Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (One hundred and fifty-two) The counterattack from the original lady l

"Huh~huh! Big idiot! Look at your own defenses that have been smashed by yourself! What a rigid existence that deserves to be deceived! Then the girl inside is mine! ‘Silver Dance’!!!"


And at this moment of the attack that seemed to have died, Gilly Field, who should have been immobile outside the barrier, used the magic barrier as a jumping point as fast as a cunning rabbit fleeing, evading water blades and light in a very light manner. The guns rushed like a dense location, making it bombarded on the magic barrier like cannibalism.

Suddenly, a big crack appeared in its defense, not only as if Gilly Field had already been planned, but also maintaining an inverted posture with a backflip in mid-air.

While laughing at the mechanical thinking of the magic water group, this time condensed a lot of magic power. With the natural gravity and acceleration, with a high-strike sword skill, he slammed into the magical barrier that seemed to be fragmented. Above...

[I like to be slick! This level of situation doesn't bother me at all! 】

‘Om~Om~Om, hu~hu~hu, huh, huh, huh, huh, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Cut~Cut...just run if you know you can't let it go! Can you have a little dignity!!! Damn water dumplings! Hand over my prey!!!"

‘Papa, hum, hum, hum’

But at the time when Gilly Field smiled confidently and confidently, there was a voice of a dismissive woman in the water ball suddenly, and then the water ball suddenly floated backward in the water ball of its activity. After retreating like this, Gilly Field's sword skills were emptied again as if hitting the air.

To be honest, once or twice, I’m afraid that’s fine, but since this magical water ball came out, it has made Gilly Fed lose face in a certain sense, and was very angrily cursed with his jade finger.

Even clinging to it, accompanied by a temporary slam on the ground, forcibly changing his posture so that his sword skills were directly interrupted and chasing it.

[In a sense, you are also a stalker hunter, even if the ear food is taken away, you have to do your best to get it back. Don’t you feel a loss? 】


"Huh~huh! Although there is the instinct of my hunters, compared with the predators in nature, my physical strength, perseverance, and magic can support this action. You don't need to care or worry~ Worry about whether your master will be taken away by me!"

‘Huh~huh, hh~hh~hh, hh~hh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Even more dramatic is that even when you chase me and the enemy advances and retreats like this, the magic water group subconsciously persuades Gilly Field to retreat.

But it's a pity~ the other party is very confident that they can't give up chasing after each other, and even use long-range sword skills to contain each other and face each other when they can't pull apart or shorten each other at almost medium and long distances.

It made this dense forest like encountering a large logging machine to clear a forest field, and it just razed it to the ground as if there was no grass growing, leaving only a lot of collapsed trunks and very neat stumps everywhere, just like emphasizing that there are people Visiting here is destroying the natural environment...

[Cut~Cut, it's really a bit tricky, if the owner is not awake, why is so passive...]

"In that case~ then it's time for me to wake up! Come back to my magic!"

[Master, you are awake! That's good~ The next step is to beat up the existence of this false life! 】

"Ah~ah! It's time to clean up!"


And just in this situation where Gilly Field was like locking her, the magic water mass that she was still feeling very troublesome was called back by the original lord within it, and she was released from the state of being wrapped, and she immediately lost the air. Ability of her.

Severely relying on the pair of jade feet, he plunged directly into the ground and pulled out a deep gully, forcibly stopped his advancement, and then stood on the ground slightly swaying.

(The self-defense was lifted, and then it stopped automatically? Not only that~ The damage caused by my sharp claws on my body, and he recovered so quickly, I am afraid this girl is not as easy to deal with!)

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Pha~Da’

"Oh~oh? Don't run away? I'm still preparing to continue playing cat and mouse games with you? But I have to admire your magic content and recovery ability, you can recover so quickly! Ready to finally be with me Is there a duel?"

But seeing the former lord who took the initiative to stop and wait for her condition, and cooperated with her naked eyes to observe the intelligence, she had to be slightly cautious to be about 200~300 meters away from her, calling her so tentatively stand up.

After all, just like Gilly Field’s eyes that perceive the fluctuations of magical power around him, the magical power now activated from the original lord lady seemed to surround her, expanding her momentum more than ten times to make her vigilant. ...

"Duel? I'm afraid you are such a shadowy and false existence. How can you be worthy to make me shake and fear? Stop kidding!"

However, the current Miss Lord Lord seemed to have become very indifferent, and she shook her head in response, as if she had no intention of being serious from this moment, or she was full of rebellious attitude without putting her in her eyes at all!

(There is hypocrisy?)

"Hey~hey~hey! Little girl, you can do whatever you want because you have awakened the magic! What hypocrisy exists I am the reborn'Silver Wolf' Gillifeld, I don't think you can see the coffin without weeping !'Silver Claw'!"

‘咚~哐, 嗵~嗵~嗵, 唰~唰~唰’

It is very likely that the breath of the original lady lord has changed The addition has become too unobtrusive, making this Gillyfeld directly crush the ground under his feet like a thunder, and use it as if it is straight. Once again, his own double claws with high-concentration magic sword skills attacked him like a halo! ! !

(That's it~ It seems that she may not realize that she has been given a hypocritical life form as if she was cloned by someone else! Is it true that she should be sympathetic? Or should she be merciless to her? It is really pitiful and overwhelming. The disgusting fool...)

"Ah~Ah...'Ice Arms'!"

‘Om~Om~Om, hu~hu~hu, ding-ding~dangdang, bang bang~ 哐哐, 唰 la~ 唰 la, 嗞~ 嗞~ 嗞’

Seeing that Gilly Field now looks hideous, even after she wants to attack her deadly, the former lord lady can only sigh a little and use her magical power to visualize a four-meter-long ice method. Rod!

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