Reana is normally up with the sun. But the sounding of the telephone wakes her and she can tell by the sun it's been up a few hours.
The tone of the phone sounds a second time. Reana grabs the phone from Jeff's night stand, "Hello."
"Reana, darling, welcome home, when did you get back, dear," ask the woman sounding sugary sweet.
Reana recognizes the voice immediately, "Yesterday, Gloria. What do you want?"
"Whatever do you mean, darling? Can't a body just call to say hello, see how things are going with the two most important people in the world to me."
Reana's eyebrows knit together as she scowls at the lie she just heard. She looks over at Jeff as he appears in the doorway drying his hands on a hand towel from the kitchen. She can smell bacon frying.
"So, dear," the woman trying to sound sweet and innocent, "I'ld like to talk with your Uncle Jeff. Is he around?"
As if he'ld be anywhere else. She knows as well as Reana he doesn't teach any classes at the community college during the summer.
From the look on Reana's face, Jeff is pretty sure who is on the phone. But he asks in a whisper anyway, "Who is it?"
Reana holds out the phone for Jeff to take, "Miss Super Model wants to speak with you."
He knew it. Jeff rolls his eyes as he takes the phone, "What do you want, Gloria?"
Reana follows Jeff into the kitchen listening intently to his side of the conversation. Jeff attends to his things cooking on the stove as he talks, "You only call when you want something...
Yes, yes, that's the only time you call...
Gloria, we're not friends, we never were...
You're a woman I tortured myself with for five years. And the last three plus years without you have been wonderful, except for these phone calls where you try to pretend we're friends and try to take advantage of a friendship that doesn't exist...
Well, you hit that one over the head, Gloria. I care more about Reana than I do you, always have and always will. So, now that you know this, don't call here anymore...
Yes, yes, I do mean it. Don't call here ever again...
No, that was sex with you. It was the ugliest experience of my life," then Jeff turns off the phone and sets it on the counter.
Reana is sitting at the table looking at Jeff as she sips her herbal tea.
"I wasn't harsh enough, was I," Jeff asks Reana.
Reana shakes her head no, "Nope." Jeff makes their plates.
"How's your tea," Jeff ask Reana.
"Fine," answers Reana, "and my eggs are perfect too."
"Good," says Jeff, "with Gloria distracting me, I was afraid I might have overdone them."
Reana smiles and shakes her head no again, "They're perfect."
"Well, we're going to have a full day. So I hope you didn't have plans because I've already planned the day for us."
"Have you now," Reana smiles wider, "I was hoping we could come back here after the cemetery and just have some more one-on-one time."
"Tempting," he kisses her hand, "but we'll have all night when we get home."
"This is going to sound like an odd question," Reana curious, "But, how do I measure up to previous conquest? Say for example, like Miss Super Model."
Jeff smiles with a little discomfort, "I'm not sure how to answer that. First of all, you are not a conquest. You are my life. It just took me two years after I realized it to get rid of Miss Super Model. Trying to compare you to her is like trying to compare a rare and beautiful rose to a rock. You're my rose. None of my previous mistakes, and especially not Gloria, comes anywhere close to you."
"I was just curious. I just wanted to make sure I did okay."
Jeff realizes Reana has given him her virginity. He's the first and only man she's ever been with willingly. She's given him the virginity Super Jock couldn't touch, the purity of her heart. And she will keep giving it to him, "You did much better than just okay," and he kisses her, "Now, we need to get moving. I've picked an outfit out for you," showing her into the bathroom, "Just hop in the shower, get dressed and we'll be on our way."
At the cemetery, Reana puts flowers on each grave, white roses for her father, pink calla lilies for her mother, and a wreath of baby's breathe for their son. Jeff may not be the father biologically, but that's how they both think of the infant, as their son. After all, Jeff was with Reana nearly every second of the pregnancy. He held her hair while she had morning sickness. When she had a nightmare, he slept curled around her with one hand on her growing belly. He was just as fascinated by its movements as she was. He took her to Lamaze class and held her hands as she birthed the stillborn boy.
