Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (One Hundred and Sixty-Eight) I caught you!

And Libia, who was surrounded by countless magical inscriptions and surrounded by countless magical inscriptions, was about less than 1,000 meters in the embrace of the sea by returning to the sea completely, and in the same vertical altitude of 1,000 meters, so that she let her beautiful hair and clothing, With the ensuing blast, the storm blew up and down.

Although this unexpected strike did indeed knock down the island where the enemy existed, the magical feedback that came back as if there was nothing, and the deep impression of the previous'Shadow Escape', made him subconsciously bit him. The bottom lip was so thoughtful.

   After all, after summing up the new experience and situation gained from the former lord’s wife before, even she herself has no basis for this powerful attack magic...

  ‘Whoo~hoo~hoo, papa~papa’

   (I found your magic reaction! But I didn't expect it to be that far away. I'm afraid that the range provided by "Shadow Escape" can take a long time to reach it through the path!)

   "Heh~he~he! Did you run to an altitude of more than a kilometer again this time? It seems that magicians are also a troublesome existence that is very comfortable with ultra-long distance activities!"

   While in the high air, Libia is still thinking about whether she has dealt with the original lord’s wife. It seems that there is another world and space. It is a good way to move and save her life.

   As if walking along the vines, smelling the source of the large-scale destruction magic before her, the remaining magical trajectory gradually resembled a fish or a dolphin, sneaking into the former lord's wife who jumped high and then dived into the shadows and darkness.

   then showed a sly and glamorous smile, and was swiftly following the chaotic natural route between the sea and the clouds, hovering in the air so quickly!



   "Dark? Shadow! Is it possible!!!"

  ‘Boom~boom~boom, wow~wow~wow’

   At such a high altitude, the sea breeze is obviously excessively noisy, forcing Libia, who is fascinated by her own hair from time to time, to subconsciously complain and use her hair rope to tie it into a ponytail-like appearance.

   But while behaving in such a natural way, she looked dumbly at piles after piles of fast-moving wind, even getting closer and closer to the big cotton-like weird clouds near her.

It is just a simple question and answer to look at the clouds with highlights and shadows, and I want to pass the time to tie my hair, but I suddenly remembered how I looked at these clouds with a wide range of various shadows. .

   An instinctive self-defense response, urging her to drive the high-propelling magic power, so that she immediately and quickly away from these parasites that can lurking'Shadow Escape'.

After all, since shadows can be generated, even if it’s like a springboard medium, it’s not impossible for the former lord’s wife and others to move quickly, so they quickly move away from all the surrounding clouds as soon as possible, and stay as far as possible to the blue that is only one person. Sky position...

(Moved? And still move away quickly without a hint of hesitation? Could it be that I was detected? No~No! It's not as if I am suspecting that these clouds with natural shadows will be my quick attack means. Stay away! It’s a bit interesting! This is what the old people often say, "Eat a ditch and grow a wisdom", right? Good judgment!)

   "Oh~hhhhh! Although the idea is okay, but..."

   Suddenly, the other party’s active mobilization of magic power and rapid magic response made the former lord’s wife begin to suspect and judge the meaning and basis of her actions.

   But thinking about it, she was taken for granted, as if she was not embarrassed by the opponent's so good warning, she continued to smile as if she was holding a winning ticket, and then she continued to sneak in the shadow of the nearest cloud with the "Shadow Warriors"...


(Looks like she should be here? Although I don’t know where she is in the sky now! But the sense of sight being stared at by the hunters like this is the same as all the information and feelings returned by the "Tan Ying" before. Same, she should already have the same gang of herself, lurking around!)

   "That's why I hate the existence of the hidden person the most. It is really annoying like a fly! Hey~hey~hey!!!"

  ‘Hum~hum~hum, hum~hum, hum, hum, hum, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter

And feeling a lingering sensation of being stared at by the enemy, once again existed around and became more intense. I don’t know how many times, this has made Libia understand that the original lord’s wife and the others are now ready to look for her. It's a pretty good flaw, just as a strong premonition for the implementation of another complete assassination plan.

So she didn't wait for the opponent to take action against her being too passive, so she mobilized the azure magic power directly on her body, and just used the two jade hands that she slowly raised, as if one left and one right. After a light wave,

   Countless large numbers of water-shaped monsters floating in just like this, they blasted away the surrounding clouds without a single pause, letting them slowly disappear into the sky like a beaten soul!

   (Not scattered! That terrible feeling of being stared at is still there! So~ where are they? There shouldn't be any shadows here...)

   "Are you looking for us? They look cute but do things very crudely and simply exist! xN"

   And it was when Libia really smashed all the clouds, leaving them with no time for a bit of debris, but the strange sense of sight still existed even closer.


   ('Joint Magic Attack Sword Skill-Nine Lian Killing Array!')

   "Goodbye! Libia! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! xN"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, 嘭~哐, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, slap~cha, slam~ slam, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle’

I saw that from the shadow created by the liquid around her, suddenly there were about 9 original lord wives or'shadow warriors' who were killed. For a while, Qi suddenly stared a lot of eyes. But in the very short period of stunned mind, those short knives that were entwined with a good magical sword skill halo took advantage of the trend.

Very violent once again blasted through the magical inscriptions surrounding Libia from all angles, making the dazzling blade like a quick knife to cut a piece of soybean rot, and strangling it in an instant, as if it were a flash in the pan. At such a speed, I am afraid that few normal people can react to it...

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