Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 528: Is it true? Unexpectedly...

(This is... the smell smells very fragrant, like what kind of sachet is used, or the scent that can only be found in the grass covered with pollen, is it possible that they are attacked by a woman led by a troop? It can also be People with special fetishes don’t seem to have a big problem! In short, they are particularly unnatural!)

"Master Aldo! Do you have any impression of these arrows? There seems to be some sleazy dark fragrance!"

Although Aldo really wanted to listen to the wounded man’s confession first, he kept holding his fists in a restless mood and waited, but Fritia on the side was a little different, and she shifted the focus to it. The injuries of the wounded, and these clearly belonged to Aldo or the mass-produced arrows of the combined army.

After smelling it with his sensitive demihuman sense, he was slightly suspicious or puzzled, and handed it to Aldor to consult like this!

(The sleazy dark fragrance? This is actually relatively rare in the military, but ~ if it is this place, there are some people who have this strange habit!)

"Hmm~hmm! Show me!"

Aldor, who was still considering who was the one who did such a mixed-race thing, was very interested when he heard Fritia mention it at such a critical moment. He quickly took the arrow in his hand and carefully removed it. Five senses go up and feel the information it provides.


(This smell... is indeed a bit special, as if it is a charming and subtle fragrance of lavender, and if you say lavender, there are probably only the radicals in this fortress, those two personnel! The most troublesome thing is that one of them is still there! In the fortress, but the other one has already left here with that fool Bolan...)

"Um~hmm! I know! I have a clue about this matter! But ~ everything is to wait for detailed evidence to make a decision! It is important to give priority to solving the immediate matter! Come~ come! You guys who are surprised As well as the objects on his body, gather as much as possible to our side without leaking. Now if he does not wake up, we can only investigate from the clues he has!"

"Then drop two teams, um~ um... Rudd is urgently called to be the commander of the two corps sent out this time! Remember to tell him that this time the exploration mission is very important, and it may be threatening. Excessively in front of you!"

"Yes~Yes! Lord Aldo!"


And at this necessary moment, when Aldo looked serious, as if he was thinking about something, when he gave orders like this, Fritia, who heard the name, couldn't help swallowing subconsciously.

"Goo~ Lu"

(How could it be him? He is a member of the cooking team who was boarding before me? Wouldn't it be the same as what I had foreboding before? Wouldn't it be such a coincidence?)

"That... Lord Aldo! This Rudd... is the mustache muscular uncle who helped me cook with me?"

Similarly, although Fritia is really half-joking, she has that kind of particularly absurd thoughts, but now Aldo calls such a familiar name at this very important moment, and her mind In the middle of the middle, the bearded Western European uncle who loves to fruit his upper body is covered with all kinds of scars and tendons, and who does things at his own pace every hour and every minute.

She couldn't help blinking the beautiful jeweled eyelid in disbelief, saying, "Could it be that person?" It’s too unimaginable, so I consulted him.

(if not?)

"Yeah! Except for the cooking team member Rudd who will cook with you every day afterwards, who else is Rudd? And it's a place for these veterans to have fun, so I didn't plan to do so. Let them all gather in the kitchen. Who told them to say that other people’s food is not as good as pig feed, so let them take responsibility where they are idle!"

"Now that's not the case, it's time to let the necessary personnel come back to do their jobs! After all, all of them are the lowest 100 generals, the highest ~ Well... Anyway, the universal brick of this feeling already exists!"

I can see that Fritia is still a little unbelievably cute up to now. After all, this is a normal reaction that ordinary people should have. I can only say that Aldo's side is not normal at all. Isn't it an exaggeration? Therefore, he could only watch with a wry smile and look at the distant figure of Chuan Lingbing...

"Da~Da~Da, huh~huh"

"Hey~Hey~Hey! Do you think this time the little girl will be really bad luck? After all, this time it mainly involves the situation of the demihumans that she knows best!"

"Hey~hey... I really don't know why God wants such a cute little thing to suffer such troubles and injustices. I really hope that everything is safe and best!"


On the other side, in the cooking tent, although there is still a small amount of work and some people continue to do it, most of the members who have been idle for a while cannot help but talk about Fritia, who has been there for a long time but has no news. After all, although She hasn't been here long, but in a sense she is already a part of full of worries and concerns...

"It's okay! After all, she is not the kind of chess piece that is used up and discarded. In a sense, her own strength and charm are quite good. She is a good talent who can stay by her side and cultivate slowly, and she is indeed not by nature. Bad, after all, if many things are deliberately hidden, they will always show their feet at a certain time..."

"But after many of us have investigated and tested it, it appears that she is almost a very natural and simple existence, except for those special characteristics that are a little different from ordinary people. At least this point I can have some initial impressions!"

And these reviewers who are also working with the cooking team, and the moustache mentioned on the other side, bare upper body, scars, tendons, and handsome Western European-style uncle men, there are very messy showing their muscle lines and distinct muscles. Declared so to these companions around.

"Ha~ha~ha! Looks like Rudd, you really like this little girl! Don't let Quirrell over there be jealous, this kind of over-trusting words may make him jealous! After all! Everyone understands~ Well!"

"Yes~Yes! Don't attract the bees and butterflies too much and make you burn yourself! Rudd!"

"Ha~ha~ha!!! xN"

And for a while, after discovering that Rudd had suddenly made this unexpected weird behavior again, a group of people washed up with him and someone who was still looking at the scenery outside the window with a worried expression...

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