Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 544: Entrusted to Rudd by the squad leader

   (If that's the case, it will be particularly troublesome! But~ But...His Royal Highness Kirito also said that we should leave him alone, ah~ ah!!! It’s so tangled!)

   "Ha~ha~ha! Everyone's rough tea and rice are here, although it is a bit too simple and I hope my brothers can like it, but ~ where is this Rude Qianren going? Why didn't I see him!"

And inside the checkpoint, the leader of the checkpoint, who came in with trays of hot stone pots and stone utensils, scanned the entire internal situation at the same time, and when he did not see Rudd's whereabouts, he was so polite and tentative. With a sexual tone, he knocked on the two soldiers who were left alone.

   It can be seen that he is still a good soldier with a sense of responsibility. Otherwise, who would be nosy and make more actions that have nothing to do with his job.

   "Ahhhhhhh! Rude a thousand generals! He..."


"Yeah, yeah! It smells really fragrant! It looks like I'm going to liberate the internal emergency time, it really came just right! By the way, Lord Chief, I just seemed to hear you looking for my place just now. Discuss with me privately what matters?"

When the leader of the checkpoint just put the food on the front feet and asked the left-behind soldiers privately, Rudd shrugged his nose on his back feet, and replied silently with a look like a greedy cat. His words really shocked the leader of the level for a while, but they didn't let him directly show on his appearance.

  ‘Cock~Cock, Cock~Cock’

(This Lude Qianrenjin! The return is just right... Is it possible that I am here deliberately ambushing me, and then intends to get information about His Highness Kirito and others from me? If so, suppose there is someone behind me, and his nose is really Aura.)

   (But I don’t think he must see who is behind me controlling it, otherwise he would have taken us down and hunted down Kirito and them! Most of them are still above the level of suspicion and hypothesis!)

   "Oh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Rude Qianren will be joking. Apart from our lack of troops, there is actually no special difficulty here, but..."

   "But what? Is there something really annoying, enough to make the head of the army so troubled?"

And it didn’t take long for the leader of the checkpoint to settle down, and he responded to Rudd naturally, but there was such a situation that Rudd could not help but feel that there was a problem after hesitating to talk about improperly. stand up.

   (Took the bait! But after all, their information is relatively scarce, even if they will respond, it is reasonable...)

"In fact, before you arrive, we have seen a terrible situation outside the demihuman camp. I think Rude Qianren will have heard of or seen it on the fortress side, although we have before I have thought about sending soldiers to investigate, but the number is limited and the danger is unknown, so I didn't implement it!"

"It didn't take long. There was a team of humanoid tribes with gray heads and dirt faces. But because Lord Boran has issued a strict order here, they will speak the same way as you before, so most of them will come to visit again after the situation is about tomorrow. That’s right, from what they say, it’s mostly because we suspect that it’s what we call humans, so we ask for justice, right?"

   also rolled his eyes at this moment, and the leader of the level, who was so distressed, provided him with current information that was true but not true.

   Obviously, he wanted to use Rud and the others to restrain each other with Kusharrati, and even wanted to mess up everyone's thinking like this. After all, this is what he should do when he is a participant and belongs to the forces loyal to Kirito.

(Yaren? Did you come here? I didn’t expect that this small level would also stop them... But~ If he said that, his words may not be all false, after all, this is also Lord Aldo suspected Of course, the biggest suspect is probably Bolan, the creator of this level!)

(But the situation here now looks like it's especially like Bolan being overpowered by someone behind the scenes and secretly manipulating it behind the scenes. Maybe it's the same as I inferred from the beginning, it's the hands and feet of the person behind the squadron! That's fine! It's better than catching the blind here. I will first see what conflicts they want us to have with the demigods, but we have to deal with them accordingly!)

  ‘Ding~Ding, Ding~Ding’

"That's it! It's good for us to accept this commission. If we can change our direction and understand what Lord Aldo cares about, we don't have to go back to the authorization or even worry about how to deal with it here! I will do it again tomorrow. Take your hand and face them with the head of the army!"

"Ha~ha~ha! Then there will be Lauder Thousands of People! I look forward to tomorrow's Lude Thousands of People will show, since the food has been delivered, then I will not bother! Please put the tray and tableware after the meal is over This little shelf at the door becomes better, and we will have someone to clean it up! Then I wish you a good rest I'll leave!"

   "Walk slowly and don't give it away! Master Chief!"


After hearing the commission from the level squadron, Rudd, who had some eyebrows and plans, played with his **** moustache, and then showed that white and big smile, and just nodded and watched the squadron leave. After the past disappeared, he returned to the prudent appearance that should have belonged to him in the next second!

   "Are you gone?"

   "Yes! Going far! Anything to find? Rude Qianrenhui!"


   And just after he left for a while, he asked his soldiers to explore Rudd, who was looking outside, and gathered all the soldiers to his side in such a very serious manner.


   "The situation is like this... Tomorrow we will act according to the situation we just confessed and act together! Do you understand?

   "Oh~ oh oh!!! xN"

   "Then~ sleep in shifts!"

   "No problem! Sleep ~ sleep! xN"

  ‘Da~Da~Da, Pa~Da’

Also after confirming that there was no one around, Rude used the smallest but audible sound within a certain range, and divided the work of his subordinates one by one, and naturally went into deep sleep according to the initial shift order after the order was completed. ...

  ‘Boom~boom~boom, patter~patter’

   "Woo~ woo... hurts~ hurts~ hurts! I forgot my current situation. It's not the usual ground or the barracks cave. I didn't expect to receive a profound lesson when I came up..."

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