would not be overly surprised by this inevitable result, but he did not expect Aldo to completely change his mind at this time, and the three fortress-level towns also fell too soon than estimated. Up! So he tentatively maintained his composure, and threw food on the people below.

"Really a man who deserves to die! Just a white-eyed wolf!"

"Yes! Your Majesty Bais will take back his military power soon, and then prepare to send more powerful generals to lead the to regain our territory from the fortress!"


The situation below can be said to be aggrieved and talkative, but it is a pity that most of the remarks are within the scope of Bais’s thinking. It is inevitable that he will feel that many ministers who are fishing in troubled waters and full of sloppy are too much. Short-sighted and did not even see the current situation clearly, and presumptuously asserted something that could not be accomplished...

(Ah~Ah... Sure enough, this country is indeed extremely corrupt! What are left are some small people who can only stab people and play power tricks? Obviously there are royal or noble blood flowing on them, but there is no real inheritance. To a royal mind like me...It's really a headache...)

"Okay~ okay! You all get back! I have a headache! Don't bother me anymore!"

"But...then, the ministers retired..."

After some lamenting domestic helplessness, Bys rubbed his nose with his hand and made a go-ahead gesture to them, so that the ministers who had not been reused and prevailed, retired one after another. After all, they understood it again. I'm afraid that if Long Yan is furious for a while, they won't be able to eat it and walk around...

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