Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (One Hundred and Thirty Five) Trap

This is also the first time she has the ability to shoot, but she has no chance to act as a bodyguard to watch the situation. Otherwise, she really wants to participate in the search team searching for the whereabouts of the snake with Yin. It is a pity that the reality is... ...It really made him stare at the outside in the magic barrier with regret for life...

(Is an ice summoned beast? It’s a bit interesting~ But my poisonous corpse is not such a low-level existence that is stupid, after all, there are toxins applied by me inside, don’t forget that it has both positive and negative effects, but~ If this is the case, it would still lack a bit of flavor, and the red-haired Asian is still looking for me everywhere, so let's entertain together~ to entertain!)

   "Hi~his~his, ha~ha~ha! It is not uncommon to have wonderful surprises! For example, like this!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, Gada~Gada, Om~Om~Om’

   "Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!! xN"

  ‘Shoo~Shoo, slap~ slap~ slap, gada~ gada’

   "What's the situation? The appearance of these poisonous corpses seems a bit wrong!!! x3"

   And just when Ai-chan was still commanding the Ice Warriors, here again, inside the new corpse tide that came out of the passage, unimaginable changes began to take place.

   Even Waka and Gin, who were behind and in front of Aichan, were a little surprised involuntarily, and even fell into their own troublesome situation! ! !

I saw all the poisonous corpses in their bodies, wounds, etc., suddenly gushing out or filled with a large amount of green and dark purple venom, making their own combat power extremely low, as if they consume dry wood and thin bones. The sub-muscles are regenerating and increasing rapidly, and they have become thick and firm muscles and become fierce creatures. Not only that, they are constantly moving indiscriminately as if they are violent.

  ‘Hu~hoo~hoo, pa~ta, 嗞~嗞~嗞’

   (Heavy boxing power, speed...It doesn't seem to act like a string puppet anymore...)

  ‘Huh~huh~huh, 咚~咚~咚, click~click~

   "Damn...what the **** happened! Suddenly fell into such a troublesome situation..."

   seems to be enjoying? disgust? endure? Or what kind of response of the endless nerves and muscle tissues, desperately shouting, screaming, struggling with anger, or losing their temper.

Even the silver that went deep into the various passages and building locations was unexpectedly and violently attacked in all directions, and was directly forced back to the vicinity of the corpse tide behind it. Within a blink of an eye, it changed into a state of abnormal poisonous corpse. Surrounded by water, I can’t easily get out of it after being trapped in it for a long time...

   (This is!!! Silver is dangerous! x2)

   "Puff~Hey, puff~Hey! xN"

  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Gada~ Gada, Boom~Boom, wow~lala, hiss~his~his’

  【Woo~Woo...A bombardment of a venom bomb? Do these guys in turn use my magic to increase their attack power? It's really disgusting stuff! 】

  【Love adults! More than that! Even bombarding the debris shattered on the magic barrier can cause secondary corrosion effects! Obviously, this is in turn catching our anti-poisonous fog situation, and doing the opposite, adapting to the right time and place and the general attack! It seems that we were mistaken by cleverness instead of cleverness...]

And when I was still worried about the silver situation, Ai Jiang was about to use the ice warriors to break through to help, there were a large number of giant poisonous corpses that kept the appearance of a collective crouching, and opened their huge sticky mouths. Continuously spit out a large number of venom bombs, and under the influence of its'blizzard', it was strengthened into solid poison bombs.

   not only changed direction to hold back the actions of the ice warriors controlled by Ai-chan, but also casually spread to Heka, who was behind it with a magical barrier, making them feel as if they were overwhelmed and unable to respond.

   This attack took advantage of the change of attack style that was so good. I am afraid that they will love the sauce for a while...

(Ah - ah! What it is to hit the tiny step they are unable to move, Oh Oh ~ ~ Oh, looks like these are not enough, we must also continue to add some juicy stuff for the job!)

   "Sizzle~sizzle~sizzle, it's the host's duty to add a variety of delicious main dishes after the appetizer! This is definitely a kind of full-fledged dinner, and you will never forget the whole life you will serve!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, Ga~DaDa, Wow~Da, Wow~Wow!"

   While it was already a great time to determine his own strategy and use of traps, Snake San, who always felt that this was not enough etiquette, showed a very sinister and cunning smile and ran his magic power.

It was as if some trap had been activated again, and suddenly the whole arena made a loud sound of mechanism operation again, as if opening some doors where Ai Jiang and the others could not see, making Ai Jiang and the others more difficult. It's hard...

  (This it possible that there is a new trick? But how to hear it is from high to low as if some liquid is heading towards us...x3)

【not good! What toxic liquid should have been released by it! But... Isn't She San actually afraid of the freezing effect brought by the "blizzard"? If you are not afraid of it, then it is a troublesome thing that is deadly and has the characteristics of restraining extreme cold! 】

   [All teams assemble towards me in a multi-cylinder array! Prepare to use the combined formation defensive sword skills! He Xiangjiang brought their mother and daughter to my back! Silver thinks of ways to protect itself! 】

   [Understand! Love grown-up mom! xN】

  ‘Wow~Da, Da~Da~Da, 咚嘡~咚嘡, Gada~ Gada, Ding Ding~ Dangdang, Pacha~ Pacha’

After hearing such a continuous sound of the mechanism and the rushing sound of fast approaching ~ was full of very unpredictable love sauce, immediately began to schedule the formation of the surrounding ice warriors, and let Hexiang one shoulder and one shoulder. , Leading the mother and daughter of the original lord and hurriedly ran behind her, continuing the magical barrier near the three of them.

   Not only that, even if they know that silver is a bit difficult, and the poisonous corpses with good division of labor are still reluctant to let go, they are doing their best to bombard and surprise Ai-chan and their positions even at the expense of their bodies.

   She can only give up the idea of ​​supporting silver first, and after she asks him to do it for himself, continue to predict the offensive for the unknown, suspected high degree of danger, and prepare for the necessary defense.

  ‘Da~Da~Da, hum~hum~hum’

   "Defensive formation!!!"

   "Oh oh~ oh oh~ oh oh!!! xN"

   "'United Formation Defensive Sword Skill——【】(Eternal Cold City)'!!! xN"

   Also accompanied by Aichan's order, a large number of ice warriors are holding up huge ice shields in such a majestic manner!

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