Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 504: Your battle book has arrived! Please also check!

"Papa~Pazi, pa~Da~Da"

   "Weird...The five wu I sent out are gone forever... Could it be true that those despicable demihumans robbed things and destroyed their bodies? What a headache..."

And right at the gate of the fortress, a tall man officer who looks good armed and has a powerful kongwu pacing around the gate like talking to himself, and even looking outside from time to time, who is still calm and unwavering. Quiet down the avenue bordering the prairie and mountains.

   But he never waited until he had been thinking about the return of the dispatched team, which made him feel very anxious indeed...


   "My lord! If you are really worried, just go with two teams! One to guard the road through the demi-human camp, and the other to pick up people. Isn’t it the best of both worlds?"

   "Yes! You have been here for a long time, it's time to do this!"

   "Hmm~hmm! xN"

I was also on guard patrol around the gate. I don’t know how many times, and every time I came back, I saw this good armed officer man. He always sat on pins and needles like this. He didn’t stop and rest several times, so he was very distressed. So persuade.

"Go~Go~Go! What do you know! Isn't this going to be in the mouth again? In addition, if the team hasn't had any **** in the past, and there is such a big disturbance, wouldn't it be that the opponent will grab the handle again and come here? Are you messing up? You are all pig brains, right? You don't understand such a simple truth?"

   It's okay for the soldiers not to speak, but as soon as they speak, they provoke him. They are also criticized and criticized by a nasty meal, which makes them really feel wronged...

(Blame me! I don’t want to talk to you either! But you can’t leave, and we can’t tell you something like the following, hey~hey! In the end, what we do and say is nothing wrong, right? xN )

   "Well then! Please do it yourself! We won't bother you!"

   "Please take care of yourself! xN"


   Seeing that the officer said so bluntly, they didn't want to talk more nonsense with him and then fled back to their posts!

   (Really! A group of bad-minded soldiers, how can they understand our suffering!)

  ‘Tap~tap~tap, quack~ quack’

"Ah ah ~? ~ It seems to have the trailer's voice came over? Do the authors come back !!!"


   And just when this good armed officer vented his feelings like a curse, he heard the sound of a carriage slightly, and made him rush out of the gate like ecstatic and personally greeted him!

   "Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh¡kin been been been − been seen

   "Woo~ woo... it's bloody! It's quite heavy, and even has a slightly smelly smell!!! It seems to be coming from the direction of the carriage!"

   "!!! xN"

   "Huh~huh, papa~papa"

   But at the same time, several soldiers with very sensitive noses in front of the gate were holding their noses uncomfortably, and the smell of wafting in their direction with their hands fanned.

   (So many people are so disgusted, can it be true!!!)


When everyone around him made such actions and reactions, this well-armed officer raised himself up as if yelling badly in his heart, but it didn’t make much sense what he did, because the next second was like a downwind. In general, the strong and even corrupt smell filled his nasal cavity at once, making him feel a lot uncomfortable for a short time.

  ‘DaDa~DaDa~DaDa, rattle~ rattle, rattle~ rattle, rattle~ rattle"

And the same look like the carriage approaching slowly in the next second made everyone feel bad, the terrible broken limbs and broken arms, and even the worst of them, turned into **** flesh, etc., weird and disorderly spliced ​​together. , It is obvious that someone deliberately placed it like some kind of unknown ritual, so that after seeing and smelling it, they can't help but want to nausea a lot...

   "p~ta, crunch~ crunch"

"What a wicked and funny human totem! Except for the inhuman and brutal barbaric behavior of the demi-human race to frighten us, who else would do it deliberately! This is the war book that the other party gave us, From the very beginning I said that it was a mistake to find the demihuman race, but I didn't expect it would become so thorough now! Hate and regret!"

   Seeing this brutal manifestation of advocating his beliefs like a tribal barbarian, this well-armed officer could not help but slam the ground violently, and then gritted his teeth with hatred like this...

  ‘Papa~Pap, huh~huh, huh~huh~huh’

   "Ha~ha? You said that the demihumans have directly written a war on us humans? No? They don't know the current situation of foreign enemies, and will they still do such daring things?"

And after a short while, near the Wuyingzhang kitchen of cooking, Fritia, who was still using a metal pot to make a good stew of wild herbs, was so appalling. The topic was so scared that she stopped living in her hands, and even because of her sudden and loud exclamation, the people in the tent suddenly focused on her and Qi Luo.

Let me tell her that the news that had just been intercepted, but still spread throughout the entire fortress, Qiluo couldn't help but feel embarrassed a lot, so he waved his hands with a wry smile at the people around him, beckoning everyone not to care too much Happening.

(How come? It’s impossible for your father to start a civil war against mankind casually in such a crisis situation. Someone must have made a fool of it! I really don’t know if it is the trick of the foreign invaders or this three-point force. Among the most disgusting members of the sub-human race, the moths!)

   "Quiro! Please! Can you tell me some details, and how they gave us the so-called war books! This is obviously a very problematic situation!"

Seeing Quirrell, who was still haha ​​to her companion, made Fritia a bit overly worried, showing a look of being very concerned or wanting to know more, making Quirrell who faced her feel troubled. It's a lot...

   (According to this situation and appearance, did I step on a trap and smash myself? Although she knew that she had a deep understanding and understanding of the suspected dehumans, she didn't expect it to elicit such a big reaction!)

   "Well~Well! Although you know you have been beaten a lot, but for girls, those scenes or situations are too...oooooooo..."

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