Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 412: Goal completion and the beginning of the farce

   It is possible that this seemingly unusual situation will make people question a lot, but if you consider that a slave who has no status or status is rescued, there will be no good results.

   Let all the local guards who know them well, they all choked loudly or even quietly with tears in pain, and sighed why their position was so passive...

And the following Fritia looks like the last hope for salvation, she will not be like ordinary women who have just gone astray, overwhelming or even not aware of the reality, but these may cause some special circumstances in reverse. The catalyst role may also be! Starting


   "Untie all the detainees, and all personnel will directly enter the first level of battle preparation! Sound the alarm and attack the target! The unruly lower demihumans! Suppress them by force and hand them over to General Aldo for personal disposal!"

   唰唰唰啦, 咣咣, quacka

   "Obviously! Let go of the arrows! Then all the members of the group will be attacked to suppress the mob demihumans who have made great progress!"

   "Oh oh! Captain! xn"

   patter, patter, patter

   And just when Fritia was vague and panting, and was about to fall into the precursor of hemorrhagic shock, the other squadrons finally showed their weapons and issued orders to release all the soldiers just now.

   Under the circumstances that finally allowed him to act, these soldiers acted harder to launch armed suppression and rescue Fritia in accordance with the orders...

  咻咻咻, 噌噌噌, patter

   So slow! But just move! Then there is a good resistance, which is the kingly way to deal with it! This way, Fritia's sense of being abused can be strengthened! xn

   "Hmm! xn"

   "The **** soft humans came out and attacked us! Give me a counterattack! Let them understand that we are a better race than them!"

   "Let them close that stinky mouth obediently!"

   "Oh oh oh oh oh! xn"

   also watching the other party finally act for this, and there is still a large rescued but gradually weakening Fritia on the ground, in order to strengthen the authenticity and chaos effect! The lizardman generals chose to attack and resist more hard, to make more confusing effects.

For a time, they used themselves twice as large as the opponent. A lizardman warrior was not afraid to deal with two guards at the same time. The position of the entire Wundt fortress gate became alarm bells, and a large number of internal support troops began. Join this time the differences between the demi-human and human races to fight. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Dangdang, Dada

   "What happened? Could it be an enemy attack by a demon girl?"

"No! I heard that the lizard-men demi people who were supporting us suddenly made trouble in front of the gate of Wundt Fortress, and the situation is quite serious! So there are a large number of companions going there to take the initiative to participate in the suppression! Let's go too! "

   "Oh oh! xn"

   And the various military camps inside heard the bell of the emergency call, and they panicked but very skillfully changed into armed and armed units and started running towards the fortress gate...

   buzz, buzz, buzz, patter

   "What's the situation! Bring me the truth!"


At the same time in the center of the barracks, Aldor, who walked out shirtless with heavy weapons, suddenly opened the door of the tent, and after looking at the autonomous actions of the surrounding army, in order to figure out where the problem was. He picked up the collar of the guard on the side and hurriedly asked, and threw it to the other side mercilessly.

   That gang of demi people? Cut it! Why this time...

   "It's really nothing to trouble me! But let's see what they want to do first!"

In such a slightly abnormal situation, Aldor suddenly turned that huge body, keeping the appearance of barefoot in fruit clothing, carrying a heavy weapon and still ringing the alarm bell, slightly raging and rushing towards the gate of Wundt Fortress. go with……

in this situation! It seems that a large number of internal soldiers have assembled! It's probably because we're a little overwhelmed, right? What to do...Should you run away as planned or wait for the boss to arrive in person? xn


   "This headache hurts! It seems that we are too deeply involved in the play, and we can't help but cause unnecessary trouble!"

   "Ah! How is Fritia's situation? Has it been collected by the opponent?"

Seeing that they have to be in 2 corps in front of them, they are approaching their limit with 12 corps of native troops that have arrived one after another. When they are back to back pushing back and fighting against the local troops, they are subconsciously watching from time to time, and they are already far away from them. Fritia was seriously injured at a position nearly 100 meters away and communicated quietly.

   "The captive woman has been protected! But she is dying and needs a healing crystal! Please also instruct to approve the use!"

   "Yes! Cover our side! She is our best witness, and now we can't lose her!"

   "Oh oh oh! xn"

   And even when they are still chatting in of the voices on Fritia have entered their sensitive and directional hearing! All the lizardman generals couldn't help but smile inwardly.

please! Fritia, the only thing we can help you with is the next situation! xn

   "Go to hell! Dirty humans!"

   "Despicable and shameless humans! We will not succumb! Ooo!!! xn"

   After confirming that the main target has entered the enemy's defense circle, the lizardman generals continued to fight harder without any worries...

   嘭哐, patter, patter

   "Woo Hey..."

   "This kind of weird power! Detestable monsters!...xn"

However, it is obvious that the local army is slightly inferior to the lizardman warriors in terms of physique, combat ability and experience. Almost even though they swarm up from time to time, the disparity is a bit too large, and they are ruthlessly shot and even seriously injured by the group after group. Except for the unexpected charge and hard work, he didn't know how to make his ability drop quickly.

  Most of the distraction methods have been done, but the opponent's superiority is too high, not only returning without success, resulting in a large number of casualties, but also gradually increasing.

  What the **** is this feeling of miscellaneous fish like a makeshift piece? Is it possible that the opponent is such a miscellaneous army with extremely high moisture content? In other words, there is no need for regular troops and elites to participate in this farce? Does that General Aldo really think we are bullied?

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