Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 422: Dive into successful and malicious guards

   confidently distributed their orders to all the local guards who were eating and eating, and then turned around and left this meaningless fortress gate and returned to his resting place...

   patter, patter, hum

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is too violent? Although I am indeed inferior to animals here, but also..."

And just after a while, after being escorted to a small tent, the soldiers just threw Fritya in as if they were throwing something, leaving it directly inside a pile of hay. After a staff member staying behind took turns watching her at night, the others left one after another.

   made it feel a little painful and rubbed the place where it touched the ground, and then went to this simple place like a temporary rest, and looked around in the empty tent...

  A guard of five, plus the surrounding sound, it seems that I should be inside the barracks, right? After all, I was taken to this place in a coma after I lost the figure of General Aldor because of excessive consumption.

Feeling a little tired, Fritia first listened to the surrounding ground and the conversations of people outside with her ears, and then slowly climbed to the edge of the tent on the side and stretched out five fingers from Yu’s hand. A sharp nail knife was temporarily formed on the nail, and a small round hole was formed by gently piercing the tent leather material, and simply probed the surrounding environment.

   In addition to combining her sense of hearing with the intelligence she is watching now, she has confirmed that she has entered the local army, but there are not many patrols. It seems that it should be the most corner position in the barracks, right?

   "How do you think this female slave will be dealt with by Lord Aldo? Although this time the reason is mostly on her, sometimes I wonder if it would be a blessing if I was ignorant?"

"Who knows, but if the leader of the demihuman race is telling the truth, then she can say that she sold most of her information as a human race in order to survive, and it should not be an exaggeration that she should be executed according to the circumstances... but she thought of her wholeheartedness before. Hey, hey, I’m not sure! After all, it’s not unusual for people to do anything when they are in desperation..."

The local guards outside also made various discussions about Fritia’s topic, but the final results were all different. On the contrary, no one can say whether she is right or wrong... …First release https://https://

   It seems that I can't act for a while, so I can only watch the changes and recover my body first, and see if I can survive tomorrow at noon in the hands of Aldo!

   "Woo...Sleep for a while, let's talk about it!"

   Fritia, who also understood her situation and physical condition, could only compromise slightly to climb back to the haystack where she landed, curling her body into a deep sleep...

   patters, slams, slams

   "How is it? Are you all asleep?

   "Hmm! The others fell asleep almost after shifts! We can act boldly with confidence!"

   "Hmm! Let's go!"

And at 10 minutes late at night, outside the door of Fritia’s tent, not long after the shift, the two gate guards confirmed the surrounding environment and the situation of other personnel, and then quietly opened the tent door and got into the interior. , And then searched for Fritia herself in the dark tent.

   Hmm? Is someone approaching me at this time? Is it possible that the other party temporarily changed the plan? But who will come to meet me in the middle of the night? And how sneakily, you can see that these two people have other intentions!

In such an unclear situation as the two guards, when they suddenly touched her tent, Fritia, who was always alert due to wild problems, turned into a reptilian eyelid appearance. After all, they have good lizard humans. He can act both day and night, so he has good night vision ability in order to survive in difficult hunting situations.

So as soon as she changed the characteristics of her race, she saw these two very young and strong local guards, who were touching and searching with her hands all the way with a serious face. It seemed that she didn’t want the torch, as if she just didn’t want to wake up. She sneaked in so quietly.

How to do? I don't know the purpose of their secretly arresting me, is it possible that besides that Aldo, there are other generals who are interested in me? Or killing people? If it's the latter, I'm not going to have a big deal! It seems that I can only use the life-saving methods my father taught me, just to extract the necessary information from these humans!

   "You can't blame me for asking for it!"

   After retreating as little as possible while observing the suspicious actions of the two men, Fritiya thought and spoke softly, out of helplessness, and then used the little tricks from Kusharrati to teach her internally.


   Hmm? What kind of smell is this? smell good! Like a floral fragrance! She seems to be at the source of the fragrance, right? x2

   "Do you smell it?"

   "Hmm! It should be not far ahead!"

And the two guards who smelled the weird fragrance of flowers ~ ~ whispered to each other slightly, they rushed forward together, trying to control the Fritia who should be in front of them in one breath. After doing something at the same time, things get up...

   patter, patter

   "Hahaha! Oh oh oh oh...x2"

   "It's really wonderful!"


After a while, but with some weird noises in Fritia’s tent, Fritia, who curled up inside, was now turning her body and shook her head helplessly while sighing. stand up.

   At the same time, she also ignored the hallucinations behind her, and then she was addicted to it and recruited from the truth, while continuing to enjoy the effect of the hallucinations, the two guards who were engaged in a wrestling match full of emotions.

   Uh... It seems that I overestimate you guys! I am also the reason for this... New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Wow... I didn't expect them to sneak attack and arrest me for this purpose. It was really a little headache! Fortunately, my father taught me how to protect myself, otherwise I would be dealt with by these two bad guys. ."

Let him know that the attack on her this time was simply because the two of them were not at ease, but in order not to destroy each other’s dreams and some of the other’s memories afterwards, she continued to release from her body. Just now they The floral mist mixed with hallucinogenic effects that they smelled forced them to walk out of their tents slowly after doing a few things.

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