Chapter 118 Press Conference

Fang Yu chatted with his god sister for half an hour before comforting her.

The reason why Sister Qian called him was because she saw him replying to Qin Wudao's post of a life and death challenge and accepted Qin Wudao's challenge, and was worried that he was acting out of anger.

Fang Yu knew that his god sister was caring about him and talked to her very patiently.

Just as I hung up the phone, someone called again.

An hour later, Fang Yu hung up the phone with Teacher Meide, feeling warm in her heart.

In this hour, he received a total of more than a dozen calls.

God-sister Qin Qingqing.

Grandpa Tang Xiyue’s phone number.

Tang Xiyue’s parents.

Xiao Yan, Li Ying'er, the weird five people they met last night, Tan Jun, and the head teacher, Teacher Mei De.

The contents of everyone's phone calls were similar. They were all worried that he was acting out of emotion and advised him not to go to the appointment.

After all, Qin Wudao is "the number one person in Great Xia Dynasty", not an unknown person.

Although Qin Wudao's character is not that good, his reputation is genuine, and he has earned his reputation through his own strength.

They are all worried about Fang Yu's arrogance and ambition.

Fang Yu was a little moved by this.

As soon as he accepted Qin Wudao's challenge, they started fighting, almost non-stop, which showed that they were really worried about him.

If they didn't care about him, they wouldn't care about his life or death at all.

Med, the head teacher, tried his best to persuade him to stay dormant and not to let his emotions get the better of him. He also said that he was proud to have such an outstanding student like him!

For class teacher Mei De, Fang Yu's senses are very good.

Lao Mei is a good class teacher. She treats every student with due diligence and treats them equally. She does not look at students through colored glasses.

He treats poor students and top students alike, as well as civilian students and aristocratic students, without distinction.

It can be said that there are very few head teachers like Lao Mei who can treat everyone equally.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Riverside City Martial Dao College is also a small school. In Linjiang Martial Dao College, there are many teachers who are very good at teaching.

Most teachers like to be high-ranking and cannot see ordinary students clearly.

As soon as Fang Yu hung up the phone with Teacher Med, he heard slight footsteps coming from outside.

Fang Yu turned to look at the door and saw three people walking in side by side.

Two men and one woman.

The men are Xiao Yan and Tan Jun.

The woman is Li Yinger.

Fang Yu stood up, asked the three of them to sit down, and poured them each a cup of tea.

Li Ying'er looked at Fang Yu with big eyes and asked worriedly: "Brother-in-law, are you really sure?"

Fang Yu picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said calmly: "Ying'er, don't worry, brother-in-law never does anything he's not sure of!"

Looking at Fang Yu with a confident face, Li Ying'er said nothing.

She knew that her brother-in-law was neither a reckless person nor a fool.

Li Ying'er changed the subject, "Brother-in-law, where is my sister?"

Fang Yu pointed to the kitchen, "I'm cooking in the kitchen."

Li Ying'er stood up and walked towards the kitchen, "I'll help sister, you guys can chat!"

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "Brother Fang, you accepted the challenge, the Qin Family is probably having fun now!"

What should be said is that he had just told Fang Yu on the phone that he believed that Fang Yu must be well prepared when accepting the challenge, because Fang Yu is not the kind of person who acts on impulse.

Fang Yu smiled: "If you want to make them die, make them crazy first. Let them squeal for a while, and then they will cry!"

Then he changed the subject, "Brother Xiao, have you sold Qin Family's Treasure Weapon?"

Xiao Yan nodded, "After I received the call from Sister Yue, I asked my grandfather to sell it. Treasure Weapon is very popular, and there is no market. My Xiao family only has two Treasure Weapons, and they were bought by others in the blink of an eye! "

Tan Jun, who was sitting next to Xiao Yan, interrupted: "Brother Yu, if you ask us to sell Treasure Weapon, will the price of Treasure Weapon plummet?"

Fang Yu looked at Tan Jun, "That's right! Not only will it plummet, but everything below Supreme Grade will become worthless!"

Tan Jun looked surprised, "Brother Yu, Treasure Weapons below Supreme Grade will become worthless. There is only one possibility, and that is that there are a large number of high-quality and low-priced Treasure Weapons on the market!"

"But is this possible?"

Fang Yu smiled and said enigmatically: "Xiaojun, you will know it soon, it should be soon!"

With that said, Fang Yu picked up the ultra-thin remote control panel on the coffee table and pressed the buttons lightly.

A 250-inch TV on the wall about ten meters in front of him showed a picture.

All the furniture in the villa was bought by Tan Jun before, and Tan Jun gave it to him for free.

Fang Yu was transferred to [Linjiang TV Station].

In the picture, there is a huge open-air square.

The hot sun bakes the earth.

There is a high platform covered with red carpet in the square.

There is a long table covered with red cloth on the high platform.

There are eleven chairs behind the long table, with eleven people sitting on them, both men and women.

Sitting in the center is the charming and enchanting Concubine Ji Meng, wearing a bright red cheongsam.

In addition to Ji Mengfei, Fang Yu also saw two familiar faces.

