Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (One Hundred and Eighty Six) The fully activated "Sentinel"

Of course, under the influence of such terrifying multiple speeds, it would take less than ten seconds to directly land on the surface of the planet, but because of its size, although it caused an inexplicable explosion, it produced A little mushroom cloud scene!

But on the whole, I am afraid that it is much inferior to the previous love sauce. It only has a certain impact on the area and does not harm any creatures...

"Huhhhhhhh! The sentry is ready! Then, after starting first, I will slowly find this girl in this terrible zone! It has caused me a lot of trouble! I hope she will die soon! "

‘Deep~deep~deep, wow~wow~wow’

After visually confirming that the square box has successfully reached the ground, Flydia nodded with great satisfaction, then mobilized her magic power with her own jade hand, and began to directly activate it remotely...

(Uh~hhhhhhhhhh! The damage is slight, and then self-repairing can be no problem, then ~ fully entrusted, and finally let him release Shikigami to explore and monitor here, it is OK!)

"Da~da~da, bang~bang, bang~da"

"It's over! Now I can go to the surrounding space and the planetary belt with peace of mind~ I look for planets and so on. After all, her physical condition is also the location of the two planets there and there, I am afraid it is already there. Maximum limit! Let's go!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Om~Da, Om~Om~Om’

After Flydia used her magical power to visualize a rectangular interface like an operation screen, she used her jade finger to edit the various commands of the fallen object below.

After nodding in such a reassuring manner, he took the opportunity to put away the interface and directly looked at the location of the nearest two planetary belts, and then flew away like a shopkeeper...


[Receive the various self-discipline commands of the Lord and Rao, now the main task is to repair the damaged components and generate new miniature combat power to continue the exploration and vigilance of the cluster! 】

‘Gada~Gada, Bata~Bada, Da~Da~Da’

It is also located on the planet where Ai Jiang is located, and the remaining area and depth of the box is about a hundred meters in radius...

The box, which itself was still in a flaming state, flashed with a burst of blue light, like opening the outer box, directly retreating the fire on the outer surface, but was oppressed and extinguished by it in the opposite direction.

However, the white box exposed inside, obviously the outer layer has been overstocked and deformed. It seems that no matter how much protection there is, there is still no way to completely avoid the damage like Flydia before.

But these did not seem to affect the execution of its orders to Flydia, but a sharp blade like a steel knife appeared from the inside, which directly penetrated the outer shell.

Then an exit was made like opening a can, so that one after another inside looked like mini-adults, and then slowly crawled out of the inside.

Obviously this may be the original appearance of this magic. This square box is like their carrier and temporary shelter, and these things should be the Shigami mentioned in the previous content.

"Come~Come~Come! Divide into teams of five units and start separate operations with the two mission objectives before!"

"Understood! Hey~ Hey! xN"


These guys, like very obedient animals, began to form two neatly formed large formations, and then they split into two groups and picked up tools one by one like "ding-ding~dangdang" to repair and expand this square box, and another A group of people began to patrol and explore the planet like multiple troops...


"Uhhhhhhh...have you gone to sleep again? But the overall mental condition seems to be pretty good, right? The only thing is that the body is still tired and hungry! Let me see how much action I can make!"

"Wow~ Lala, Gada~ Gada, Wow~ Da"

"Oh Duo! Almost another dog chewing mud! But ~ I should be able to eat something! It's amazing!"

She also left in Flytia, leaving these things alone to guard against Ai-chan, and Ai-chan herself woke up from a long sleep.

And this time I don’t want to be too haggard like before, but mentally and almost no problem, so I tried to move my body like this, swaying to stand up, but there is still a slight dizziness, which almost makes love The sauce slipped into the spring water not far in front...

‘Papa, puff, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, patter

"It's delicious! I'm afraid this is the effect of being too hungry! Hmm~hmm..."

"Guru~Guru, haha~ haha"

That's why I was so excited and slowly sat down, and then directly visualized a large amount of food, and matched it with the nice clear spring water next to it, and began to have a meal...

(But~ the situation here is almost the same as our world. In a sense, it is a very lucky situation! Moreover, Flytia’s magical fluctuations seem to have disappeared now. It is impossible that I can’t find me. Have you left?

(But ~ judging from her previous chase situation... I am afraid that this matter should not be so simple. It is possible that some back-hands are left waiting for me to go out and start something. It is really necessary to prevent it!)


And even during this hard-won Ai Jiang kept reminiscing about a lot of the previous situation, and now it is true that she is not exploring the status of Fritia’s magic. Let it have some not-so-good fortunes

After all, the other party didn't have a few words when they met, so there was a deadly attack, so it is entirely possible that some terrible trap will be made to ambush her outside!

"Well~Well! Now after eating, my body is almost no problem. It's time to get out and take a look. It's possible that this will be the place where I and her finally duel. It can be conceived like this! So the more you know, the more you win, the odds are uncertain!"

‘咣~咣~咣, pazi~pazi, wow~da, wow~ wow, bang~ bang~ bang’

"Ah~ la la... It seems that I thought it was too simple! This is a hole that can only pass through a small stream, OK?"

"And the other side is also~ This situation is obviously a situation like a cocoon, okay! Well~ Well... I can only use tools to dig up or down slowly! Suddenly I feel like a hard life! QAQ"

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