Reana stands from her prayers and Jeff ask her for some privacy so he can talk to her parents. When Reana's sufficiently out of ear shot, Jeff talks to his best friends.
"Please, don't be angry. I love Reana with all my heart and soul. And you know, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true... Yeah, I know, I'm guilty of continuing to see Gloria for nearly two years after I realized I was in love with Reana, and I don't know why... Maybe it was my way of maintaining a protective barrier between myself and Reana so nothing intimate happened too soon... Well, now all the barriers are gone and we're together. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together, of that I have no doubts... take care of our boy. We love and miss all three of you."
"So where are we going now," ask Reana.
"You'll see," is Jeff's answer to Reana.
When they arrive at their next destination in the city, Reana is excited.
"Jeff, we're not dressed for horseback riding," says Reana.
"We're not here to go horseback riding," Jeff tells her.
"Then why," ask Reana.
With a flourish of his hand, Jeff says, "Madam, you're carriage a waits."
"A horse drawn carriage ride," Reana excited, "I've always wanted to go on a horse drawn carriage ride... And this carriage, my goodness, it looks like something straight from the pages of a fairy tale."
Jeff helps Reana into the carriage the way a gentleman should. Then he sits beside her. "Nothing is too good for my queen."
That statement earns Jeff another kiss. With the unseen barrier gone from between them, they are free to express their love for each other. So, more than the first quarter of the ride is spent cuddling.
Children playing in a park they ride by are sure the pretty lady in the carriage must be a princess and they run up waving. Reana is delighted to wave back to them.
Half way through the ride, Jeff decides the time is right, "Some time ago, I offered to marry you. My reasons at the time may have been noble, but they weren't romantic. But that was the day I realized I was in love with you. Now, some time has passed and we have both had time to heal and resolve some issues." He reaches in his jacket pocket, "This is the ring my grandfather proposed to my grandmother with. I had it resized to fit you the day after I realized I was in love with you... Now, if you would be so kind as to agree to marry me and be my wife, I would love to put this ring on your finger."
A tear spills down Reana's cheek, "Yes."
With his proposal accepted, Jeff slips the engagement ring on Reana's finger. It's a perfect fit. The rest of the ride is even quieter than the first half.
At the end of the ride, Reana ask, "Are we going home now?"
"No," answers Jeff, "and the answer to your next question is... You'll see."
So, Reana doesn't ask where they're going next. She's quiet as he drives to their next destination.
When he parks the jeep, Reana's mouth drops opens with shock, "What! are we doing here? All these expensive shops and boutiques, only people like Miss Super Model waste money here."
Jeff gets out of the jeep, walks to her side of the jeep, and opens the door, "Madam, would you please step out of the vehicle?"
Reana complies, "Only because the gentleman asked nicely."
"The gentleman knows how the lady feels about wasting money. I also know you've never so much as received a shampoo in a salon, not a manicure or a pedicure. I just wish to give my queen a little royal treatment."
"Just a little," says Reana reluctant.
"Just a little," responds Jeff leading Reana.
"Are we going in this one," ask Reana concerned.
"Yes we are," confirms Jeff.
"But this is La Chique," says Reana, "It's like the most expensive one on the strip, right?"
Jeff shrugs, "Maybe, but this is where I've made you an appointment." Jeff opens the door for Reana. Reana is hesitant, but she steps inside.
"Mr. Tyler," a woman greets pleasantly as she comes over to them, "This must be the young lady."
"This is my fiancée, Reana. She's never done anything like this before, so be gentle. And as you can plainly see, she's already beautiful. I just need you to get her ready for me."
"Well, let's get a good look at her," the woman taking Reana by the hand.
"Get me ready for what," ask Reana.
"She's a cuticle biter," comments the woman.
"We're attending a formal event tonight," Jeff informs Reana.
"We'll snip off these split ends," says the woman, "and add some high-lights..."
"A formal," Reana twitches away from the woman as she touches her hair, "I don't have anything to wear for a formal event."
Jeff takes Reana's face in his hands and kisses her, "I've taken care of everything for you. Everything you need for tonight is already here. Michelle and her staff are going to get you ready. I'll pick you up at seven."
