Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 21: 2 lords with ghosts

   At the same time Agil went to find Klein, he was located in the large forest outside the city.

   The unchanging huge bonfire, and the two lords who are familiar with the two big mountains, are still the information reported by Jiu Yanhuan about those kobold deserters who were hanged before.

"I said Lord Kobold! How credible do you think the deserters who have been killed by you say? If humans can really turn themselves into a force with the same cruel combat capability as ours? We still have an advantage. ?"

I don’t know why the wild boar lord who should have been passionate began to hesitate. Although the executed kobold deserters may be alarmist, as the leader of a tribe, he must consider for the survival of the tribe. One focus.

Now it’s not the time for him to make his tribes have nothing to worry about, because they can only hunt for a living. If they want to survive forever, a fixed and productive human town is one of the best. A good colonial place, which is why they have always wanted to seize this starting town.

   "Well... if it were those cunning humans at the time... if they were human beings called adventurers! There is a possibility!"

I don’t know why the lord of the kobold has become so calm and calm this minute. This is the first time that the lord of the kobold has been so calm with human affairs, but the lord of the boar can see the billowing burning in his eyes. The anger named revenge.

   (Is this feeling a bit wrong? I always feel that the lord of the kobold has found the goal he has been thinking about, this person has changed!)

   The Boar Lord swallowed involuntarily.

"What's wrong? Is it because I am too serious? I feel uncomfortable? Ahaha! That's right! I don't know why! When I heard something these losers talked about, I couldn't help but calm down! Even me I feel a little uncomfortable. No! Maybe it's too enthusiastic, right? Ahaha~haha!"

   I saw the kobold lord showing a hideous and grinning strange smile, and he couldn't help but move his fists and feet, and he felt eager to try.

(It a sense! The Kobold Lord has restored the calmness he should have, and temporarily or completely forgot the side effects of his reckless impulse! Isn't this something to be celebrated? But why... I would Does it feel terrible inexplicably? Is it because my purpose and its purpose are just the same as the object...)

  The Boar Lord felt the same goal for the first time, but the slightest worries about the road after completion. He couldn't help but be wary of the Kobold Lord in his heart...

   "It's okay! I just need to destroy this city! Human beings should not stay, and it is more destructive to the human beings who are still working hard for some fun? Don't you say it? Lord of the boars?"

Some of the kobold lord did not notice the peculiar expression of the wild boar lord just now. He always thought that the wild boar lord and himself are one heart, and only attacked the existence of human beings for the purpose of killing. At this point, the two lords are already running in opposite directions. Up.

   "Ha~Haha! That's good! But it's exactly what your subordinates said! Once again, we should not be able to break their defenses so easily, right?"

At this time, the Boar Lord had already changed direction, and he began to avoid any conflicting topics with the Kobold Lord, because according to the current deserter’s words, the current human starting town is no longer the lowly combative and inferior of the past. Nation again.

They have been infused with new fighting blood. This time alone, the lord of kobolds has invested nearly 10,000 kobold fighters as an advance team in order to make a sneak attack. As a result, not only has the army been defeated and almost wiped out, even The deserter who finally escaped was also caught by the lord of the kobold and executed.

Although the weak and the strong is the most basic principle, the tribes here will lose the skills to survive in addition to fighting, and become a war machine that only lives for fighting and dies in order to become a companion. Although the Boar Lord is also a fighting nation Born, but this kind of inaction and no breakthrough will destroy their tribe sooner or later.

This is also to see the kobold lord who clearly has the possibility of developing new technologies, but is guided by a lot of hatred and instinct to embark on a path of no return, which is almost perished. It is slowly seen through time and getting along. These things are not wild boars. The lord wants it, but the new technologies of the kobold lord are also the main reason why the boar lord cooperates with him.

However, it is a pity that these techniques have been used by the lord of the kobolds in combat. I could not help but let the lord of the wild boar follow his wishes first, and also look for opportunities to annex his technology and the tribe of the lord of the kobolds to let himself This new battle tribe has better evolved and survived.

"It's nothing! Although they are defending the town, they are not unable to attack directly! We have the advantage of physical ability. Although we can't directly pass through the enchantment of the town, if we attack the city, we only need to destroy their gates. I think Then the barrier can be lifted. Otherwise, it connects to the sewers in the city, why would we be attacked by us so easily?"

   Lord Kobold came to the side of Lord Boar, slapped his shoulder with his hand and said.

   "Is it possible? Do you have any good way to break through this city gate?"

   The Boar Lord heard this and felt that the kobold Lord must have come up with something new in the past few days, otherwise, how could he be so dismissive of it and prepare to go to war!

   "Of course! Come! I'll take you to see it! This is something that was created by destroying the city wall!"

   The Kobold Lord smiled and took the Boar Lord's shoulders, and walked loudly and heavy steps to a dense forest behind them. Under the guidance of the Kobold Lord, the Wild Boar Lord saw the secret weapon it said.

   (This~this! This is...)

   When he saw it, the Boar Lord could not help but grow his mouth, and the scene greeted him was like this...

Although they are a bit smaller than the two lords, they do belong to the giant guards of the orcs. Their strong muscles, and the giant warhammers around them that are similar in size, can be seen to have considerable destructive power. Seeing the presence of the two lords, they all stood up nervously and saluted the two lords.

   "Hello Lord!"

   The deafening sound proved how much they have enough lung capacity, which is also a powerful expression.

   "Lord Kobold! This is..."

Seeing this new soldier, even the Boar Lord did not expect that the Kobold Lord had this ability, and gave birth to this new monster-level warrior. Although the number is only 4, it is comparable to the two Lords to a certain extent. Powerful.

"Ha~Haha! This is why I will let humans breathe for a few days. In order to completely kill them, it is necessary to completely destroy the high walls and barriers of their proud towns, and for this they have to do it again. A real trump card! Everything is ready, only tomorrow comes! It is the death day of mankind! Ahaha~haha!"

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