Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 472: The end of the meeting, the initial conclusion and impression of Fritia

   (Boss! And you guys...)

"You guys! The saying goes, "See through, don’t say through"! They are all a group of headaches, but just like the boss said, she does have some differences from ordinary women! For example, ordinary girls like it. She doesn’t like things that are very natural, but she likes things that are too natural like flowers and plants."

   "Then cooperate and sometimes be particularly interested in the demihumans, the environment, the situation in our army, and even the fighting, fighting methods, and human knowledge that girls do not like..."

"It's as if I have never lived in human society and lived seriously, ah~huh! Generally speaking, it is a kind of unique natural beauty. It is as pure and caring as a fairy living in nature. , Love and pity, right?"

   Speaking of this, Quirrell has a lovely blush on his cheeks. It can be seen that after observing the ruined flower of Fritia, he is more concerned about and loving each other.

   However, it is possible that he didn't really realize that his speech just now was almost in the dark, pointing out Fritia's sense of exposing that he was particularly close to the characteristics of the demi-human race.

But if it’s not true, I’m afraid it’s the same as his first impression now. Fritia is a special and pure woman who is'out of silt but not stained, clear and clear but not demon', even though she does. …

"'The beauty is in the eyes of the lover.' Although the little girl's film does have this beauty, but I did not expect that we can be called the love prince who has made thousands of girls and women fall in love with him. The pomegranate skirt is something special, isn't it?"

   "Aha~hahaha! xN"

"you guys!!"

Hearing that it was just a Fritia made this old hunter, who is now different from the past, suddenly fell into and indulged in the situation, made this old cooking squadron could not help but almost laugh, although the others have tolerated it. I couldn't help but laugh, but he still criticized the criticized Pakiro, almost anxious again.

"Ah~huh! That's the end of the joke, then Braji, who was just asked by him, how did you watch that little girl movie? After all, seeing the closeness you just talked about, it should be more correct than Qiqiluo. Is she familiar with it?"

   After seeing that Quirrell might be in trouble or going crazy, a serious old cooking squad leader asked the last one, who remained silent and kept silent.


"How do you say... it may be an occupational disease? That Fritia girl is probably a good female fighter? After all, that kind of insight, plus the abnormal power, reaction, and focus on things you mentioned earlier, There is indeed a strong taste on the battlefield..."

   "Goo~ Lu"

After seeing the old cooking squadron point to him, some people who slightly closed one eye and pinched their chin in response to him, but his words were obviously more serious than others, after all, they were related to the battlefield, the female warrior. Wait, the threatening words made everyone swallow subconsciously.

   (It seems that my words may be a lot heavier! It has spoiled everyone's cheerful communication atmosphere! So I don't like to speak without permission because I am too suspicious, and I fit the straight word that goes straight to the subject!)

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! But there is also a part of my care. After all, she is in a different environment from ordinary women, and it may also be affected by other feedbacks. It may not be an effective reference, although I don’t know. Whether she looks the most authentic right now, but I don’t know why I think it might be true.”

   "I also understand that this kind of selfishness is not good, after all, these things are wrong, I hope so in my heart? I want her to be our member and friend, not the enemy..."

Looking at the atmosphere in the tent, I was embarrassed by myself. Some Bragi who wanted to try to save it subconsciously added a few words. It can be seen that he is also the only one who likes Fritia. flower!

   (Are you stupid? It's unfortunate that our gang are so stupid! It seems that everyone wants her to be white! xN)

   "Haha~hahaha!! xN"

And along with Braji's words that were not very good to help the field, it in turn caused a roar of laughter from all the people present except him, and he immediately scratched the back of his head with his stunned face. With.

   (I don’t seem to be telling a joke, am I? Why is it such a weird reaction? I don’t understand what kind of brain circuit these guys are!)

   "So what are you guys laughing at? I don't understand it!"

   Looking at a group of people who couldn't help laughing like this, it really made him puzzled like a monk in Zhang Er.

"It's okay~ It's okay! We all know it well. It seems that it has only been a short period of time and there is no way to judge it? It may be that we are in a hurry because of the upcoming battle! Although it is not a good answer , UU reads, but at first we also had our judgment and concept of her, so we will slowly report it to Lord Aldo after a while!"

   "Then that, the meeting is over, let's hurry up and work! Move ~ Move, before my foot kicks your cock!"

   "Understand! xN"

  ‘咚~咚~咚, da~da~da, huh~huh, pada~pada’

   And just after everyone had two ambiguous summaries and conclusions, the old cook squadron shouted so loudly, urging all the staff to start and return to their posts...


(Kilo, an outstanding man of good speech, Braggi, a veteran warrior with scars of various severity, like an old cooking squad leader with war experience and special sense of smell, etc., you can see the appearance of this cooking corps. The work is what it is now, on the contrary, they also hide something important in this way!)

(Otherwise, it’s just cooking, taking care of interpersonal relationships and even knowledgeable, there is still no way to have any unique temperament, anyway, if you say what they look like... I’m afraid it’s a special kind of battle. Even a mixed team of abilities? Is it possible that it is not the soldiers who really monitor me, but...)

"No? After all, for a woman who is so important and unimportant to me, she can't commit such a luxurious observer, right? I must be thinking too much! Sure enough, it is not a good thing to be too susceptible, switch~ Convert!"

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