Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 587: Rudd who found something, and Yinxue's illness is clear!

‘Hu~hu~hu, huh~huh, papa~ papa"

(That's right, it's here, then it should still be here!)


"I said~ I said Lord Rudd... What are you looking for... Is it guilty that you can crawl out in the middle of the night without wearing your shoes? Huh~hu~huhu..."

"Yes! Lord Rudd, please tell us to look for it together! Haha~haha...haha~haha...xN"

And just after Rudd, who had been frowning, arrived at the original level that was close to the fortress, the level here had already broken into a pile of rocks, woods, and rocks, and returned to a mountain range. After the dense bushes and trees, Rudd, holding a torch, came to the vicinity, squatting down and moving with one hand to look for.

It made the guard team leader and the members who rushed over in a hurry to consult him in such a puzzled manner. It can be seen that Rudd's situation is too weird, so that he has no idea that he has found or is looking for. What kind of willingness to help...

"Ga~da, bang~cha"

"Don't move! That's right, you and the others don't move. Keep your state and don't break the scene anymore. Let me see if the thing you just stepped on and broke is what I'm looking for!"

"Oh~oh! xN"

"Papa~Papa, pa~Da~Da"

In the same way, his team members rushed over from behind. After accidentally breaking something and making a crisp sound, they immediately attracted Rudd’s attention. He hurriedly stopped the existence of these pig-like teammates, and then took it slowly. The torch carefully swept towards the sound source to broaden the ground view, and then fumbled over wherever he left off.

As a result, these soldiers were so scared that they held up their armed torches in their hands and slowly provided them with an effective field of view. After all, it is okay to shine brightly if they can't move.

(Yes! It's a pity that it was broken! But it can still be collected for other useful purposes! Since this is here, most of the things I want and the venue are not far away!)

"Ok~Ok! You~you~you! Slowly plan it out without destroying it as much as possible. Other people stay in place and don’t move much. Find me similar things. I think you should know what it means. Right?"

"Oh~oh~oh! I understand~ I understand! xN"


After Rude approached to confirm the existence with full expectation, he smiled contentedly for the first time. After all, the appearance of these things provided a lot of useful clues to his judgment of the event, so he made it clear to the rest of the soldiers who were still bad. We are very rigorous to collect and raise in this small and relatively hidden area...

(I didn’t expect this to be the case, and it’s no wonder why Yinxue and her children can’t use magic anymore! This is indeed an interesting situation! x2)

[That's it! But for this question, I tried to check the knowledge base owned by the goddess Yui. Obviously, there is indeed a treatment method, but it seems that it is not very easy to use now. it is good? 】

[Is there a way? Would you like to share the specific method diagnosis with us? Otherwise, we have no way to make detailed decisions! 】

[Hmm~hmm! 】

And in the big tent of Asuna and the others, Waka, who finally found out the results of Ginxuki's physical condition, swiped his menu bar to find the corresponding diagnosis and treatment, and then hesitated slightly. Asuna and the two asked.

The two who also heard that there was a solution, came to watch with great enthusiasm, and learned in detail what kind of obstacles occurred in Yinxue...

['Magic circuit is blocked', it still looks like a subtle magic disease, oh~oh? The main reason is the damage or blockage of the magic circuit. However, looking at the results of Yinxue's whole body magic check, almost the physical fitness of the body is up to the requirements. The worst is that the magic circuit is damaged and blocked in different degrees. It is important Mostly distributed inside the body! 】

[And the cure~ Well... um~ eh? Is it necessary to spend so much time? To use magic power to completely destroy the internal blockage circuit of the body, and then reunite the repair and reorganization, the pain is unimaginable...]

A closer look at the contents of the corresponding development knowledge base of the current goddess Yui shows that this disease is indeed not a big deal, but the worst thing is that the destruction and reorganization process has to be destroyed and restored by magic until the end. , Which could not be broken and the slightest hesitation slipped, otherwise it would cause heavy damage to Yin Xue's body.

If it is serious, I am afraid that a large amount of Yun's medicine is needed, or the best option is to be treated at any time by his own presence, so in turn, Asuna, who saw this recommended method of high-risk magic surgery, couldn't help but sweat all over her body.

If this is the case, they cannot be exposed to magic during this period, and even if they do it secretly, they will cause huge noises. It's hard to hide it and don't mention whether someone will come to interfere with the wind.

That's why Asuna was so cautious and getting smaller and smaller, and the melon seeds asked and fragrant. After all, with such a high risk, this time is too bad or even an option!


[No~No! Sister Asuna! This operation must be done, otherwise I will be useless in the future fight with the local That way, it is possible that I will quit this mission early! I don't want to regret it, I think my sister knows the feeling of regret that is more than enough but not enough! Please elder sister, Hexiang-sama! 】

And just when Asuna was very opposed to such a plan, Ginxue grabbed her hand tightly, and then replied so solemnly with tears in her eyes.

After all, she was finally chosen by Kirito to carry out such a very important task. She didn't want to experience Asuna's remorse for being unwell at the time. At any rate, she was also the woman chosen by Kirito, and she didn't want to be a woman. A vase that can provide excellent genes exists.

[Yinxue...Naturally, I don’t want you to experience the pain, but it’s hard for us now...]

[No~No! There is indeed a way to eliminate all the obstacles of objective factors, and then completely provide us with a place where no one is disturbed to complete this task! But you have to wait for me, after all, I really don't have the excellent craftsmanship skills of Master Yun, so I can only help Master Yinxue by figuring out that thing as much as possible! 】

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