Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 491: The beginning of the storm...

   And in a brazier with raging fire burning everywhere, and in a huge cave that is particularly spacious, there is a magical stone tree in the center that is gleaming like a light bulb and is full of huge magic stones in full bloom.

   Right below the magic stone tree, there is an inverted triangle bunny man who looks like a huge and plump tendon, stroking its torso with a serious face and secretly hurting himself.

But then he noticed something, after uttering the very magnetic and vicissitudes of the uncle, an ordinary humanoid concealer bunny covered in black rags, he kept kneeling down on one knee and leaning against him. In this way, I report the situation outside and myself.


"So slow! And this kind of old adversary can no longer be familiar with snake creatures. There should be a king leader just like before. Why can't you find such an obvious existence? Is it possible that you are the same as those low-level rabbit breeds? Isn’t there a brain? Obviously they have evolved very close to humans! Is it still that stupid?"

But after hearing this kind of dissatisfaction, this inverted triangle should be the last boss-level leader Bunnyman mentioned by the Snake Clan Women and Yun, who just stepped on the ground around the magic stone tree like a furious. After making a huge crack and sinking into a semicircular shape of more than ten centimeters, he criticized and criticized it.

"My sir, please calm down. It's not that we have a problem with our IQ, but the other party's martial law position is a bit tricky. It almost isolates us from a long distance away from where we are stationed, so we have no way to sneak in at will, or even difficult to get them Details of the internal information, this is the incompetence of the subordinates, so please don't hurt your body!"

   After seeing the anger of the leader Bunnyman, the concealed Bunnyman explained to him the specific situation of the snake-human tribe above it, making him still give priority to its physical condition, and apologized continuously.

"Is that so? It seems that these dead old snakes have also evolved their brains! But from the previous cover of your situation and reporting, I am afraid that it is not that they are smart, but that the leader is particularly cunning. Waiting for them to attack, after all, they are probably not what they used to be under the command of their leader, and they can only draw out the leader by magic!"

"That's the case! The order allows the army to directly launch a large-scale feint operation once again, and then the rest of your personnel in the lair are mixed with them, and then the opponent's low- and middle-level combatants are beaten to me, and the opponent's leader is forced out of me! Once more ruthless, it's better to let them die as soon as possible!"

   "Lead the command! Then, should the elite's combat power be invested with other ‘centurions’? I think their participation can make the opposing leader not underestimate his threat!"

After the chief bunnyman listened to his remarks, he closed his eyes slightly, and finally gave an order to him, but this somewhat unusual occult bunnyman not only acquiesced to its order, but even gave him such a suggestion. Tao.

   (Interesting! It does not seem that they have a problem with their brains! After all, I was hesitant about this matter before!)

   "Uh~hhhhhh! Yes! Let the other "centurions" perform well!"



   After hearing this suggestion that he hesitated for a while, it became a little better and agreed to it together. The occult Bunnyman who also fully understood it instantly disappeared in front of it...


   "Quick~Quick~Quick! Time waits for no one! I have to make the troops quickly give me holes!"

   "Understand your lord! Hey~hey! xN"

And in the snake-human army at the top, the heavily-armed snake-human warriors who had already received the order, jumped into the hole in the route designated by the snake woman one by one, and descended into enemy tunnels in groups. Probed it.

  ‘咻~咻~咻, patter~patter’



   But their team only set off for less than 1 minute, and there was a continuous hum and falling to the ground from the soldiers of the Snake Race.

"What happened?"

   "There is an enemy attack! The team that just went down was ambushed by the enemy and suffered heavy casualties in an instant!"

   "Damn it! The next wave of enemy attacks is coming, all the holes in the martial law!"

  ‘嘡~嘡~嘡, 唰啦~唰啦’

   "Not good! An enemy bunny man attacked the hole over there!"

   "This way too!"

   "The other side...xN"

   And all of a sudden, as if there was no warning, the unilateral loss of the surprise attack began, and all the snake-human armies guarding the pits were all caught in a multi-faceted aggressive melee.

   The kind of enemies who are even more desperate than before and charge in fearlessly, let most of the potholes fall into the enemy's control in a short time!

   (Damn... after all, is it still a step behind the opponent who has the initiative on the battlefield? There is no way!)

   [All personnel obey orders! Give priority to suppress the opponent's exit position! Beware of the enemy's assassination of hidden troops! Give me my own desperate struggle to survive! 】

   "Understood! The first level of combat status for all members!"

   "Retake all lost enemy exit positions!"

   "Oh~oh~oh!!! xN"

After the snake girl was still in the depths of the but gradually received the last five sense shocks from countless teams, she already knew that there had been a large number of casualties, and she knew that the team that had been unable to figure out finally finally After the action.

   gritted his teeth full of hatred, and then actively ordered himself and the team members.

   All the snake-human tribes who also quickly understood the mission policy mustered up their fighting spirit and guard, and rushed to their nearest battlefield, while responding to them in unison...

  ‘噌~噌~噌, 咻~咻~咻’



【How? Have you found the big fat among the dead snakes? Now our personnel have assassinated many enemy members! 】

[I don’t know...but the other party’s direction of action is very purposeful. It seems that the other party’s big fat has already noticed our existence, and even the attack method is possible. Most of the people subconsciously use arms from time to time, or the body does not matter where they are located. Fighting under the covers, I wonder if it will be harmful to our decapitation! Centurion? 】

   There are also a large number of existences hidden in the snow and scenery above the forests or on the ground around the entrances of these caves. They are using a long-range weapon that can fire a deadly attack to kill the snake-human warriors with very precise points...

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