"You're not leaving me here," ask Reana scared.
"Michelle, seven o'clock," Jeff tells the woman.
"Yes, sir, Mr. Tyler," answers Michelle, "We'll have her ready."
Reana spends about thirty seconds in shock that Jeff just left her in one of those spa pampery places. But then the poking, prodding and pulling begins and Reana just wants to run from the place shrieking like a banshee. But for Jeff, Reana endures what other women think of as relaxing. Reana hasn't so much as applied mascara or painted her nails since she was sixteen. The only other person to trim her hair since her mother died is Greta's mother.
Jeff returns promptly at seven p.m. to pick Reana up, all six foot six of him in a tuxedo.
"Michelle is my fiancée ready," ask Jeff.
"Of course, Mr. Tyler," answers Michelle, "She had never worn a heel higher than two inches before. Juan had to work with her. But they're coming now."
Jeff sees Juan first, then a moment later, Reana. Juan is leading her by the hand. Jeff has always seen beauty when he looks at Reana. But at the moment, he's stunned by her loveliness, "Michelle, you're a genius."
Reana turns so Jeff can see the dress from the back, "Does this make my butt look big?"
Michelle and Juan burst into laughter.
"Mr. Tyler," Juan's hand swishing in the air, "We was walking on egg shells, because we was afraid to say something wrong. Well, you know how Gloria is. We didn't know she knew Gloria until she said, 'Why do woman like Miss Super Model do this to themselves?' We had to ask who Miss Super Model was. And Miss Reana has been so much fun. Miss Super Model is never fun, sir."
Jeff looks down into Reana's eyes. The heels have only raised her to five foot four.
Reana ask, "Are my boobs big enough for this?"
Jeff's response to Reana is a long deep kiss.
"Hmm," Juan raising his eyebrows, "Miss Super Model never got a reaction like that."
"There's just one thing missing," Jeff snaps his fingers and Michelle brings a large velvet box from under the checkout counter.
Michelle opens the box.
Reana gasps, "I can't wear that."
"You can and you will," Jeff tells Reana as he lifts the tiara from the box, "Don't worry. I didn't buy it. I know you wouldn't abide that. It's just on loan to us for the night."
Juan helps Jeff place the tiara on Reana's head.
"All the plastic surgery in the world will never make Miss Super Model this gorgeous," says Michelle smiling, "Now, you come back and see us soon, honey. We will always have time for you."
Jeff puts his right arm up for Reana. Reana takes his arm and waves good-bye to Michelle and Juan. When they get outside, Reana shakes her head slightly at the sight of the limo with driver standing beside it. The driver opens the door and Reana and Jeff climb inside.
"So, did you enjoy La Chique," Jeff asks Reana.
"Some of it," admits Reana half smiling, "It wasn't all bad."
"What was the best part," ask Jeff.
"The shampoo," admits Reana, "Someone else washing my hair was relaxing."
"What was the worst part," ask Jeff.
"Waxing," answers Reana, "Jeff, they waxed places I can't even see."
Jeff suppresses a chuckle, "I'll look at them for you later."
"What I need is a cold compress for my tooshy," comments Reana, "Miss Super Model is crazy.
So, what's this formal event we're going to?"
"It's a charity dinner," explains Jeff, "You've already met most of the people that will be at our table."
"So, why all the fuss for a charity dinner," ask Reana.
Jeff explains, "A lot of famous people attend this dinner. There'll be a lot of media, photographers and such. Don't worry. We won't be of much interest to them. They'll be looking for big stars. Miss Super Model's ex-boyfriend slash author slash college professor won't be of much interest to them. Most of the stars that show up for this will be attending not because they care about the charity, but because they're trying to jump start their stalling careers."
The limo comes to a stop. Reana eyes are big as she takes in the line of reporters and photographers.
"Holy cow," says Reana taking in the whole scene, "they even rolled out a red carpet."
"Don't worry," Jeff tells her, "In less than a minute, we'll be inside."
