Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 542: If there is a disadvantage, outsmart it! Is it necessary to be tough?

And after the three of Asuna and the others fell into depression, Kirito, who was slightly angry, gave their foreheads a powerful brain collapse, and they all showed cute expressions, clutching the red glow. At the place where he was shot, some tears rolled slightly, and he stared at him with very puzzled eyes.

"You guys! I know that there is groundless worry. From the beginning, I never said that in the next battle, we have to face each other head-to-head. Don't forget that when we encounter enemies that are stronger than ourselves, we can choose to use strategy and brains. Weaken their strength as much as possible, or take advantage of the situation to eradicate their difficulties!"

"Don't just use force to speak just because you have a certain strength! After all, force is not omnipotent!"

Seeing the appearance of these three bewildered cute little guys, Kirito, who looked like a mentor, frowned and educates Asuna again.

After all, sometimes if they are at the tip of a horn under certain circumstances, it is difficult for them to escape from the infinite loop. Therefore, at this moment, the talents of Tong use the childlike naughty method to relieve them at once. The other side's many haze situations made him forget his negative psychology at least for an instant and turned to other natural coping attitudes.

"In that case~ what should we do next? Do you want to burn them and the level with a torch now, so that you can launch an annihilation blow to them in one breath!...Why are you hitting me again? Is it possible to say something wrong again? 〒▽〒"

Originally, after listening to Kirito’s words, Asuna proposed the usual tactics of night attack fire attack as usual, but before she could finish talking, Kirito had a brain collapse again without mercy. All of a sudden, he made him feel like a pitiful little grievance, and started complaining as if he was so uncomfortable.

"To be honest, sometimes I really don't know if Asuna is really stupid or fake. After all, your resolute attitude and self-confidence, coupled with the swift and fierce fighting otome style, is really perfect! "

"But since you started following me, why don't your minds turn around from time to time! Could it be that my existence has had too much influence on your little head?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Does my plan sound too stupid? I have not found out why...

And after being so indifferent by Kirito, Asuna, who refused to admit defeat, pouted her cute little mouth, and interrogated Kazuka and Ginyuki carefully. After all, she didn't believe that the other two did not. Thinking of, or disagreeing with her common tactics.

(How to say...x2)

"It is indeed a bit stupid to overdo Asuna-sama!"

"Yeah! Sister Asuna, if you do that, don't you tell the other party that you have already planned to kill them for a long time? Especially when the other party still has not completely handed over the guard task to our subordinates."

"And... if the fire really burns, how does my sister deal with the subsequent demi-human team and Aldor's back-up army? Isn't this kind of tactics upside-down and superfluous?"

Seeing that Asuna was still a little cute and unwilling to admit defeat, Ginyuki and Kazuka were not used to her, so they pointed out the current situation in a straightforward manner.

Asuna was speechless when he was asked such a question. After all, thinking about it carefully now, it was indeed a bit too ostentatious to make a lot of money in this place.


"Okay! I also know that Asuna sauce has always wanted to make up for a lot of lack of effort, but now I am impatient and can't eat hot tofu. Next, leave it to me to arrange it, come~ come, and Xiangjiang, Yin Xuejiang stretched out her little head and melon seeds. I will explain to you all that we should do this!"

"Okay! Your Highness Kirito-chan Kirito! x3"

"Remember to..."

Also after seeing Asuna's frustration again, some Kirito who felt very sympathetic squeezed her cheeks very affectionately, and then raised her hands together to greet Kazuka and the others, and confess what they should do next. ...


(Uh~hhhhhhhh! Good and tight wooden checkpoint city defense measures, coupled with very vigilant and guarded 2~3 patrol personnel with a sense of sight, combined with the surrounding dangerously high mountain wall that day, it is indeed a very good one. The land of the throat, but~but...Under this hidden maneuver, I did spare the best ambush around this level to explore several times.)

(Except near the part of the fortress where we are stationed, there are new traces of battles to a certain extent, there is almost no special or the possibility of ambushes, then the question is, is this place really a blinding trick? Or the mystery? On these guards? It's really the first time I have encountered such a tricky and mixed situation!)

"Tsk~Tsk~Tsk, it’s no wonder that Lord Aldo will send me in this kind of reconnaissance mission. Is it possible that the strategic devil had long expected that there would be such a state of continuous cutting and chaos? I really have to admire him for foresight..."

And on the other side of Rudd, who is acting, he is indeed orderly and centered on this level. He has found a lot of areas around a certain area here. Obviously he also I found the place where Kirito had fought with the advance team, but the traces of the battle left behind made it even more difficult for him to restore the real motives of the scene and the black hand behind the scenes.

That's why I was a little bit annoyed by myself, holding my chin with my hand, thinking about how to uncover this continuous mystery.

(Nothing~ Nothing! At least the absence of an ambush has made me feel more at ease. I think this is almost the time for the guards here to serve us food and look for me. If you don't go back, I'm afraid I will startle the snake!)

"Uh~hhhhh? This is? First stay and go back and forth to watch and think secretly!"


Although Rudd's investigation did not yield much, but on the way back at the last moment, some things that fell on the road attracted his attention. After looking around, he did not find any personnel monitoring and tracking him. , He picked it up in a hurry and stuffed it into his inventory.

Then he returned to his usual appearance and hurried back to the direction of the ‘compartment’ where he was supposed to be...

"Da~Da~Da, Kadang~Kadang, Guru~ Guru"

(Strange...Why isn't that Lude Qianren here? Could it be that he escaped secretly or investigated it secretly?)

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