Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 565: The returning Lisbet and the deepest secret

"As for why we should lend a helping hand to you~ Well... it may be just a pity and a whim. Now that you have passed the most critical threshold, I will not bother you anymore. After all, there will be opportunities with you in the future. Meet the little guy!"

   "Eh~ Eh! Wait! Elf-sama! It's me~ It's me who was wrong, why not..."

  ‘Om~Om, hoo~hoo~hoo’

But after hearing Lisbeth’s complaint, some of the ice spirits, who felt a little regretful, left such a few words so faintly, they disappeared into the distance in his words and never came back. Mean it.

   And it was only at this time that I realized that I was ashamed of Lisbeth. It can be said that my intestines are all regretful, and I just froze in the same place...

   "Woo~ is..."

   "Great! Lord Lisbet! You are finally back! It was really dangerous before, I thought you really..."

   "Don't~ don't~ don't, look at the teacher, you are all like this, did I almost couldn't come back just now?"

The same thing left behind that ice spirit. Not long after leaving, Lisbeth, who hadn't regretted it, woke up from her coma all at once. The first thing she saw was Shi Bingwu whose eyes were full of lime water. Long, look at its excessive worry and joy.

   asked Lisbet, who quickly understood the situation, to warm up in a very gentle pile. After all, there is no time for her to regret her unintentional mistake, so she chose to quickly understand the situation before she passed out of her body and the current battle.

"Yes! I neglected to investigate the physical condition of Lord Lisbeth in advance, which led to such a terrible reason now. I didn't expect Lord Lisbeth to host a powerful elf in his body, but it was just now. The magic of the existence of elves suddenly disappeared, so I don’t know whether it’s a blessing or a curse, I can only silently wait for you to wake up!"

   "I'm sorry... I'm sorry Lisbeth-sama! Please forgive me~ forgive me! Aha~haha..."

But when I apologized again later, I took a closer look at Lisbeth. There should be a magical environment of red and blue. Now only the magical power that burns like a fire, I understand that the ice spirit disappears. The leader of Shi Bing continued to beg her for forgiveness.

After all, the mistake in this matter is really too great to be done, or at first it thought that the most exuberant azure magic power before was Lisbeth’s original magic power, so it slightly ignored the flaming magic power mixed in it. If it weren't for the result of rechecking Lisbeth when Lisbeth was most critical, it might have been kept in the dark from beginning to end, right?

(Actually...I finally found out that the other party was an ice spirit when he left the words and left, and it was full of collateral trials and kindness to help me, even though I still scolded it as not a human thing... It really is. It's rude enough...)

"Ha~ha~ha! The okay teacher, in fact, even me, who was favored internally, bit him like a white-eyed wolf, so we are all in the same sin. No one is sorry for anyone, but I think the next time I go to see the Yui goddess, I might apologize to her personally again, so don’t be sad! Tell me about the current situation first!"

Seeing Captain Shi Bing crying as if he deserved death, and thinking of how rude and unreasonable or even planting blame for the ice spirit inside, he wiped the other party's white as black as coal. What the Captain Shi Bing did was negligible as light as a feather, so it was so comforting it to extract information about the current battle situation.

   (No way? Lord Lisbeth is really bolder than me! Did you blow up Lord Elf inside?)

   "Well then! The situation is like this now..."

After hearing Lisbeth's unremarkable complaint about the internal offense of the Ice Elf, the Captain Stone Soldier, who was surprised and shocked by the reverse direction, held back his tears and sorrow, and then turned to the topic and described it now. They are fighting.

  ‘Boom~Rumble, 噌~噌~噌, 嘭哐~嘭哐’

"That is to say, will we get to the deepest point in a while? Generally speaking, there are not many enemy forces and traps? It seems that our place is a decoy place as the master guessed, so good! Wait for us If you don’t find the target magic stone tree in the deepest part! Then destroy all the enemies inside, and then blow up the entire cave to eliminate the trouble!"

   "Yes~Yes! It seems that the current Lord Lisbeth and the previous one are different! Then the command of the troops will be returned to you! I don't need to do anything anymore..."

"Don't~ don't! It's not working right now, the perspective of the spectators is very good, plus I really only have some changes and strength and confidence. I haven't reached the time when I can't fully regain my military power. Now I am still a soldier. Soldiers of the status, please let the teacher show and command me as much as you can! Let me continue to learn more under the status of a soldier~Learn and do my best!"

And just after knowing the current situation Liz Beth, who knew his future goals, immediately changed the military's strategic policy. Also when the head of the Stone Soldier felt that the military power could be returned, Liz Bate even shook her head as if she knew it, and then said sincerely that she wanted to be stronger instead of being incompletely stronger now.

   "I understand! The operational policy is implemented according to the changes of Lord Lisbeth just now, and I am still very strict! Lord Lisbeth!"

   "Hmm~hmm! Let the horse come here!"

  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Wow~ Wow, Boom~Boom~Boom’

   Along with the determination of Lisbeth’s policy, combined with the magic exploration of Lisbeth and the summoned beasts, as well as the dual combination of fire and earth magic, he bombarded the inside of the cave along the tunnel in one breath...


   "This is... a strong stench, look at the terrible situation here... probably there is no magic stone tree!"

"Yeah! Although there is no magic stone tree, it can be considered lucky. It seems that this place should be an arsenal of the opponent’s hatchery. You see there are queen insects that breed eggs, but after this confinement The use of it as a pure manufacturing tool is mostly caused by the wise Zerg overthrowing the queen system!"

As the last side was filled with mucus and an unidentified membrane-like door, when Lisbet was mercilessly blasted open, the deepest huge and spacious cave appeared in front of them, just as Yun initially judged, here is nothing but It is used as bait, but the only difference is that it also belongs to a good Zerg hatchery!

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