Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 388: The enemy’s movements and the opponent’s demi-human reinforcements?

   "Ha~ha~ha! It's nothing! It's just a little trouble with the family! Not enough! But your complexion doesn't look very good today! Is there any trouble with new information at the frontline position?"

   When Kirito and the others formally walked into the interior, and then directly saw Moss who looked a little sad, Kirito asked carefully about it with a little care.

   (It is a very difficult behavior to see through the eyes of Qiuhao, to know people with insightful eyes, and to pass the eyes of His Highness Kirito? I just can't do it!)

   "Sure enough, I still can't hide from His Highness Kirito's eyes! This is the new information that I sent out during the maintenance period of our and His Highness Kirito's scouts. Please also look at the new information from Your Highness Kirito.

   After looking at Kirito's sharp gaze, Moss smiled faintly, and even shook his head, then realized a parchment scroll and handed it to Kirito himself.

   (It looks like it should be quite troublesome? Otherwise, Moss could not be so uneasy!)

   "Come on! The children, Asuna-chan and Ginxue are sitting for breakfast first, I'll take a look first!"

   "Yes! Kirito-chan/His Royal Highness Kirito/Mom! xN"

  ‘Pattern~Pattern, Wattered~Pattern’

   After Kirito frowned slightly and took the parchment scroll in Moss's hand, he simply ordered his wife and daughter to sit down, and then began to sit in a chair and carefully observe the scroll's information.

(I don’t know if it’s time to start troublesome dispatching and fighting again! Although it is a journey of extermination, I still feel a little uneasy! It happened that Kirito sauce was busy reading the information, so I helped him cut the meat steak and feed him homeopathy. Right!)


  ‘Cacky~Cacky, sizzle~ sizzle’

Seeing Kirito supporting his chin with his jade hand with a serious face and looking at the serious look of the unfolded scroll with his other hand, Asuna fulfilled his obligations as a wife and sat on him. Next to him, he used a knife and fork to divide the meat steak, and after making it into small pieces, he was ready to feed the Tong population anytime and anywhere.

   (My sister is really virtuous, and Yinxue can't be left behind! After all, I am also one of the official wives of His Royal Highness Kirito!)


   On the other side, Gin Snow, after seeing Asuna helping Kirito at work do all these things, she also picked up a bowl of hot soup and started blowing it slowly with her small mouth.

   When Kirito is about to see him, he can also serve him with a gentle and palatable soup so that he will not be easily burned! After all, Kirito who eats in this state is still quite mechanically moving, and does not take into account the temperature of the food directly into the mouth. After being scalded several times, he still has no memory...

   "Oh~h~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Look at your mother to enjoy the blessings! In this kind of external conquest, there are two good friends who can help each other, really envy others!

   "Uh~hhhhhhhhhh! Let's feed each other good sisters! Poor us...xN"

   Seeing this lovely and welcoming scene, besides the careless love that was not assigned to Kirito's side, he smiled and advertised to his sisters everywhere.

   Sisters Shen Xue, Yui, and the quintuplets all showed this QAQ, very pitiful and caring for each other, looking at the problem of their mothers giving them dog food...


And Kirito, who is still thinking and researching carefully, didn't care about the behavior of these little guys and his wives, but tilted his head slightly as a matter of course, very obedient, enjoying the luxurious treatment of eating and opening his mouth. ...

   "Wow! This is a rare royal experience!"

   "Indeed! This is an exclusive treatment that only His Royal Highness Kirito can enjoy!"

   At the same time when this scene happened, Klein, who had rarely seen his face, walked in with a sigh with Kazuka who had met on the road, found a seat against a few people, and started eating...

(From the current situation! The two places of'Glenfens Fortress' and'Wundt Fortress' are indeed tightly guarded. In addition to the situation of the scouts from intelligence and sharing, it is not difficult to overcome this'book'. The town is inferior! Its scale is still bigger than here, just like the existence of a mixed defensive structure with two huge walls and a castle!)

"It's exactly like the Great Wall of the East that exists hundreds of billions of times in miniature! This is a real-life and dangerous mixed zone that is easy to defend and difficult to attack! The other party directly grasps the situation of pure land... People and conditions are unstable! After all, this time we are attacking these two places with a three-way army mixed!"


After reading the information and visual sharing of the site’s terrain conditions, Kirito patted the table very happily, and he could see that he liked the feeling of danger and obstacles that were even more difficult, and that passionate and warlike heart was stirring on him. In the body.

   (mostly I was worried for nothing! I did not expect His Highness Kirito would be such a passionate woman!)

"It looks like this kind of Highness Kirito should have expected it long ago! Otherwise, why would I look forward to the other party's city defense arrangement so enjoyment! There is really no way to guess His Highness's mind. what!"

   Looking at Kirito, after seeing the situation in the fortress that was many times more difficult than here, he was still amazed by applause, and Moss, who loved to fight safely, shook his head and smiled in relief.

"Ha~ha~ha! Is it possible that Moss, do you like to bully old, weak, sick, weak and invulnerable enemies? I don't have the tendency to bully the weak and fear the hard! But show us the demeanor of a veteran who is an excellent defender It’s not the way it feels now!"

   Kirito smiled and dragged his cheeks, then slowly rolled up the scroll in his hand, and asked Moss this way.

"How come? I don't like the boring way to find a sense of existence, but the problem is that all the field troops outside the fortress have withdrawn from the fortress in one mind, and then according to the data, there is something that does not belong to both the enemy and me. The demihuman army appeared near the periphery of the'Wundt Fortress', in the form of a ranger who likes to play guerrilla warfare."

   "It looks like it was an extra mercenary who was invited by some conditions! I wonder if His Highness Kirito has noticed this situation?"

Moss listened to Kirito’s derogatory and praising ways, then smiled and turned serious again, pointing out that Kirito had been considering and caring about this strange and suspicious information. After all, as far as they knew, The country of'Barrio' should be a situation where demihumans and humans are particularly excluded from joining forces...

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