Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 481: The rescue at 1 o'clock, the violent tragedy...

"Come on! Your biggest opponent is me! Give me an attack on this side!"

Ai-chan has always maintained the quickest action to continue beheading the enemy. After solving the middle enemy in front of him, he took the initiative to sink into an attack from all directions with 7 fierce bears, intending to perform the most dangerous action. And provocative methods, as far as possible to attract the attention of the other party's existence, to reversely avoid the casualties of their own sisters.

(Go to support Xiao Ai adults! xN)



But her approach was too extreme. Not only did she fail to effectively prevent the casualties of her own personnel, but because of this sudden situation, the original stable and slow advance formation was completely broken, and the rest of the beast ladies, who themselves helped each other, wanted to help again. Under her condition, she became weak, out of touch, and was even taken advantage of by the enemy who slowly rushed out of her mouth.

It was a lot of danger to gradually disperse and divide the rear team, making the battle of the whole beast girl more chaotic.

(How come! We have sisters being...)

"You group of xxx!'Level Two in a Row', ah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

With the deterioration of the situation in this situation, not only was the opponent's fierce bear deprived of his life by its reckless but very violent attack, but also the beast ladies behind Aijiang gradually increased their casualties after being out of touch.

Every sibling fell, bringing Aichan, who hadn't seen death for a long time, becoming more manic and losing his judgment and observation ability.

In this way, it is possible to keep following Yun in this peach orchard-like pure land, and staying for too long will bury a trace of bane. After all, since she was with Yun, it is difficult for her to see this kind of too real companion being mercilessly killed. It takes a lot of time for him to be so self-blame, blind, and even more fixed in his thoughts.

"Wh~huh, boom~ boom~ boom, sizzle~ sizzle", huh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



"Woo~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! xN"

Although Ai Jiang’s eyes flashed with hatred, along with the painful reminder of ignoring the various overload reactions brought by the body, he numbs most of his body induction conditions that are not related to combat, making it quickly show up. A total of 720 degrees of thundering spiral horizontal slashes centered around itself,

Killed the body of the one-handed sword in his hand for a while, coupled with the extra sword energy formed by unconsciously injecting magic power, it probably stretched out to surround her enemies within two circles, all of them were cut in two by the same wall. The fierce bear that was hit in the end still looked awkward, and gradually felt the painful appearance of being late with the free fall movement.

Not only didn't the subsequent fierce bears retreat, but also attracted the attention of everyone who followed and the fierce bears in front of them, and they rushed up again as if stepping on their corpses as if they roared together.

(Xxx! No one can let go out!)

"'Armor-Break Knife Light'! Haah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

However, Ai Chan, who just ended the slash and did not completely stop the subsequent actions, had already known the expected direction of the enemy's attack through her own ‘danger perception’.

Without any hesitation, she turned her body, and then forcibly pulled a one-handed sword with a halo of sword skills and magic. Accompanied by the cathartic roar, she swung out several crescent blade air in the front and back directions. , Hit a large number of enemies along the way!

(It's over! The defense is broken! It's dying!!! xN)




‘Bang dong’

On the other side, the fierce bear immediately attacked and broke the defense, and when he was about to be tortured, several crescent blade energy penetrated from the fierce bear at a time, and it happened to cut off some hair or clothing beside the beast ladies. Passing by, the fairly accurate situation showed that although Ai Chan was somewhat out of control, its accuracy was subconsciously adjusted by the body.

Otherwise, how could he be so unbiased, not only solved his temporary crisis, but also changed to cover the situation of the beast maidens that he was going to be persecuted.

(That’s awesome! I know I’m crazy, and I’ll help us subconsciously! I don’t know if Xiao Ai is confused or so! But time is precious, and the other party has been temporarily unable to recruit members for a while. I was stopped by Master Xiao Ai on the other side! xN)

"This is! Thank you, Mrs. Xiaoai! Sisters quickly come back to organize the formation, otherwise Mrs. Ai saves our attack, and the blank time created will be wasted by us!"

"First regroup and work together to strangle and rescue the sisters who are still alive!"

"Oh~oh~oh! xN"

‘Ding Ding~Dang Dang, Papa~ Papa, P~Da~Da’

With the two very messy sword skills of Ai Jiang again, the beast ladies barely recovered a little momentum, and then cooperated with the two Weistils who were relieved, and the efforts of the beast ladies.

The surviving beast ladies have a clear division of labor, and part of them will meet and contain the remaining fierce bears who are still fighting alone; part of rescue, treatment, and carry personnel; part of them will continue to guard and guard, temporarily restoring effective fronts, defenses and various The system is up again...

‘Hmm~ Hmm, Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm’



(This should be the fish that missed the net of our sisters in the forefront crisis! But Master Xiao Ai is really too For so long, he has been suppressing and killing the enemy in reverse, and is even advancing. Go inside! Is this the double gap between us and the other sisters? It really makes people feel unreachable and uncomfortable! x2)

(But this does not mean that we can't do anything, because there are still many things waiting for the two of us to deal with! x2)

"Haha~haha...haha~haha...How is the situation? How is the casualty rate? How many people can still act? Can you fight? x2"

And after a while, after the last fierce bear that endangered Weisztier and his team fell, the two of them panted and watched the tragic surroundings.

Even while the other side was still using his own body to cooperate with sword skills and magic sharing, he continued to face the remaining attacking bears alone, and the strong back figure of Aichan, who was still attacking, actively verified the surrounding beast ladies.

(That’s amazing... Is this the biggest difference between us? It’s very difficult for us to live with our sisters around us in the battle this time, let alone these two and those fighting over there. Little love, adults! xN)

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