Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Two giants that suddenly appeared on Christmas Eve Christmas (23),...

  The Gray Wheel Dancer ex of the Sword, the two giants that suddenly appeared in the Christmas Eve and Christmas (23), and their weird behavior audio novels listen online


   (sound, undead army, no need for sight...Is that impossible!!!)


   also hearing the reminder, Yun himself lit up a deep blue flame in his eyes, and for a while, he quickly watched the surrounding environment.

   (Found it! ‘Spinning Throw Double Ring’)

  ‘Ga~Da, 嗵~嗵~嗵, hu~hu~hu,"

And at the moment when the opponent's position was locked by using the'Death Vision', accompanied by the scarlet halo of sword skills, the two blood-red giant sickles in Yun's hand were directly swung in two directions. Suddenly threw it out,

  ‘Huh~huh, bang~da’




And in the next second, I saw the maneuvering sickle that got into the mist as if it had hit something, and brought the two dark figures out of the mist and appeared in front of them directly, listening to the heavy muffled noise. It's mostly harmless and elegant...

  ‘Whoo~hoo~hoo, papa~papa’

   (Is it too shallow? But the metal-like sound and the weird hit feeling on the other side... It seems that there is nothing wrong with it!)

   "Cloud! These two are not!!!"

Also after this unexpected attack, Kirito who suddenly saw the two huge figures in front of him couldn't help but take a deep breath. After all, although he did have preparations in his heart, he did not expect it to be. Such an existence full of shocking looks!

   "Woo~ Hey..."

The first one on the left side of the cloud field of vision is a rotten horse head covered in bone armor, with crimson flames appearing out of the eyes. The upper half of the human body is full of sturdy, inverted triangular figure like thick tendon, and the lower body is like a huge snake bone. Long and short, but with a sharp and sharp body, his nostrils screamed as if he had been rushing with anger.

   " looks like a funny human!"

And the other is a muddy pool of things swaying around. If it weren't for two small eyes from the very center, it was shining with blue flames, and a big, irregular mouth. With a sarcasm, it's hard to imagine that such a thing is as incredible as a living thing.

   "The deceased's grievances, magical powers are piled up in concrete physical images, but the appearance of the two is really small and unique!"


Also after catching the two giant sickles with little abnormality in his hand, Yun suddenly removed the fabric from his body, walked a lot of distance away from Kirito's side, and then became so interesting to the two behemoths. Appearance, Wei Wei made a complimentary and derogatory remark.

  Although he doesn't understand why he voluntarily gave up the concealment effect of ‘masking orchid’, maybe there is some reason for him?

   (Isn't this exposing yourself?)

【cloud! what are you doing? Even in order to recover weapons, there is no need to dismantle the fabric, right? 】

【do not move! Kirito sauce! Although they should have guessed that I am not the only one, but the moment I used the'death vision', I already felt locked in by some magical fluctuations, I am afraid that when I was near them and used the magic,' There is no way to hide my existence completely! 】

   [But it is also possible that you have not been accurately discovered because of my exposure! remember! Don’t use magic and sword skills from now on, or you will be exposed! 】

But just before Kirito was about to try to remove the fabric and fight with him, Yun, who knew his nature, immediately stopped him with a private chat. After all, these two things are 7~8 laps larger than Yun. Always facing Yun without noticing Kirito's direction, Yun told him so carefully.

(Magic? Sword skills? If you use it, it will expose your whereabouts? That's why the cloud will come forward and directly attract the other's attention? But it is impossible to let him delay their steps here alone! The most important thing is I don’t know what kind of methods they have and how to get out...)

【I understand! I will find a way to find the export! If it doesn't work! I will come back to help you! cloud! I wish you a prosperous martial arts! 】

  【Hey~Hey! You can start exploring as soon as I attack and produce multiple noises! If it doesn't work, I will call you! 】

   "So... are you the culprit here? Can you tell me what you did here? Are the villagers okay here?"

   "hu~hu~hu, p~p"

After arranging Kirito's tasks, Yun stared at their every move with seriousness, and then turned the two giant sickles in his hands like this, submerged their sickles into the ground and asked them calmly. When I got up, the door was wide open as if I hadn't been afraid of them suddenly shooting.

  ‘Huh~Huh, Gada~ Gada, Doko~Doko, Pada~Pada’

"Oh~oh! It's a human being, as if not surprised us at all! But your blazing blue flame seems a bit interesting! Like the karma of our dead, it looks very intimate. !"

"Yeah! After all, he started to destroy the magical barrier of the The intruder who broke in directly, depending on his reaction and appearance, he should have been dealing with the undead for a long time! Does it smell that vaguely? About the magic power full of death breath, shouldn't he be a practitioner of a necromancer? I didn't expect that someone from the same class would come here! How about it? Would you like to join us?"

But something interesting is that these two exist like monsters that shouldn’t be kind to people, but they didn’t attack Yun for the first time like wild beasts. Instead, they went around the cloud a few times and looked up and down as if they were very interested. Observing, even speaking like an invitation, Yun and Kirito were slightly surprised in their hearts.

   (The magic of the breath of death...Necromancer? Could it be that Yun always refers to this weird ability to connect the world of the dead and the magic of the double-edged sword?)

   (I thought they would do something to me directly? Would you like to believe their words? If you can get involved without fighting, it seems like a good choice!)

   "Uh~hmm...what should I do? And~you don’t seem to answer my question, right? Two monsters!

Obviously, although Yun felt a little uncomfortable with their unusual behavior, they did not have such a changed expression when they appeared on the stage, and the red and blue eyes that burned like a'death-sight'. Flame...</tent>

  Sword and Gray Wheel Dancer </p>

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