The chauffeur opens the door and a wave of voices hits Reana's ears, voices wanting to know who is in the limo. Jeff steps out first and Reana hears someone announce his name and that he's Gloria Carr's ex-beau.
Jeff reaches back for Reana. She takes his hand and he draws her out of the limo. Reana is momentarily blinded by camera flashes.
"Ladies and gentlemen," a reporter says into a microphone, "It looks like Jefferson Tyler has brought a princess with him as his date. Who is this stunning woman?"
Suddenly, microphones are being thrust at Jeff and Reana. "Who's your date, Mr. Tyler?" "Where's she from?" "Does Gloria know?" "Have you and Gloria remained friends?"
Jeff and Reana start to walk down the red carpet without making a comment.
"Come on, Mr. Tyler," begs a reporter, "give us a comment."
Jeff pauses with Reana to address the reporter. Jeff says, "The gentlemen wasn't far from the mark when he said I'ld brought a princess with me. But when I look upon her, I see a queen. This is my fiancée, Reana Maize. Please excuse us. We're expected inside."
"Ms. Maize," a reporter ask, "do you know Ms. Carr."
Reana's demeanor is pleasant, "Yes."
"Mr. Tyler, have you and Ms. Carr remained friends," ask a reporter.
"Ms. Carr and I were never friends," answers Jeff.
"Ms. Maize, would you tells us what you think of Ms. Carr," ask a reporter.
Reana politely answers, "No."
"Ms. Maize, why not," ask the reporter.
The next limo pulls up. Relief flows over Reana and Jeff as the attention is taken off of them.
When they reach their table, Reana is relieved to see people she's familiar with, colleagues of Jeff's from the community college, a couple of local politicians and their wives, most of whom she has met before attending barbeques and picnics with Jeff.
Before all the greetings can begin, Jeff holds up his hand, "I know all of you know Reana. But I need to introduce you to my fiancée... Reana."
They're congratulated and accept hugs and handshakes. But things quiet for a moment as Gloria walks past with her date. If looks could kill, Reana and Jeff would be dead. But despite the evil looks sent their way from Gloria at her table, Jeff and Reana have a good time.
The tone of the phone sounds a second time. Reana grabs the phone from Jeff's night stand, "Hello."
"Reana, darling, welcome home, when did you get back, dear," ask the woman sounding sugary sweet.
Reana recognizes the voice immediately, "Yesterday, Gloria. What do you want?"
"Whatever do you mean, darling? Can't a body just call to say hello, see how things are going with the two most important people in the world to me."
Reana's eyebrows knit together as she scowls at the lie she just heard. She looks over at Jeff as he appears in the doorway drying his hands on a hand towel from the kitchen. She can smell bacon frying.
"So, dear," the woman trying to sound sweet and innocent, "I'ld like to talk with your Uncle Jeff. Is he around?"
As if he'ld be anywhere else. She knows as well as Reana he doesn't teach any classes at the community college during the summer.
From the look on Reana's face, Jeff is pretty sure who is on the phone. But he asks in a whisper anyway, "Who is it?"
Reana holds out the phone for Jeff to take, "Miss Super Model wants to speak with you."
He knew it. Jeff rolls his eyes as he takes the phone, "What do you want, Gloria?"
Reana follows Jeff into the kitchen listening intently to his side of the conversation. Jeff attends to his things cooking on the stove as he talks, "You only call when you want something...
Yes, yes, that's the only time you call...
Gloria, we're not friends, we never were...
You're a woman I tortured myself with for five years. And the last three plus years without you have been wonderful, except for these phone calls where you try to pretend we're friends and try to take advantage of a friendship that doesn't exist...
Well, you hit that one over the head, Gloria. I care more about Reana than I do you, always have and always will. So, now that you know this, don't call here anymore...
Yes, yes, I do mean it. Don't call here ever again...
No, that was sex with you. It was the ugliest experience of my life," then Jeff turns off the phone and sets it on the counter.
Reana is sitting at the table looking at Jeff as she sips her herbal tea.
"I wasn't harsh enough, was I," Jeff asks Reana.
