Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 592: She has come back! Or maybe it's a mistake...

"But you said that monster-like human is still alive? After all, our body has the characteristics of insects left over from the ethnic group, and has a lot of life-saving measures. He is not just a flesh and blood human body!"

"I don't know... but if he is still alive, he may be cured soon and trouble us... Although it is not your intention, you should make a cocoon here and recover from the injury. I will try to see if he can be found. Where, let it be completely dead so that we can rest at ease!"

"Eh~ Eh! Wait! Your speeding regeneration is a while, and there is no way to completely repair the injury of your body. Come~ Come on, I will temporarily bandage you to stop the bleeding with tight spider silk, so you won't be halfway. Go there and pass out! You can't kill him if you lose your life!"

" have to work!"

"Hey~ Hey~ Hey, Hey~ Hey"

But even if the cave has collapsed and the surroundings are completely unrecognizable, but I have seen Yun's powerful'big guy', he will not easily believe that he is so dead, so just in case it wants to find his location, wait for it to be completely Confirm his death to be at ease.

But the "Mrs. Spider" who saw it so eagerly was not a completely ruthless lunatic. In order to enable it to better accomplish its purpose, it was urgently wrapped up with flexible spider silk, and its wounds that were still deteriorating and repairing coexisted. Although the'big guy' is not used to suddenly overly gentle'Mrs. Spider', he still quietly waited for it to deal with it...


(It looks like... the attack should be over. I remember that in the end, it seemed that the entire cave collapsed, and then I was also knocked out into a bombardment of rocks... Is it possible~ Did I really die this time? There is no real feeling at all, ah~ ah... I haven't gone back to fulfill my promises with Kirito-chan and Aisha-chan, and there are even so many people waiting for me...)

(I’m so unwilling...but~ But what can I do for them now, who is late...I’m afraid I can’t do it...)

Empty and empty, one after another is alone in a quiet zone with nothing but dripping water, the five senses of the cloud have completely failed, just like losing everything, leaving only a trace of consciousness and obsession, repeating what they have left. Distressed and regretful.

I don’t know how many times Yun has experienced this feeling. Perhaps the most profound one was the time when the lizardman lord was beheaded? Or the one that faced the Kobold Sneak Attack? Or when you fight to death with the evil **** Dakos, or even fight with a certain girl day and night in training?

I am afraid that Yun has long been silly and immersed in the revolving lantern of his memory, especially in this situation, he still can't remember, and finally appeared in his mind, that fuzzy fragment has been by his side red. Hair girl, who is it? But he only knew that she was very important to him, so important that she was so uncomfortable to forget...

"Da~Da~Da, Pa~Da"

"It's really a messy relationship with you! My cloud, obviously I have unilaterally cut off the way to communicate with me, and finally you chose to accept the path of almost repeating the same mistakes. Are you How stupid is it to choose such a situation?"

"But~ I'm really happy that you can come back to me this time, my one-of-a-kind cute stupid big guy!"


The gentle and familiar tone of the voice, and then matched with the warm tears falling on the face, the warm embrace, and the moist heat on his forehead, this is the feeling that Yun seems to remember so long ago...

(Unforgettable feeling, taste and even the unique warmth...Ah~Ah! I seem to have found the kind of vacancy that has been missing in the middle of my life, but~Is it also because of my death that I can return to such a warm embrace? Ha~ha~ha, I didn’t expect to find this feeling by accident...)

"Maybe death doesn't mean the end, or maybe it's a beginning and happiness... I'm back! I still can't remember the name of you..."


It was this kind of nostalgia for a long time that caused Yun to accept everything, and then directly instinctively like a coquettish bear hugged the other's slender waist, as if she was like a child who had been away from her mother for a long time and loved coquettishly lovely.


"Eh~ Eh?"

"Okay Yun! You still didn't think of who I am, so you just ran over and acted like a baby to me like this. It really made people happy! It really doesn't feel worth crying for you!"

And under this kind of warm situation, a resounding and vigorous slap, without a hint of a hint of pain, hovered on Yun's cheeks with his eyes closed, and suddenly he was still addicted to some kind of ideal hometown. Cloud.

Subconsciously, he held his red and swollen cheeks with his hands and suddenly opened his eyes, maintaining a very surprised and puzzled appearance, and gradually saw the person in front of him and the surrounding scene.

(A girl with long red hair similar to me and some familiar simple white rooms, where am I? Who is she?)

"You~ who are you? Where is this place? Why do you slap me so hard?"

Some clouds who were confused about the situation were very aggrieved and questioned this red-haired girl with a familiar feeling.

After all, his memory still stays in the cave collapsed and buried alive in the rock smashed, and he has no idea what the situation is now...

(Sure enough, I still don’t think about it? It seems that our previous connection has indeed been cut off! But looking at his puzzled appearance and the motion of his big hand involuntarily trying to reach out, most of the body memory still remains in it? Really! I really don’t know how this big idiot once again opened up a new path of contact, and I can’t interfere and cut this way!)

(Could it be... he also chose to step into that path in that world? Hey~hey... After all, it is the fixed fate of the soul of the same origin. It is possible that from the first time he came to me, he did Has the method changed again? But this path is destined to be lonely~ I didn't want him to choose from the beginning...)

"You don't care who I am. Look at the saliva marks and hand sweat and palm prints. Would you like me to explain to you why I slap you with a big ear? You xx, xx!"

And seeing Yun still forgetting himself, but the chaotic appearance that his body still remembers, after making him bit his lower lip subconsciously...

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