Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 501: The situation reversed again, but...

But this kind of attack was a coincidence, and it stopped at a distance of about a few tens of meters from the three-person concealed Bunnyman team, and almost all three of them escaped the harm of this natural and man-made disaster unscathed!

   "Hey~hey~hey! This situation is a bit wrong! The scope and target of this attack! Shouldn't it be!!! x2"

"Ah~Ah! Obviously, it was the only unit that directly attacked all of us hidden in this forest, far away from the battlefield! Just as I felt before, it seems that the enemy really has a pair of eyes staring at us. He clearly grasped our tracks, and overall it was terrible..."

   "Goo~ Lu"

   But what is interesting is that its scope of influence has not reached the front line. Obviously, this kind of attack is directed at the area where they are located.

So after seeing this bizarre but terrifying possibility of mutual discussion, let the unique concealed demihuman, who felt something wrong at the beginning, respond to it in this way, so that the two companions who were pure luck behind him couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. I swallowed subconsciously...

"Don't say it! That feeling hasn't appeared yet. It is possible that the user is continuing to trade. The origin is unknown, and it is not clear what caused the huge damage, so if you want to escape, you can only take advantage of it now! "

  "Hey~Hey~Hey! Wait for us! Σ(っ°Д°)っx2"


After looking at the large amount of smoke and dust behind, and still not knowing what caused the huge terrain damage scene, the unique concealed Bunnyman, whose absolute crisis has not been lifted, still reminds the two of them slightly, and then drops it again. After these companions who had followed up without authorization, they quickly continued to flee in the opposite direction.

   made the other two companions only obediently follow it temporarily, after all, the life that has been saved so hard is still better...


  ‘Boom~Boom, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter



Also after the three concealed bunnymen fled, when the smoke screen began to dissipate, the huge roar sounded again, accompanied by a huge whip of black bloom winter, which looked a little soft but very The hard thing continued to be like a sweep, swaying the place where the remaining concealed bunny people survived for countless times.

   The area where there are many survivors has become more smoky, even the forest here has already turned into a chaotic wasteland, and the whiteness for a time has become like a lifeless ruin...

   (Awesome! Is this the amazing combat power of the Queen's real body? It has been destroyed in less than ten minutes! x2)

"But... the overall situation is still due to the cold weather in winter. Her Majesty Queen only moved her huge prototype body, and she still paused for a long time in the middle. I am afraid that if she continues, she will have a bad backlash! "

   "That's hard to do! But now that we are not under the kind of lethal enemy attack, we can also throw ourselves into battle alone!"

   "Hmm~hmm! We should also go out here to counter the enemy's entrance and exit, and defend the army! x2"

At the same time, the bosses who were still on the front line as decoys did not accept that troublesome sniper attack anymore, so that the whole snake-human warriors would concentrate on the battle before them as if they were missing a fatal hidden danger. The simple combat power of the bunny warriors is not as good as their bunny soldiers, so they are gradually defeated by the rapid and fierce attack. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Let the snake-human army enter the best fighting environment and high morale at this time. With the good cooperation of breaking the enemy formation like a bamboo break, and scattering, encircling and strangling, all the rabbits and the original entrances and exits that still existed were pushed. Position, resist desperately in place...

   (Our support is gone! With the huge noise just now, and its terrifying giant existence! The enemy is simply countless monsters! It is not necessary at all! xN)



  ‘Ding Ding~Dangdang, 嚓~嘭嚓, 嘡~嘡~嘡’

   "No~No! I can't defend it at all! The opponent is simply invincible! Run away~Run away~Ah! xN"

   ‘pop, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak’

   "Don't~ don't! Ah~ ah...xN"


   "Woo~ woo... Centurion??? xN"

And just as this Bunnyman army gradually turned into a dish of scattered sand, wanting to run away from each other, a lot of big hands stretched out from a certain hole, just pinching their heads, and then even though they all worked hard. Begging for mercy admits wrong, but that ruthless grip, suddenly burst into pieces and sticky situation.

   The bunny people who made themselves want to retreat, all saw the huge black figure making such a move, and called out shiveringly.

   "Don't escape before battle! Death will give me death on the battlefield! This is the highest mission and glory of the Bunny Warriors! Escape only has shame and death waiting! Uh~umm~mmmm!!!

Accompanied by the roar that is not as complete as the snake woman but is full of anger, they can be heard on the front line of the battlefield, so that the boss and the snake warriors, Can not help but become a vigilant situation.

(Sure enough? If this is the extreme situation of being over-repressed, there will always be the strongest enemy force that can't help being forced to join! After all, this is an inevitable basic law in war... But ~ are they coming out? Some are too late?)

   (If you cooperated with the assassination unit that was destroyed by the Queen himself, wouldn't it be so powerful that it would almost kill us? What a weird general who doesn't pick the right time to throw in the cards!)

"No matter, too much thinking is impossible to completely penetrate the enemy's ideas. The three of you will stay first to maintain the dispatch of all the troops and the commander-in-chief of the offensive. I will bring some good people to help you contain these. What special enemy elite is there! Afterwards, we will wait and see the changes in advance and slowly respond, after all, we are not in a hurry! We are in a hurry for the other party!

   "Understand! Boss! x3"


After a simple analysis and an idea, the boss confessed to these commanders that he has a large number of snake-men warriors with good fighting ability, and he spreads out to support the directions of the potholes where powerful enemies appear... …

  ‘Boom~Rumble, Wow~DaDa’

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