Reana shakes her head no, "Nope." Jeff makes their plates.
"How's your tea," Jeff ask Reana.
"Fine," answers Reana, "and my eggs are perfect too."
"Good," says Jeff, "with Gloria distracting me, I was afraid I might have overdone them."
Reana smiles and shakes her head no again, "They're perfect."
"Well, we're going to have a full day. So I hope you didn't have plans because I've already planned the day for us."
"Have you now," Reana smiles wider, "I was hoping we could come back here after the cemetery and just have some more one-on-one time."
"Tempting," he kisses her hand, "but we'll have all night when we get home."
"This is going to sound like an odd question," Reana curious, "But, how do I measure up to previous conquest? Say for example, like Miss Super Model."
Jeff smiles with a little discomfort, "I'm not sure how to answer that. First of all, you are not a conquest. You are my life. It just took me two years after I realized it to get rid of Miss Super Model. Trying to compare you to her is like trying to compare a rare and beautiful rose to a rock. You're my rose. None of my previous mistakes, and especially not Gloria, comes anywhere close to you."
"I was just curious. I just wanted to make sure I did okay."
Jeff realizes Reana has given him her virginity. He's the first and only man she's ever been with willingly. She's given him the virginity Super Jock couldn't touch, the purity of her heart. And she will keep giving it to him, "You did much better than just okay," and he kisses her, "Now, we need to get moving. I've picked an outfit out for you," showing her into the bathroom, "Just hop in the shower, get dressed and we'll be on our way."
At the cemetery, Reana puts flowers on each grave, white roses for her father, pink calla lilies for her mother, and a wreath of baby's breathe for their son. Jeff may not be the father biologically, but that's how they both think of the infant, as their son. After all, Jeff was with Reana nearly every second of the pregnancy. He held her hair while she had morning sickness. When she had a nightmare, he slept curled around her with one hand on her growing belly. He was just as fascinated by its movements as she was. He took her to Lamaze class and held her hands as she birthed the stillborn boy.
Reana stands from her prayers and Jeff ask her for some privacy so he can talk to her parents. When Reana's sufficiently out of ear shot, Jeff talks to his best friends.
"Please, don't be angry. I love Reana with all my heart and soul. And you know, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true... Yeah, I know, I'm guilty of continuing to see Gloria for nearly two years after I realized I was in love with Reana, and I don't know why... Maybe it was my way of maintaining a protective barrier between myself and Reana so nothing intimate happened too soon... Well, now all the barriers are gone and we're together. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together, of that I have no doubts... take care of our boy. We love and miss all three of you."
"So where are we going now," ask Reana.
"You'll see," is Jeff's answer to Reana.
When they arrive at their next destination in the city, Reana is excited.
"Jeff, we're not dressed for horseback riding," says Reana.
"We're not here to go horseback riding," Jeff tells her.
"Then why," ask Reana.
With a flourish of his hand, Jeff says, "Madam, you're carriage a waits."
"A horse drawn carriage ride," Reana excited, "I've always wanted to go on a horse drawn carriage ride... And this carriage, my goodness, it looks like something straight from the pages of a fairy tale."
Jeff helps Reana into the carriage the way a gentleman should. Then he sits beside her. "Nothing is too good for my queen."
That statement earns Jeff another kiss. With the unseen barrier gone from between them, they are free to express their love for each other. So, more than the first quarter of the ride is spent cuddling.
Children playing in a park they ride by are sure the pretty lady in the carriage must be a princess and they run up waving. Reana is delighted to wave back to them.
Half way through the ride, Jeff decides the time is right, "Some time ago, I offered to marry you. My reasons at the time may have been noble, but they weren't romantic. But that was the day I realized I was in love with you. Now, some time has passed and we have both had time to heal and resolve some issues." He reaches in his jacket pocket, "This is the ring my grandfather proposed to my grandmother with. I had it resized to fit you the day after I realized I was in love with you... Now, if you would be so kind as to agree to marry me and be my wife, I would love to put this ring on your finger."
A tear spills down Reana's cheek, "Yes."
