Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 516: doubt……

"That~ Lord Aldo! Why did you suddenly choose me? Could something have happened to the demihuman army? But it doesn't look like the opponent has attacked by himself..."

Fritia, who was still speculating about what was going on, asked about the existence of this behemoth beside her in this way.

"It seems that the demi camp was set on fire by someone! Now you can see that the direction over there belongs to the raging smoke and the flames are all over the sky. It is very likely that it was attacked by the enemy, or maybe the radicals you mentioned earlier launched a civil war. Anyway, the situation may be very serious..."

Naturally knowing why Fritia would ask her Aldo, she responded to it with a slightly dark face.

(How come? Father and the people are all!!!)

"Ga~Da, Da~Da~Da"

And Fritia, who heard such terrible news, suddenly thought of either a sneak attack from a common enemy, or a terrible war scene of killing each other between the two factions of his own tribe, and for a while accelerated her pace. , And ran in front of him first!

(this is!!!)

"It's miserable... Is it really the worst case?"

Just after Fritia took the lead on the fortress wall, she saw the far direction she was facing, which was a horrible sight like a raging smoke or even a glowing red. For a while, she couldn't help but bit her eyes like a big one. The lower lip rises.

After all, the scope and scale of this project are estimated, I am afraid that this camp has been lighted to achieve such a large fire and continuous violent burning!

"How is the situation? Has anyone been sent out to investigate?"


Without a trace of hesitation, Fritia let go of her throat and asked the sergeant on the side of the wall, raising his collar, as if she was what to do.

"'s so uncomfortable...Aren't you that female slave? Who allows you to go...ah~ooh!!!!! It's broken~ it's broken~ ah..."

"P~Da, quack~ quack"

"I'm asking you something! Don't talk nonsense to me! Be careful I will screw your hands and feet off now!"

"Stop the female slave! Or we will execute you on the spot!"

"Shuh~huh, papa~papa"

And when the sergeant looked uncomfortable and was about to talk nonsense, Fritia immediately scrapped one of his arms and made him wailing and struggling like anguish. She was also suddenly aware of the problematic wall by this kind of extreme scene. Soldiers, it was the Unified Affairs Office that threatened them by showing off their armed forces.

"Presumptuous! She is preaching my words! Is it possible that I can't listen to my words?"


(This is not!!! xN)


"Don't dare~ Don't dare...xN"


At the same time when these soldiers were about to attack them, Aldo's sudden appearance forced these soldiers to withdraw their weapons and apologize desperately, shaking their heads.

"Then why didn't I hear your answer?"

After seeing these soft-footed crabs, who only knew how to bully and fear hard, Aldor glared at them a little bit, and their legs shook like trembling.

"No! Because Lord Bolan ordered us to complete our mission here before, so after releasing his large forces, we have not left for half a step! So I don't know what happened over there!"

"Uh~hhhhhhhh! We really follow the rules! xN"

After seeing this unprovoking situation, these soldiers directly reported their current situation to Aldo and the others. Although they were only ordered to act, after all, everyone is their superior, their subordinates. Apart from being obedient and obedient, there is almost no freedom at all.

(Bolan? No wonder you didn't see him in the military account! Did he sneak out a long time ago? But with a large army? Even if you go to the demihumans, it's too exciting!)

"Which direction did they go?"

Suddenly, Aldo, who had a bad feeling, continued to ask these trembling soldiers.

(Don't lie! Otherwise, you will be in a different place in the next second! xN)

"Which direction! That's ~ the enemy army that I knew before is suspected to be the headquarters location!"

After all, don't lie in front of Aldor. This secret pass and the words in the army have always been remembered by all those who do things around him. In retrospect, these soldiers responded bluntly to it so quickly.

(Enemy headquarters? x2)

"It looks are really hiding a lot of things from me! But if he wants to go, let's go! We still have things to solve here! Female slaves! The army is not crusade against the demihumans, you think you have to wait for you Is the existence that longing for? This fire is not that simple!"

And after hearing this news that only the people below know, it is obvious that Aldo understands that the atmosphere here is getting more and more serious. After deciding on the priority of the heart, he returned to the side. Fritia, carrying the soldier,! It won't be able to exist again because of this kind of little trouble, let's wait here! Lord Aldo! It will definitely come! "

After understanding that all of this seems to have been designed, although I don't know if it was planned by the people of Bolan, even if he planned it, it was too blatant.

So Fritia, who calmed down, and Aldo, who should have guessed that the man behind the scenes was not his, just looked at each other like this, and stood together at the fortress gate to watch the fire in the distance...


"Oh oh~ oh oh!"

( it really the humans from Asai? Although most of this information situation is directed at them unilaterally, I always feel that something is not quite right there... Is it possible that someone is doing so much behind A piece of chess...)

"Could it the coalition army that we have to deal with together this time? If so...why didn't you choose to annihilate us directly, and then slowly consumed us like we are in hiding? Is it their ultimate goal? Isn’t the purpose actually just to destroy the country against'Barrio'?"

"Then~then...what do they want from us? It's starting to make me less and less understand what they want to do...but who can we trust? ... so ironic!"

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