Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (158) The Inevitable Situation

But she is not incomprehensible about what she did. It is very likely that she is also guarding against whether she will behave like a trick again, so she will choose to stand still in a threatening situation, right?

(Threat? No, I'm afraid I want to make a fool of me? After all, she looks like she has already vented a lot of grievances just now, and she's almost back to her sanity again!)

[Then what to do? Libia sauce! It's impossible to be so stubborn with it, right? 】

【how come? Do you think that I really care about the same thing as you, and I will just go around indiscriminately, and even just spend so much time on getting a venue? Do not be silly! I have a lot of small movements on the way! 】

[Eh~Eh~Eh?” [Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh heh heh?” he is? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ? ? Really? 】

When faced with such a question and knowing that Gilly Field did not intend to act rashly, Libia was also thinking about why she did it.

The former lord lady, who was in the perspective of an almost idle bystander, was overwhelmed and worried in this situation, and Libia, who was acting with her, was very speechless...

After all, her knowledge of magic is still half-knowledge or even confused. Naturally, she doesn't understand what Libia is doing for so long, and she can't help but feel that it is difficult to educate her. She shook her little head. stand up……

‘P~p, bm~bm~buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

"Hmm...Hmm...High-level range magic? You...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

‘噌~噌~噌, patter~ 唰拉啦, 咚~咚~咚’

But just after Libia snapped her fingers, the route she and the big dog looked like Gillyfield was activated by the magic power she released again, and countless huge magic arrays composed of magic inscriptions. , Emerged from the ground and sparkled with a terrible and dazzling blue halo.

For a while, even if Gilly Field did see through the true colors of this thing, but it belonged to the instant high-speed magic, so that it had no time to deal with it, directly accepted the water blades and light guns from the magic array below without interruption. The mixed cross attack suddenly spread from her abdomen position to her mind from a suffocating sensation of bombardment.

Although she also mobilized the magic power of the whole body to defend for the first time, but it kept raining on the offensive, and had to fly the top of it into the sky, stiffly in mid-air by countless attacks continuously hitting the air, even without Weakening strength like a little bit of room...

【Oh my God! What kind of fairy magic is this! It's really great! I wonder if she will be turned into a hornet's nest like this? 】

【How can it be! Although it did make him unable to take off for a while, and even mobilized his whole body magic to strengthen his wolf's hair and skin, and then to defend my magic, but relying on this'flying in the rain' magic, it is still far away. Far from enough! Little girl continues to assist me! The next step is to take advantage of her illness to kill her! 】

[Oh~Oh! ! ! 】

"'Maple Rain Flow Stick Technique-Dian Lan"! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

‘Da~Da~Da, Gulu~ Gulu, Hu~hu~hu, 噌~噌~噌’

But after confirming that she was unexpectedly and completely trapped to death, Libia, who felt that it was almost time, took the initiative to request the help of the former lord lady, first stepping on her "shadow step" and taking advantage of the situation. At the same time he opened his indiscriminate range of magic, he stared at Gilly Field's current position intently.

Utilizing the halo energy of the azure magic sword technique that surrounds him, he condenses it on the 4 meters long stick in his hand in one breath, and uses a continuous charge-like method to step directly on his magic spear, On the side of the water blade, he opened the portal hole very risky, and suddenly attacked at the abdomen position like a wolf drop! ! !

(Ah - ah? This feeling! Implying !!!)

"Don't be kidding! Little girl!!! "Flying needle wolf hare"!!!"

‘咣~咣~咣, 嗵嚓~嗵嚓, 嗵~嗵~嗵, 唰啦~唰啦, pada~pada’

Gilly Field, who also possesses the ability of ‘dangerous perception’, suddenly snarled when Libia suddenly understood what Libia wanted to do in this minute.

Although this situation allowed him to instantly relax the magic power of strengthening defenses on his body, large and small scars that were bombarded by the indiscriminate magic below him,

However, it still uses the large amount of magic power that has been separated, and suddenly most of the wolf's hairs that are still damaged in the abdomen and even the surrounding limbs become very hard as needles, and while sustaining such damage, they suddenly shot out. Invade the past! ! !

Those wolves are like steel needles, just like the magic circle below it, with a spreading fan-shaped range, as long as it is possible, Libia chooses to avoid and where it is, and strikes it indiscriminately like a carpet.

(This is...mostly there is no way to avoid it completely, right? That's true to me! After all, in order to survive, the other party abandoned the car to protect the handsome by releasing a large amount of defensive magic power to take the attack below, then how could I not Choose some!)

[Little girl! I'm sorry! 】

[Eh~ Eh? Are you not going to run away? qaq】

[Don't run away, if you miss the opportunity, wait until the magic circle below completely loses its magic effect... It is very difficult for us to have such a golden opportunity! You have to work hard as you are willing to do it! 】

【okay then! But give me a good recovery! Otherwise, once I go to take over the body, the heart-piercing pain will be very psychological for me! 】

[Hmm~hmm! I promise you! 】


‘Shuh~huh, papa~patter, hiss~his~his’

However, Libia, who is also deeply involved in, did not retreat for this. After all, she also knew that this was the result of using the other party to know her many abilities and methods before she succeeded. If so Now if you give up the horror, there is no such good opportunity to completely eliminate her.

‘Goo, hu, hu, hu, papa, papa, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang)


So after she swallowed her saliva subconsciously, she informed the former lady lord in her body so that she did not deviate from the charging route as much as possible, subtly dodge part of the co-existing attacks of both sides at the same time, while suffering non-fatal injuries. damage.

But deliberately maintained this as if unstoppable charging force, and continued to instantly use her unending magical sword skill at the best distance from Gilly Field's close abdomen...

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