Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 518: Start acting!

And along the way, Kusharati has been thinking about what has happened continuously since the discovery of the Kirito and their camps, whether it was the last infiltration of the surrounding investigations, and the current situation of surprise attacks like the burning coalition.

If it were the words of the locals in the fortress who were at odds with them, doing these things would be too oblique, and there was no need at all. If they really wanted to eradicate them.

This method is obviously too inefficient to speak of, so the only thing I can think of is the Kirito army that has been in bad rumors and has been out of sight.

But even if Kusharati has such a speculation, but he is not very relieved of the so-called "common front" teammates other than Aldo, because even if it is not Kirito and the others, this is by itself using abnormal means to draw him over, I don’t know what. Will it be possible to say that it will be behind the other two-hearted people?

It does not give up the possibility of such an event as they are. After all, there are indeed people who hate their own existence. It is excusable to make yourself worse than death, and it is as helpless as the possibility that you can't even ignore it. Smiled like self-deprecating...

"Boss~Boss! Hey~Hello! Boss! Wake up!"


"Hmm~hmm? What's the matter? Oh~oh? When did a new temporary outpost appeared on this must-go road! This~this! There was no one before!"

But while Kusharrati was still thinking about controlling the earth dragon and moving forward like a familiar road, the Lizardman warrior next to him walked side by side like this, slapped his shoulder with his hand, and pointed to it. Suddenly, a compact wooden tower appeared in front of him as a good level, which made him feel very surprised and puzzled and exclaimed.

"Qua da~ qua da, squeak~ squeak"

"Stop! You are the demigods who are here to do what! This is the last frontal fortress of our country "Barrio"! You can't pass through here without any orders from Lord Aldo! Please show me if you want to pass. Otherwise, the customs clearance document will not be released at all!"

And this time was accompanied by a woman with an elegant black waist-length single ponytail, then blinking her beautiful eyelids, wearing a good standard Aldo's army uniform, just like her adjutant exists. , A beautiful and quiet woman with white skin and hair like snow.

And another woman with long orange hair with a serious face but full of good officer aura, with the two male soldiers behind him, immediately set up bows and arrows, and their two adjutants showed one-handed swords and rapiers from left to right. Armed and guarded, they immediately intercepted the five subhumans of Kusharrati on the spot.

Judging from the remarks of the black woman with long hair and a single ponytail, it is possible that the personnel on Aldo’s side have set up strict checkpoints for a distance away from this fortress, so that they cannot be easily let go. The tendency.

(This is interesting! My camp has not only been burned for no reason! It is still in this place far away from the fortress, and strict barriers have been set up to restrict its passage. Is it possible... I really want us Don’t you call the earth not working?)


"Oh oh~ oh oh! That... this sir! We are the demi-human army personnel invited by Lord Aldo. Because the camp was burned just now, we came here to ask Lord Aldo for help. Well! Please let us pass! After all, the situation is urgent!"

Seeing this situation, Kusharrati had a try-and-try mentality, so he drove the earth dragon to a distance that did not stimulate the opponent, and stopped to explain it so as to ask for an opportunity.

"O~O? Was attacked? I'm afraid it's you disgusting guys who want to use this self-directed, self-directed and self-performed situation as an excuse to arrange for this small unit to sneak into the vicinity of our fortress again and try to behave again!"

"After all, you have caused a lot of things before and sent that abominable thing to the barracks! What are you doing! Don't think that we will be afraid of you if you take out some ghost ‘Ancestral Totem’!"

"When the time comes, I will wait for Master Aldo's order, and wait to collect the corpses for your people! This group of lower races that are inferior to the beasts! Give you one last chance! Don't turn around again! We will rectify the Fa to you right away! I won’t be afraid of a civil war with you!"

Let’s talk about this black woman with a single ponytail. She was so embarrassed that she stepped back and let these two glamorous adjutants, one white and one orange, protect her body, making the soldiers behind her completely full. Bowstring, looking like he was really going to meet each other, tried to force Kushaati's team to retreat.

(Damn... Doesn't it seem to give us any chance?)

"Okay! I'll take your face! All the staff turned and retreated! We will visit again later!"

"Oh oh~ oh oh! xn"


After eating this black single ponytail woman, she closed her door as aggressively, and did not want to have more difficult to explain disputes with her troops at this time. Although she still cares about many enemies that make her feel weird, but the other party is not. After giving the opportunity, he hurriedly changed the direction of the earth dragon, leading his subconsciously to choose to leave first and return...

"Are you far away? Asuna-sama! Silver Snow-sama?"

"Eh~ Eh! Going far! Sure enough, it is the same as Tongrenchan said. Because of the fire, the current demi leader is obviously a bit too anxious and concerned about the situation of the suspicion of the friendly army. Now, even if you know that there is a momentary weirdness, it is because you may have to report about the situation of your own civil and choose to be forced to retreat by the form!"

"But only in this situation can this effect be achieved. I'm afraid it won't be that simple next time! So, let's deal with the other side first, right? Asuna sister, Waka!"

"Eh~ Eh! It depends on the performance of Kirito-chan/His Royal Highness! x2"

"Humah~ Humah"

Also after waiting for Kusharrati to deflate for a while, and being forced to flee for a certain distance by the situation and circumstances, the former black single ponytail with beautiful eyelids, Kazuka, blocked the view from the front of Asuna and Ginyuki. In this way, he squeezed out his little head and mentioned it to the two of them.

Naturally, while putting away their weapons, Asuna and Ginyuki responded to them one after another, making the three of them smile for a while, but then seriously look at the direction of the fortress behind, waiting for the other side like this. Good news for some great beauty!

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