Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 526: The good atmosphere of being broken...

But no one knows that he didn't want to get angry about this situation. Aldor just stared at Fritia who was bulging like a bull's eyes and staring at this offensive behavior.

(this is……)

"That~that! I won't bother you two!"


And the sergeant who knew that he was likely to be stunned or beheaded in the next second, when he was already shivering, he was slightly shocked by Fritia’s act of coming up to meet the tray in his hand. less.

Because he knew that such a move was undoubtedly more deadly or even more serious than the way he had just done, but the Lord Aldo in front of him did not rush his hands because of it, which was one of the main reasons that surprised him. .

Similarly, he didn't have too much time to sigh, so he followed the steps of life given by Fritia, and he quickly retreated like this. Before leaving naturally, he respected her with the greatest etiquette and left in a hurry...

(This girl...sometimes I feel a little irritating but not at ease when I look at it...It feels like that...hey~hey...)

"You... are in such an awkward situation! Why don't you think about yourself? Female slave?"

Seeing Fritia standing up like a self-sacrificing person, I don’t know why Aldo saw the similar behavior of someone he knew well, which made him feel softer...

It is possible that these things are the root cause that makes him more concerned about admiring Fritia, who is daring to speak up, and asks her to question her like a little clenched fist.


"What is there to hesitate? In my own situation, I have the least free body. Besides, I don’t know much about the demihuman relationship in front of you, and have a slight effect on you, so that I can do it like this. If you say what I should say, you are bluffing if you are not afraid, but now the situation cannot tolerate it. I have time to be afraid! Don't you?"

Hearing Aldo’s slightly unexpected remarks, Fritia, who was holding the tray, did not hesitate to tell about it. She even sat on the floor in a friendly manner and supported the fulcrum of the tray with her knees. He handed over a good piece of dry bread, indicating that it would be better for him to eat a little bit more, after all, it was him who didn’t eat anything until the end was uncomfortable...


"Papa, crunch, crunch, grunt, grunt"

I also kept my eyes on Fritia, who didn’t have too many extra thoughts, and the ordinary dry food in his hand that was supposed to be the most unpalatable in the barracks, and even few people would fall in love with it. He was so violently in his body. Sit aside.

So he took the opportunity to chew very easily, holding a bowl of steaming hot soup with one hand on the way, and drank it directly together.

(Hey~hey~hey! This bread is really as hard as a stone, and the soup is extremely hot! How did he do it like this, there is not much to react, and there is no hesitation to eat fast! Really! It's a monster that looks like a body!)

"Oh~hhhhhh! I don’t know why I envy you for eating like this! It seems that these foods have no obstacles and the same difficulty for you. They really make people feel very powerful..."

Seeing that Aldo could be so ordinary, sitting next to her and eating the most unpalatable food together, although she took a lot of effort to chew them, and even expressed surprise at Aldo's so plain appearance.

But I don't know why it makes Fritia have a strange warm feeling. She is obviously a terrible monster that will kill her at any time, but she also has the sense of seeing that someone is by her side to talk to herself and care about herself.

Although this kind of illusory situation is like a fairy tale, it is so real that it is so sigh...

"Da~Da~Da, eh~eh"

"Really? It's just...hmm~hmm? Something seems to be coming here!"

"Eh~ Eh! Although the noise and the smoke are very small, it looks like a lone rider is coming here, right?"

"Shuh~huh, da~da~da"

And just when Aldor was about to respond to it, a hurried and small sound suddenly spread from far away and reached the ears of the two who were still talking on the ground.

This situation can be said to be very bad, after all, only riding alone means that there has been a great change, and it is often the worst kind...

That's why the two of them who didn't eat much in a hurry quickly put down the food in their hands, and hurriedly came to the edge of the city wall and kept leaning in the direction of the sound source.

"Yes~Yes...someone is back! But...this injury!!! Military doctor~Military doctor!"

"What nonsense? Some people stopped the horse for me first, and then recovered the wounded. They were arranging a few teams to warn him on the way back! Just in case someone took the opportunity to attack us!"

"Understood! Captain! xN"

"Da~Da~Da, huh~huh"

Similarly, the soldiers in front of the gate of the fortress were not stupid. They quickly responded to the current emergency under the command of their corporal captain.

While a few people quickly figured out a way to intercept some frantic and panicked horses; while a few people used arrows from all over their bodies, but fortunately, none of them hit the injured and hurriedly rescued them; while pulling out about 3 five-person horses, it was so solemnly covering Their actions...

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Da~Da~Da’

"How? Is he still awake?"

Then, Aldo and Fritia who came here asked the people who were still dealing with these problems.

"No! Lord Aldo! Because he bleeds too much, this companion has lost consciousness! Please wait for us to deal with it urgently first, come and ask for advice!"

"Give me the drugs and bandages over there! He is still in danger, if he burps, I won't kill you little bunnies!"

"Yes~Yes! xN"

‘Da~Da~Da, Squeak~Squeak, Sizzle~Sizzle, Dang~Dang~Dang’

But the scene is still quite busy. Although these soldiers and medical personnel are really afraid of Aldo himself, it is a pity that it is their working time. After responding to them like this, they continue to tear up the simplicity. The white cloth, after quickly removing the arrows from the body, was desperately doing rescue work such as compression to stop bleeding.

Aldo and Fritia were left alone, watching the troublesome scene where they couldn't participate...

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