One was Zhen Ming, who tried his best to win over him when he went to Grotto-Heaven for the first time.

The other one is Zhou Jianguo who came from him not long ago. Compare

Except for Ji Mengfei, who was wearing a bright red cheongsam, and Zhou Jianguo, who was wearing a military uniform, everyone else was wearing suits and leather shoes, and their hair was combed meticulously.

In the square in front of the high platform, there are several rows of seats.

The seats were filled with people, both men and women, wearing different costumes.

The only thing they have in common is that they all hold a delicate microphone in their hands.

Behind this group of people stood a dense crowd of onlookers. A rough estimate showed that it was no less than 100,000 people.

I saw Ji Mengfei sitting on the high platform with a professional smile on her face, and suddenly said: "Friends in the audience, welcome to our [Penguin Consortium] press conference!"

"The purpose of our [Penguin Consortium] press conference today is to launch a high-quality and low-priced product that benefits the country and the people!"

"This product is manufactured by us [Penguin Consortium] in cooperation with Her Majesty the Queen. It is absolutely high-quality and affordable, with an unprecedented affordable price!"

Hearing this, Fang Yu's eyes flashed and he murmured: "She actually asked the Queen to cooperate. She is really smart!"

the other side.

Inside the Qin Family Manor in the Imperial Capital.

In a living room.

Qin Jie was sitting on the sofa, watching Concubine Ji Meng on TV, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Does the little queen want to bring down the price of 'Treasure Weapon'?"

Qin Jie murmured softly.

Thinking of this, his expression suddenly changed. If this was really the case, then that old guy Li Min was cheating him by suddenly selling him a large number of Treasure Weapons.

Qin Wudao on the side said with determination: "Grandpa, don't worry, Treasure Weapon materials are only available in Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm with three stars and above. Treasure Weapon materials are rare and very expensive. The price is simply unbeatable!”

Qin Wudao didn't say a word, that is, Concubine Ji Meng or Jiang Yuehuang got a very high quality [forging workshop]. The two of them forged low quality weapons, but their attributes were comparable to Treasure Weapons.

Several other old people also echoed.

After hearing what his grandson and others said, Qin Zhen felt relieved. He felt that he had thought too much.

At this time.

A reporter suddenly stood up and asked Concubine Ji Meng on the high platform: "Miss Ji, what are the 'high quality and low price' products you talk about?"

Ji Mengfei looked at the reporter and replied with a smile: "Our new product is a weapon. Although it is only a Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon, but..."

Speaking of this, Ji Mengfei paused and said word by word: "But its properties are comparable to the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon!"


Ji Mengfei's words were like a depth bomb, making everyone stunned.

The reporters who came back to their senses asked questions one after another.

"Miss Ji, are you telling the truth?"

"Miss Ji, did you really make such a weapon?"

When Qin Jie and others heard what Concubine Ji Meng said, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Concubine Ji Meng must be lying!"

"Yes! I don't believe there is a Mortal Weapon comparable to the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon. If it's fake, it's all fake!"

"Haha, the press conference was so arrogant. I wonder how Concubine Ji Meng will step down after a while?"

Qin Yu and others were talking a lot. Although they said so, they didn't know what was going on.

Is Ji Mengfei stupid?

Is Jiang Yuehuang stupid?

It was very obvious that neither woman was stupid.

During the live press conference, if Ji Mengfei lied, her and Jiang Yuehuang's reputations would plummet.

They just don’t want to believe it and don’t want to believe it.

Because they and Li Xing spent three-fifths of their Qin Family's treasure to purchase the Treasure Weapon.

Once they believe that the weapon that Ji Mengfei said is comparable to the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon is real, they will lose their pants.

Whether everyone in the Qin Family believes it or not.

Ji Mengfei said without changing her expression: "Of course it's true!"

"But seeing is worse than hearing. I plan to randomly select ten lucky spectators from the audience and let them experience it for themselves!"

As soon as Ji Mengfei finished speaking, both the reporters and the audience all volunteered, their voices getting louder and louder.

When Concubine Ji Meng saw this, a subtle smile appeared on her lips, and she said, "Everyone, please be quiet for a moment!"

As soon as Ji Mengfei's voice fell, everyone fell silent.

After seeing everyone was quiet, Ji Mengfei said again: "I will select ten lucky spectators to come up now. Anyway, as long as you are the master of Grotto-Heaven, you can check the properties of the weapon by communicating with the Grotto-Heaven mark, so you can't fake it at all! "

After speaking, Ji Mengfei glanced at the two strong men in black standing under the high platform.

The two strong men in black understood and walked toward the onlookers.

After a while, two strong men in black walked to the high platform with ten lucky spectators.

The ten selected lucky spectators are men and women, old and young, and they are all the masters of Grotto-Heaven.

As soon as the ten lucky spectators reached the high stage, ten beautiful women in uniform clothes walked out from the backstage carrying a long tray and came to the front of the ten lucky spectators.

On each tray is a fine iron sword with a cold light.

Ten lucky spectators reached out and picked up the sword on the tray.

Second update.

Please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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