Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 403: Unexpected situation

"United formation defensive swordsmanship-[]'Sure as a golden triangle', oh oh ~ oh oh oh oh!!! xN"

Seeing the coming Silica assault team, and the white giant beasts who realized that the threat of attack has been reduced, attacked like a surge, all the beast ladies in the center made a concerted voice and gave a golden sword skill halo. , I used it at once and extended a range of more than 10 meters with the formation as the center, forming the phantom of a huge pyramid-like building...

(No! We can't stop the car at this distance! We're going to hit it! xN)

"What to do with little Silica girl! Are we going to stagger the defensive formations of the sisters in front? Or we will break through the defense!"

"Yeah! Our long-distance combined assault sword skill can be described as a destructive spear. If it collides with one's own shield, wouldn't it be a contradiction? Please also give instructions! Silika Hundreds Put Silica sauce! xN"

Lena Lisi, who also realized that they couldn't stop, subconsciously yelled at Silica behind them for instructions! After all, they are less than 10 meters away from their own defensive sword skills!

(I'm not a fool, naturally I know what I'm doing!)

"It's okay to go straight, but gradually slow down my strength and movements afterwards. I have approximate estimates and sufficient confidence in my own attack and defense. If we deviate, we will be slightly disadvantaged after the sword skill is over. It is difficult. If not, are you still afraid now?"

Looking ahead, Lisbeth and Lena Lis looked a little scared of an accident, Silica, who was not shaken in the air, responded so calmly and calmly to everyone.

As if all this was in her expectation, and it was not that there was a "contradictory" story that actually happened, she also believed in the strongest spear and shield, which reached a stalemate under the circumstance of equal power, especially She finally noted the order of the two people, which is a very necessary remedy!

(That's the case! Anyway, surrender your life to be with the gentleman! Sisters, sisters, sisters, beast girls, we'll be head-on! xN)

"Then I believe you, little Silica girl!"

"It has no choice but to do so!"


"Bang~bang, papa~ patter, zi~zi~zi"

When Lisbeth and Lena Lis glanced aside or behind them, showing the look of Silica with very serious and focused eyes, they also showed a faint smile, and then they just followed her as if they did not. He hesitated to directly let the strongest "spear" that penetrated everything, bombarding the "shield" that prevented everything from being destroyed.

The sudden huge impact touched the Phantom Pyramid, and for a time there was a large amount of lasing sparks, and the sharp noise like a chainsaw cutting metal, which made everyone on the battlefield fall into a cold sweat as serious. In the atmosphere.

(Hold it for me! This is Silica’s quasi-hundred command, she should know and believe that we are united in defense! xN)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Stop for us sisters!"

"Woo~oooo!!! xN"

"Zi~Zi~Zi, bang~bang"

Looking at a cyclone attack with an explosive assault capability less than a dozen meters in front of him, all seeing and recalling the terrible scenes caused by this attack along the way, made him pray in his heart, and tried not to shake himself to Silica. The look of command trust has been bursting with amazing attention and defense.

Their defensive sword skills were still strong and not broken, but their huge advance force forced their formation to be pushed backwards.

(Stop it for me...or else sisters, beast girls, even if they are not penetrated by sword skills, they will be crushed to death like a scrap iron compressor! xN)


"Go hard! Don't give up, everyone!"


Also in the team that promoted the defensive formation on Yun and the others and tried to penetrate the effect, Lena Liss and Lisbet both gritted their teeth and pulled back with both hands, trying to stop the action of this joint assault sword technique. , But after all, energy may be used in combination for the first time.

The hard work of the two of them is far from enough. Although they have stopped the follow-up force, the sustained effect of their sword skills is obviously out of their control. They still continue to push the defensive formation of the beast ladies in front. Just keep pushing slowly in the direction of the fort...

(This is not the way to go! But also because of these two sword skills, the white behemoths have been repelled all the time! It seems that you can only wait for Lenaris and the others to use up their sword skills. ?)

"It's as troublesome as if you didn't use it well and then cut your own double-edged sword! Sisters, don't stop! Let's continue to prevent the barbarians from approaching the two sides and the gate position. Ours can only do this, and don't It's easy to touch the pyramid and see the end of those beasts that don't have a long memory before, it still has a certain aggressiveness!"

"Understood! Continue to cover, the sisters below are ready to respond at any time!"

"Understood! Hey~hey"

"Da~Da~Da, 咻~咻~咻, 噌~噌~噌"

On the fortress, I saw my sword skills being installed and then the dangerous appearance of a stalemate. Although Weisztier wanted to do something with the beast ladies and sisters around him, she found that she couldn't do anything. I can only continue to wait and work on my hands to prevent the possibility of my own personnel being unhelpful...

(Damn it's a little miscalculated! I didn't expect that Liz Chan and Lena Lisi's combined sword skills would have such a strong long-lasting penetration ability. If this goes on, it may be the opposite of losing both!

"Trouble! Brother Yun! This situation is beyond my expectation! The most important thing is that Liz Chan and Lena Lisi's sword skills are a bit troublesome. Can you see how you can refer to it for me?"

Seeing this pair of Silica who had no idea in front of her, she finally raised her little head quickly and consulted Yun in this way.

After all, it's a matter of life, Silica will not sacrifice the lives of other people at will in order to save her own face.

"Ha~ha~ha! Naturally there is a way! And didn't Lena Lisi sauce mentioned at the beginning? If the power is too strong, then just change its direction or offset it! But we want a strong one! Only then can we stop us, who are wrapped in this powerful offensive and defensive swordsmanship, with the powerful sword skills."

"It's a pity that my shadow warrior can't achieve this kind of strength! Everything can only be done by asking the beast ladies above the fortress! Do you know what I mean? Silica sauce!"

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