Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 13: Demihuman mass production is completed and interesting human enemies

And in the forest outside the city, the number of kobolds and boars hoarding wild monsters began to increase unknowingly, and the number may have doubled compared to the night in the town where the invasion started. Their current The daily task is to fight against each other like cannibalism, but the difference is that the loser is the victor's ear food, but this cruel training method breeds more powerful fighters!

"Interesting! My people unexpectedly evolved under your reform proposal from the lord of the kobolds, and evolved more outstanding new members-the wild boar berserkers and your kobold light infantry! It seems that your various ideas are more advanced than mine. Too much!"

The Boar Lord supported his almost three-layered fat chin, and inspected these with the Kobold Lord on the side. By mixing with his own race genes but obliterating the genetic chain of human females for nutrition, in the hatchery A new generation of fighters was born.

"Of course! After all, the erosive nature of our genes is quite terrifying. On my way to this place, I encountered a caravan of humans! After the attack, I found that there were all imprisoned female humans. But I didn’t use them as food out of interest.”

"Instead, let my subordinates try to see if it can be used to give us mass-produced offspring between humans and demihumans. I didn't expect it to be possible! But if we directly plant seeds in the human body and wait for it to develop, every time the demihumans can be used to produce heirs. After a person is born, the mother must be opened to the stomach, so that it can only be produced at one time and there will be some losses that are not worth the loss. In order to study the current hatchery breeding methods, many human females have also been lost, but the result is good!"

   The evil smile of Lord Kobold is like showing off his new discovery, smiling ‘quack~quack’.

"It turns out that, after injecting and completing the fusion, before implantation, it is taken out of the mixed semi-finished meat mass from the body. Although it is slightly cruel to the body of a human female, it is better than directly opening it. It’s much better to get rid of the intestines, but this hatchery made of human lotions and body fluids and various herbs is indeed comparable to the effect of direct body incubation! And the output is quite impressive! Interesting! Interesting!"

"Just seeing your research results, sometimes I still think, why do you still like to fight and kill because you are so wise? This kind of barbaric way of life is precisely what we barbaric races who can only use force do. Matter! Don't you think it's a pity to not interact with your intelligence at all?"

The Boar Lord knows very well that his intelligence is not very high. After all, the mental work that these studies are used to study is what the Boar Lord fears the most. If you let him engage in combat tactics and command battles, you can still enjoy it. Talking about it, but he can’t do anything about research and pure mental work with him!

   "Nothing! There is no way to refuse the wildness in the bones. I think the Boar Lord knows better than me!"

The Kobold Lord patted the Boar Lord on the shoulder with a knowing smile, and the Wild Boar Lord also knew what wild instincts are. He is also a creature who likes to fight **** battles on the battlefield. Once he tastes the bloodthirsty pleasure And the sense of glory in defeating the enemy has always made him addicted to it and unable to extricate himself.

  While they wandered watching these companions hacking each other to death so that they could survive, they laughed and slowly walked towards the starting town at the entrance of the forest.

   Just as the two behemoths wandered freely, a large number of kobold warriors who looked like remnants of defeated soldiers hurriedly fled in their direction. Seeing this desolate deserter, the lord of the kobold was furious, drew a big knife from his waist, and then a charge came to these cowardly deserters, and a "level cut" cut most of the deserters at the waist. Break!

   "You losers still dare to escape back for a while? My tribe can't tolerate you weak people who are greedy for life and fear of death!"

   The Kobold Lord gritted his teeth and looked at the kobold warriors who had escaped his attack. Just as he was about to swing his big sword again, his wrist was firmly held by the Boar Lord coming from behind.

   "Can you calm down first! My beloved Lord Kobold, first let us understand what happened? Okay?"

The Boar Lord smiled and looked at the somewhat angry Kobold Lord. Hearing the words of the Boar Lord, the Kobold Lord snorted and threw the big knife in his hand into the ground fiercely, and walked to the side of a large piece of land. On the stone, looked at these shivering kobold deserters with disdain.

(Hey~hey! Although the wisdom of the kobold lord is higher than me, once you see such a cowardly tribe, or mention humans, you will lose your mind anytime and anywhere. This impulsiveness may be that the memory of the last time was too strong. Is it a side effect? ​​After all, I seem to be a new race, and I don’t have the memory of the period mentioned by the lord of kobolds!)

   The Boar Lord looked at the thunderous situation of the Kobold Lord, and he couldn't help shook his head, turning his huge body to face these kobold deserters and began to question.

   "Are you the advance team dispatched before?"

   The loud and deafening sound resounded in the ears of these kobold deserters, and for a moment they became shackled and nodded.

   "Um... what drove you back?"

   The Boar Lord immediately lowered his body, sitting cross-legged in front of these kobold deserters and continued to question.

   "It's... a human being who turned into a ghost!"

As soon as the words of the kobold deserter came out, it almost ignited the bad temper of the lord of the kobold. Had it not been for the lord of the wild boar to stretch out his hand to beckon him, he would have picked up the big knife in front of him and used these alarmist kobolds. The deserter had his head cut.

   "Bah~Bah! What kind of human beings incarnate as **** evil spirits! Do you know how to use your brain when lying? How terrible can a group of inferior humans be!"

The lord of the kobold cursed where he either slapped his legs or smashed the tree trunk. It looked like a brainless man who looked down on the ant-like existence to them (well... after all, the body is indeed bigger than human Much bigger)!

   "What a terrible way? I can't tell you why, so please prepare to move your head specifically!"

   The Boar Lord calmly made a ‘click’ gesture, and scared the group of kobold deserters who had no courage to kneel down and begged for mercy.

"The little ones dare not! The little ones dare not! Actually... At first, these human beings were really weak and small. We only destroyed part of their towns. However, there were more than a dozen humans who emerged from nowhere. Human beings have moved to a place where there is only one road, blocking the path of our army! Although we use the advantage of numbers to suppress these human beings, but..."

Watching this kobold deserter talked very vigorously at the beginning, but as soon as these humans were guarding this place, they began to feel a little embarrassed and even hesitate. All these emotional expressions have always been bothered by the wild boar lord and the kobold lord. I looked into my eyes.

   (It seems that the problem is with these small numbers of human beings! Otherwise, with a great advantage in the early stage, how could these excellent kobold warriors run away!)

   The two lords were calm this minute, they stroked their chins and began to think.

   "Say! Why are you still stunned? Is it possible that I ask you to say it? Hmm~mmmm!!!"

   The calm kobold lord, staring at the kobold deserter with sharp eyes, he continued to report the situation tremblingly...

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