With his proposal accepted, Jeff slips the engagement ring on Reana's finger. It's a perfect fit. The rest of the ride is even quieter than the first half.
At the end of the ride, Reana ask, "Are we going home now?"
"No," answers Jeff, "and the answer to your next question is... You'll see."
So, Reana doesn't ask where they're going next. She's quiet as he drives to their next destination.
When he parks the jeep, Reana's mouth drops opens with shock, "What! are we doing here? All these expensive shops and boutiques, only people like Miss Super Model waste money here."
Jeff gets out of the jeep, walks to her side of the jeep, and opens the door, "Madam, would you please step out of the vehicle?"
Reana complies, "Only because the gentleman asked nicely."
"The gentleman knows how the lady feels about wasting money. I also know you've never so much as received a shampoo in a salon, not a manicure or a pedicure. I just wish to give my queen a little royal treatment."
"Just a little," says Reana reluctant.
"Just a little," responds Jeff leading Reana.
"Are we going in this one," ask Reana concerned.
"Yes we are," confirms Jeff.
"But this is La Chique," says Reana, "It's like the most expensive one on the strip, right?"
Jeff shrugs, "Maybe, but this is where I've made you an appointment." Jeff opens the door for Reana. Reana is hesitant, but she steps inside.
"Mr. Tyler," a woman greets pleasantly as she comes over to them, "This must be the young lady."
"This is my fiancée, Reana. She's never done anything like this before, so be gentle. And as you can plainly see, she's already beautiful. I just need you to get her ready for me."
"Well, let's get a good look at her," the woman taking Reana by the hand.
"Get me ready for what," ask Reana.
"She's a cuticle biter," comments the woman.
"We're attending a formal event tonight," Jeff informs Reana.
"We'll snip off these split ends," says the woman, "and add some high-lights..."
"A formal," Reana twitches away from the woman as she touches her hair, "I don't have anything to wear for a formal event."
Jeff takes Reana's face in his hands and kisses her, "I've taken care of everything for you. Everything you need for tonight is already here. Michelle and her staff are going to get you ready. I'll pick you up at seven."
"You're not leaving me here," ask Reana scared.
"Michelle, seven o'clock," Jeff tells the woman.
"Yes, sir, Mr. Tyler," answers Michelle, "We'll have her ready."
Reana spends about thirty seconds in shock that Jeff just left her in one of those spa pampery places. But then the poking, prodding and pulling begins and Reana just wants to run from the place shrieking like a banshee. But for Jeff, Reana endures what other women think of as relaxing. Reana hasn't so much as applied mascara or painted her nails since she was sixteen. The only other person to trim her hair since her mother died is Greta's mother.
Jeff returns promptly at seven p.m. to pick Reana up, all six foot six of him in a tuxedo.
"Michelle is my fiancée ready," ask Jeff.
"Of course, Mr. Tyler," answers Michelle, "She had never worn a heel higher than two inches before. Juan had to work with her. But they're coming now."
Jeff sees Juan first, then a moment later, Reana. Juan is leading her by the hand. Jeff has always seen beauty when he looks at Reana. But at the moment, he's stunned by her loveliness, "Michelle, you're a genius."
Reana turns so Jeff can see the dress from the back, "Does this make my butt look big?"
Michelle and Juan burst into laughter.
"Mr. Tyler," Juan's hand swishing in the air, "We was walking on egg shells, because we was afraid to say something wrong. Well, you know how Gloria is. We didn't know she knew Gloria until she said, 'Why do woman like Miss Super Model do this to themselves?' We had to ask who Miss Super Model was. And Miss Reana has been so much fun. Miss Super Model is never fun, sir."
Jeff looks down into Reana's eyes. The heels have only raised her to five foot four.
Reana ask, "Are my boobs big enough for this?"
Jeff's response to Reana is a long deep kiss.
"Hmm," Juan raising his eyebrows, "Miss Super Model never got a reaction like that."
"There's just one thing missing," Jeff snaps his fingers and Michelle brings a large velvet box from under the checkout counter.
Michelle opens the box.
Reana gasps, "I can't wear that."
