Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (One Hundred and Eighty) Suspected universe is full of crisis zone


"But~ this trick itself is not until the opponent is completely destroyed, or my spellcaster runs out of magic power, dies, etc., it may end directly, I want to see how long you can last! Ha~ Ha~ha! Come on! Take it away as much as you want as a price. You have to destroy that little girl!"

And also in the third fictional memory world, the fake'Fritia Winglaus' who kept the appearance of the'Lady of the original lord' looked slightly surprised at his jade hand, it was still entwined with micro The purple magic sword skill halo, and even kept emitting a one-handed sword like a sword humming.

Then he sat on the floor triumphantly and submerged the tip of his sword into the ground beside him, and even slowly closed his eyes and let go of it, just like closing his eyes and restoring the spirit, providing it with the required magic power, just waiting for the other side The death news of Aichan, who was swallowed by magic sword skills, was completely annihilated...

  ‘咚哐~咚哐, 嚓嚓~嘭wipe"

   (Since I am attracted to the surrounding things wherever I am, I might as well just directly..."Vacuum Blaster", "Feilan Feet", "Feiyan Kick"!)


  ‘Om~Om~Om, Om~Om~Om, Da~Da~Da, patter~patter’

   And after confirming that, as long as she stayed here, all the existence within a certain range would quickly attack her, so she immediately used the Sword Skill of the Physical Surgery System with Recoil.

   Go through or step on surrounding obstacles at the fastest speed, allowing himself to forcibly bypass all asteroid belt-like venues, and directly come to the most empty, complete darkness and starry vision of the universe.


   (My goodness! This part of the journey is really winding and twists... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?


However, after leaving the chaotic asteroid belt, the situation where Ai-chan is located is generally not a problem, but her own can almost be slightly visible within a slightly visible range, and there is still a vacuum that attracts her. It's still very difficult and easy to dissolve the effects of this magical environment because of all the wind and noises that exist outside.

  ‘Boom~ boom~ boom, boom~ boom, boom~ boom~ boom’

   But while Ai Jiang was still breathing in peace, suddenly another huge star about 10,000 kilometers away from her in a straight line.

As if life is approaching suddenly, a large-scale supernova explosion occurred directly, the sudden huge impact, and the incidental countless different sizes and uneven, full of red light as if in a high temperature state. .

   just spread to her at a distance that is visible to the naked eye, and the speed of the range of influence, I am afraid that it will be able to directly impact the location of Aichan in less than tens of seconds or even ten seconds?

   (What's the situation? My goodness, it's terrible!!!)

   "Cut~Cut! It's really annoying!"

  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!

   And now, there is no time for Ai-chan to think about these things. She can only rely on her instinct to improve dynamic vision, and even cooperate with various auxiliary effects such as good neural reflexes and ‘danger perception’.

  Using his high recoil, destructive power, or physical sword skills like mobility, desperately dodge and smash these oncoming uninvited things.

   The movements on the way seemed to drag out a series of afterimages, completing various supernormal operations that ordinary humans simply could not complete, in order to be able to escape the catastrophe of this day without any damage.

  ‘Huh~huh, huh~噌~噌, hiss~his~his’

(Is it still too far-fetched? After all, I not only have to avoid the impact caused by it, but also that once I get close to my position within a fixed range, I will suddenly change the orbit and hit me most quickly. Attack, I really have to admire the power of the fake'Mrs. Lord'!)



   But it is a pity that although the former may barely escape, but the second stage of the latter changes, sometimes there will always be an unexpectedly terrifying effect.

   made Ai-chan have to suffer a certain degree of scratches, heavy blows, incomplete blocking and other injuries. The consequences of injuries, forcing her follow-up actions to become more and more far-fetched and slower...

  ‘Hu~hu~hu, huh, huh, huh"

   "Haha~haha...haha~haha...Finally~ I can take a breath..."

Probably the entire huge shock lasted for nearly 40 minutes. It may be a very short-lived common situation for the entire universe, but for the scarred and disheveled body that seems to be a **** man, it fits with the panting. Roughly as if escaping from the dead, lingering and panting.

   Most of the people who saw it would not be heartbroken, but even so, she would slowly maintain and quickly repair the sword skill barrier that was shattered by this big impact.

   (It's another disaster! Uh~Uh... It looks a little bit uncomfortable... After all, my body was severely damaged in these two attacks!)

(Not only that~ the physical and mental power is almost reaching its Once I fall into deep sleep or go into a deep coma or something, whether it’s the first or second offensive, I’m afraid I will It's hard to protect yourself...)

   I looked at the supernova gravel belt that was fading away, and the asteroid belt that I was far away from before. I am afraid that it would be difficult for a third offensive to happen for a while.

But it’s a pity...This is a universe-like existence full of various unstable factors, and the biggest of them is this infinite attraction, which is about 500 meters in radius from Aichan as the center, and there is a reverse absolute. Attraction, even if only a small stone enters the range, it may be accelerated into a bullet-like high-risk existence.

   So that very heavy eyelid sensation makes Aichan, who may be drowsy at any time, constantly shaking her head like melon seeds, trying to make herself more awake.

   And she has been using these action time all the time, while observing the wonderful surroundings, and combining most of the existing information, trying to find the most effective countermeasures...

   (Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i remember that it was sent in by that wonderful magical sword skill

   (Why~ try it now? After all, if that is the principle, I still have a magic stone with only a trace of magic in my hand, I am afraid I can cast magic again!)</tent>

  Sword and Gray Wheel Dancer </p>

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