Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 396: New intelligence unlocked

Seeing Klein's rare appearance, the goddess Yui took the jade hand of the beloved goddess, and the sisters nodded to Klein together.

"Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The number should be very... plus such a large number of people here, then what has the original world become like?"

"After all, billions of people have been transferred here in one breath. If we estimate it in reverse, the original world is likely to have a billion or hundreds of millions of people left! What is the situation like that?"

I don’t know why Klein’s hands were trembling subconsciously after thinking of these horrible figures, information and intelligence, and even turned to holding his head in fear, so he consulted the two Yui goddesses. Now, don't mention how scared it looks.

(Klein...This is indeed a question that has always puzzled us from the original world, and I don’t know how to think about and imagine it! I don’t know how the Yui goddess will answer this question? xN)

"Goo~ Lu"

After swallowing their saliva, most of the insiders of Asuna and others were watching the existence of other world gods who knew many things they didn't know. They also hope that the current Yui goddesses can give them a detailed answer!

(Is this really the case? But it's time to say these things, because the one who should come may have to wait for our goddess king to be settled, will it come? x2)

"I see! Actually, it's time for me to tell you about this situation!"

"Yes! Just as you knew from the beginning, Kayaba Akihiko, the mastermind, who successfully brought you into this world, actually concealed several important facts. This was also after the transfer of authority. And some of the information that Yui sister and I have learned together after improving my belief ability!"

After watching Klein and the surrounding Asuna and they all looked at them with curious eyes, the Yui goddess and the others just looked like they had lost to them, and began to answer them seriously.

(Hidden secrets! So there are many more? It means that as long as you can help Yui goddess to obtain the top goddess of this world as discussed before, can you know more about being hidden? That~that, What kind of situation is still hidden? Will there be more troublesome details that make us feel desperate and fearful? xN)

After hearing the two Yui goddesses talk about the truth that was gradually revealed, Asuna and them subconsciously continued to listen to their words like a big rock hanging in their hearts.

"First of all! To be precise, there are almost less than 10,000 people left in the original world, and you can receive the kind of isolation and helpless signals in your world every day and night, but it is a pity that we have no way to form a mutual relationship with each other Contact, you can only listen to the other party's narration and know that the world has entered a phase of gradual paralysis just like a person has gone to the empty building!"

"It can be said that the surviving personnel are of different levels, and it is even difficult to run a large town in a mess. Within a period of time, all the water, electricity, and food supplies for food, clothing, housing, and transportation will be cut off directly without knowing the other people in the world. Can the situation be regrouped with the strength of everyone!"

Looking at the fearful appearances of Asuna and them, the two Yui goddesses did not hide anything, and told them all the information they knew about their original world!

Suddenly everyone became speechless and covered their nose with their hands near the bridge of the nose. The staring eyes were full of incredible feelings, but they all understood that once the circulatory precision machinery, Almost every internal part of the body was emptied, and the ending was only one scrapped and destroyed.

Although they knew that if human beings wanted to survive, they should still be very strong, but it might also be a reverse apocalyptic disaster, making them shook their heads subconsciously.

"How could it... But if that's the case, the number of our people at the beginning is so different? If every state is a novice from each'starting town', the number of people will be too small for a city? Don't mention it. At that time, the situation was chaotic at night, and it was impossible to stay outside of the'starting town' at will, because that is no different from going to death!"

After hearing this situation, Asuna was the first to react. It was obvious that her mind changed very quickly. After all, if the scale and almost all human beings in the world are transferred to sao, there are obviously many places that cannot be matched, at least the number of people and the region. The strength of the players is completely different!

"Yes! This is obviously a problem! Is it possible that the data and intelligence records are wrong?"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

Although there is a lot of knowledge, it is difficult to understand for the children of Yinxue and the new life, but also agrees that Asuna pointed out the different Klein and Waka, and slightly raised the corresponding skeptical attitude!

"It's not wrong! Just like Kaaba Akihiko said at the time, he did sacrifice players in units of 100 million, and as his mother inferred, he did not put everyone converted into the different world of sao. After all, this is the first one. In the world of experimental products, there is no need to add all the seeds, that is, the players to consume too much!"

"And the rest of the people are kept by him in a central world that makes them Except for the storage of hibernation therapy, if the seeds are placed here, there will be no life and others. Existence can be said! Although our Yui goddess has no way to interfere in this world, it is still unclear whether we have not met any requirements!"

While clearing Asuna's question, the two Yui goddesses began to analyze the next connection between the world and the world.

(So ​​that's it! Then the problem of the number of people is solved! But there is still a world? Is it possible that there are still other worlds in this place like a seed store? xN)

"If this is the case! Is it possible... now that you already know that there is other world intelligence? Yui, Minami?"

Although I don't want to order them, Asuna still asks this question.

"Yes~Yes! At least there is a world at the time when Kayaba Akihiko transferred it, passively generated and activated together, and released a part of the seed to live in that world, although according to the data, that world is caused by The name of his research team is... by the way! A participant of Nobuyuki Xuxiang got it out by himself."

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