Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 447: Pina and Lijie's Xiaolu 1 hand

"Hey~hey~hey! Then I'll let him perform Bina and them to Brother Yun! After all, these are my great friends! Come to Bina and Lijie! Show Brother Yun a little hand! !"


"Giaaa~a! x2"

"Papa~Papa, whistle~ whistle"

However, the appearance of Yun studying for school makes the three Silica look quite fresh. After all, Yun Zai and their three little guys have always been stern tutors and elders in teaching and educating people. This minute, they have turned into a scholar seeking scholar. The appearance makes them feel more profound and broad-minded, and they admire the good morality and superiority like a benevolent heart.

Also in order to make Yun a more specific and profound understanding of the power of these two little flying dragons, Silica also smiled and patted Xiaoyu's hands, and began to let the two little flying dragons flying around them with their very obedient wings spreading out.

(O~O! Is there any fun and practical ability? This is a good reference value!)

"Uh~hhhhhhhhh! Then let me pay a good visit!"

Seeing Silica moving her thin arms and Xiaoyu's hands like a little conductor, plus the two little flying dragons circling in the sky, the very interested cloud nodded and answered it. The move down is full of expectations!

(I'm hooked~ I'm hooked! Then I'll show Brother Yun the whole thing!)

"Bina,'high pressure jet'! Lijie,'stone gun bombardment'! Target that big rock!"

"Giaaa~aa!!! x2"

"Pattern~Pattern, buzzer~buzz~buzz"

Seeing Yun's eyes widened and focused on observing the cooperation between her and the two little flying dragons, Silica, who was slightly confident, smiled at the two little flying dragons and pointed Xiaoyu to a giant stone weighing more than ten tons. They so ordered.

At the same time, the two little guys were very understanding and obedient, and circulated the magic halo on their bodies one after another. First, Little Cuilong’s Bina hovered in mid-air, and then gathered a large number of light green magic halos on them. The air, then condensed to a certain extent.

"Boom~Boom, boom~Boom~Boom"

He ejected a fan-shaped small-range air pressure cannon with concentrated wind pressure, first burst out to bombard the location of the boulder, causing it to be gradually destroyed under continuous circumstances, and then slowly broke and exploded in all directions to the rear.

‘Cack~Cack, 噌~噌~噌, 嗖~嗖~嗖, 嗖~嘭~嘭’

On the other side, the little flying dragon Lijie, as if knowing the time of Bina’s attack, sprayed a high wind pressure fan-shaped bombardment, and also used a large amount of earth-brown magic power to surround her body in front of her body to form a small pentagram magic. Array, and then one by one seemingly small but very sharp stone guns.

It is embodied from the heart of the magic circle, and at the same time it protects the fixed-point bombardment. With its wings flapping, it also uses Pina's wind attack magic to mix it with the wind pressure to form wind and stone guns. Under the double compound magic attack.

The tenacious boulder itself was destroyed by wind pressure alone, and it was instantly riddled with holes or even completely shattered and scattered on the ground everywhere. It was completely devastating...

(This is! It's even stronger than when you secretly practiced before! Could it be that the two little guys have grown! x3)

"It's amazing! I didn't expect these two little guys to become stronger after a while! The previous boulders of natural high hardness and durability can't be destroyed so thoroughly!"

"Eh~ Eh! Liz-chan! Obviously they seem to have grown up a lot, and it is possible that after the master's growth with magic practice, they will also become a lot stronger!"

Seeing that the two little guys now get the combined effect of dual attribute magic, one by one, Lisbeth and Fortunately, who are slightly more surprised than the cloud, couldn't help but analyze and admire them in this way.

After all, the two little guys and magic training have been carried out by the three of them all the time, so when the two little flying dragons suddenly became stronger again, let them involuntarily praise them again and again!

(Yeah! Even the existence of my host and family member did not notice that they have grown up a lot, which is really undesirable! But the performance is great, and you have to reward them both! )


"Oh~hhhhh! I don’t know about that! Come here, Bina and Lijie! You two performed very well today. Here are your favorite foods!"

"Giaaa~aa! x2"

Silica, who knew that the two little guys had already exceeded her expectations, scratched the back of her head embarrassedly, and then stretched out a jade arm that had been equipped with a thick leather handguard, making her two perform well. The flying dragons flapped their wings one by one and dropped their dragon claws on the guards, just like ordinary humans raising birds such as eagles, it can be seen that they are fully prepared.

Then Silica visualized a piece of good-quality raw meat from her inventory, and gave it to Pina to tear it up to eat, but Lijie on the side looked helplessly at her eating, as if Although it wanted to eat it, it was a pity that it couldn't eat it, and it kept shaking its little head and staring at it.

Seeing that being wronged and waiting makes the clouds on the side look very fresh.

(O~O? Bi Na, who took off from the dragon seed, and Lijie, who is the summoner, can’t eat the food of ordinary creatures? So what should it do? It’s impossible to just leave it alone, right?)

"Said to be rewarded, but what about Lijie on the other side of the summoned beast? Shouldn't it be anxious? After all, besides the necessary magic power to absorb and supply, the summoned beast should have any breeding method to satisfy it. Right? After all, for the research on summoned beasts, I also know a little about the fur, and I haven't kept them in existence completely and conducted more complicated experiments!"

Seeing the difference between the summoned beast and the creature, which made him very distressed and concerned, he couldn't help but start to study so seriously to the insider Silika who said he wanted to reward it.

"Well~ well! Actually it's not very complicated. Brother Yun, let me see. These are the high-quality rock residues that I asked Bina and Lijie to smash together just now. In fact, I use this kind of high hardness. Even a good rock demonstration besides showing the excellent offensive abilities of the two friends!"


"The other is that the summoned beast born in the rock likes this kind of rock thing the most, go! Lijie! Eat the result of your hard work and Bina! This time thanks to the hard work of your two good partners , So that the size of the stone fragments is as uniform as possible, suitable for you to enjoy eating slowly!"

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