Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 337: Waiting for an opportunity to punish Lisbeth

After about 30 minutes of efforts to reappear, Lisbet held the magic stone with one hand, and finally completed the process of magic detection, operation, and depiction of the magic circle, and made a few weird shapes. The stone man, with a happy and proud face, showed off like a noisy cloud at the side.

   (I said Lisbeit sauce! Is there really no problem with your own aesthetics? How come all the stone men look like weird muscular men with three heads and six arms?)

   (Could it be that you think that if you have more hands, you will become smarter and smarter? Maybe I have to re-teach her aesthetically, it would be better! This is the logic of what a ghostly summoning thing looks like!)

   "It looks like... the things I need to teach her have suddenly changed a lot! I feel like my head is bigger!"

   Seeing these three heads and six arms look very domineering, in fact they seem to be useless extra appearance, making Yun shook his head subconsciously, and then slowly walked towards her...

"Eh~ Eh! It's not so full of muscles! Adding more heads and arms can improve combat effectiveness and intelligence? After all, after the masters did not listen to me, are many things possible? That's why I Be such a very powerful existence!"

After Yun's good narrative, Lisbet, who was a little puzzled, squinted her eyes for a while, wondering how to understand her strange stone men, and then asked Yun in this way. .

   "Well~ well! It's better to see it after hearing it. Or you can try to chat with them, and you can get in touch with them and order them according to your own understanding, don't you know?"

Looking at the situation as if he hadn't understood what he was saying, Yun shook his head and bounced his head slightly, pointing to these weird stone men who were staring at the two of them. direction.

   "Woo~ woo...Well then! I'll go get in touch with them and see what the masters mean!"

As if being treated unfairly, Lisbet used her jade hand to stroke the forehead that was bombed by the cloud, and then walked towards those weird stone men as if making up his mind, letting the cloud just look at it. She explored the answers on her own, and waited for her result feedback as if watching from the other side...


   "buzz~buzz~buzz? xN"

After looking at the cloud, the two people communicated like this. The strange stones who didn’t understand very much just talked to each other like this, but when they saw Lisbeth coming in front of them, they were all staring. He looked at her straight up like a pair of eyes.


   "Hello! Soldiers! Can you understand what I'm saying?"

   With the sound of footsteps over, Lisbet, who stopped in front of them, beckoned with a smile like that.

   It seems like they have reached a mode of communication with them, trying to see if there is a situation where both parties cannot communicate at the same time.

   "Om~Om~Om! xN"

   And when these weird stone men heard Lisbeth's words, they slightly screamed as if they wanted to talk to her, and nodded in response.

   It seemed that they should understand their own words, and it took her a sigh of relief for a while.

"Since you understand my words, then I will tell you something important! From now on, you will take this soldier of mine, and then go all out to go to the other man behind me, remember! Do your best! Otherwise you won't be able to beat him!"

   And just like what Yun said, since it is necessary to test whether their combat effectiveness is the same as what he inferred, at the same time seeing these stone men can understand their own words.

   Rolled her eyes, Lisbeth, who was a little whimsical and even smirking, took the opportunity to retaliate against the cloud. At that time, the situation of bullying their little girls from time to time was inciting these stone soldiers.

   also added emphatic sentences in the last few sentences from time to time, in case these stone men did not hear their words clearly.

Don't mention how bad that little look is. After she quietly heard the noises to only her and the strange stone people, she pointed to the direction of the clouds behind her from time to time, and let all the strange stone people look at the target, so that they could be seen from the side. The weird cloud felt a little frown thinking about what she was doing.

(This little guy! Didn't you let her communicate with those weird stone soldiers? How come it seems that the voice is loud and full of communication at first, why does it become sneaky afterwards, even looking and pointing in my direction from time to time ...Is it possible that she is making a bad idea again?)

   "It seems that I still have to remind her well, after all, Lisbet's secretly tricking habit makes me a little bit unable to understand!"

   Seeing the situation over there, Yun is suddenly in a state of anxiety, and he is finally ready to walk in the direction of Lisbeth, intending to stop her weird behavior.

   "Boom~ Rumble, Gada~ Gada"

   "Om~Om~Om!!! xN"

   "Hmm~hmm? Moved?"

And for a while, just when Yun wanted to get closer Those weird stone men who faced him immediately gathered a large amount of armed forces, and they were completely armed and attacked in his direction mercilessly. Come.

(Where is Lisbeit sauce? It seems that there should be nothing wrong, as if it is just a runaway aimed at me? Or worry that I am going to hurt Lisbeit sauce’s enemy so that I will be so hostile? Anyway! Put them away first Let's talk about collective uniforms!)

The scene of a strange stone man of about five suddenly attacking him made him feel vigilant. At the same time, he saw that Lisbet, whom he cared most, was nothing wrong. He was slightly relaxed after being ignored by these strange stone men. With a tone of breath, he focused his attention on the hands of these stone men who were full of murderous intent on him.


   As he concretized directly from his inventory the metal-grade weapons that turned into two scythes, he challenged these strange stone people who were two people taller than him on the spot.

  ‘Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Wow~lala, Boom~Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang~

The sudden and violent violent attack on the opposite side, and the sound of the cloud bombarding their rock arms from time to time, were obviously not too destructive to them, shattering the ground and some surface arms on them. , Looks very arrogant and hard.

   The light is the on-the-spot intelligence reflected on these few battlefields, and it does make Yun somewhat prejudiced against them at the beginning, refreshing his view on their combat effectiveness...

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