"You can and you will," Jeff tells Reana as he lifts the tiara from the box, "Don't worry. I didn't buy it. I know you wouldn't abide that. It's just on loan to us for the night."
Juan helps Jeff place the tiara on Reana's head.
"All the plastic surgery in the world will never make Miss Super Model this gorgeous," says Michelle smiling, "Now, you come back and see us soon, honey. We will always have time for you."
Jeff puts his right arm up for Reana. Reana takes his arm and waves good-bye to Michelle and Juan. When they get outside, Reana shakes her head slightly at the sight of the limo with driver standing beside it. The driver opens the door and Reana and Jeff climb inside.
"So, did you enjoy La Chique," Jeff asks Reana.
"Some of it," admits Reana half smiling, "It wasn't all bad."
"What was the best part," ask Jeff.
"The shampoo," admits Reana, "Someone else washing my hair was relaxing."
"What was the worst part," ask Jeff.
"Waxing," answers Reana, "Jeff, they waxed places I can't even see."
Jeff suppresses a chuckle, "I'll look at them for you later."
"What I need is a cold compress for my tooshy," comments Reana, "Miss Super Model is crazy.
So, what's this formal event we're going to?"
"It's a charity dinner," explains Jeff, "You've already met most of the people that will be at our table."
"So, why all the fuss for a charity dinner," ask Reana.
Jeff explains, "A lot of famous people attend this dinner. There'll be a lot of media, photographers and such. Don't worry. We won't be of much interest to them. They'll be looking for big stars. Miss Super Model's ex-boyfriend slash author slash college professor won't be of much interest to them. Most of the stars that show up for this will be attending not because they care about the charity, but because they're trying to jump start their stalling careers."
The limo comes to a stop. Reana eyes are big as she takes in the line of reporters and photographers.
"Holy cow," says Reana taking in the whole scene, "they even rolled out a red carpet."
"Don't worry," Jeff tells her, "In less than a minute, we'll be inside."
The chauffeur opens the door and a wave of voices hits Reana's ears, voices wanting to know who is in the limo. Jeff steps out first and Reana hears someone announce his name and that he's Gloria Carr's ex-beau.
Jeff reaches back for Reana. She takes his hand and he draws her out of the limo. Reana is momentarily blinded by camera flashes.
"Ladies and gentlemen," a reporter says into a microphone, "It looks like Jefferson Tyler has brought a princess with him as his date. Who is this stunning woman?"
Suddenly, microphones are being thrust at Jeff and Reana. "Who's your date, Mr. Tyler?" "Where's she from?" "Does Gloria know?" "Have you and Gloria remained friends?"
Jeff and Reana start to walk down the red carpet without making a comment.
"Come on, Mr. Tyler," begs a reporter, "give us a comment."
Jeff pauses with Reana to address the reporter. Jeff says, "The gentlemen wasn't far from the mark when he said I'ld brought a princess with me. But when I look upon her, I see a queen. This is my fiancée, Reana Maize. Please excuse us. We're expected inside."
"Ms. Maize," a reporter ask, "do you know Ms. Carr."
Reana's demeanor is pleasant, "Yes."
"Mr. Tyler, have you and Ms. Carr remained friends," ask a reporter.
"Ms. Carr and I were never friends," answers Jeff.
"Ms. Maize, would you tells us what you think of Ms. Carr," ask a reporter.
Reana politely answers, "No."
"Ms. Maize, why not," ask the reporter.
The next limo pulls up. Relief flows over Reana and Jeff as the attention is taken off of them.
When they reach their table, Reana is relieved to see people she's familiar with, colleagues of Jeff's from the community college, a couple of local politicians and their wives, most of whom she has met before attending barbeques and picnics with Jeff.
Before all the greetings can begin, Jeff holds up his hand, "I know all of you know Reana. But I need to introduce you to my fiancée... Reana."
They're congratulated and accept hugs and handshakes. But things quiet for a moment as Gloria walks past with her date. If looks could kill, Reana and Jeff would be dead. But despite the evil looks sent their way from Gloria at her table, Jeff and Reana have a good time.
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