Chapter 125 Three Light Divine Spring

Looking at Fang Yu with a miserable look on his face, Tang Xiyue smiled.

She had already guessed that Fang Yu must be worried about the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.

Upgrading [Primordial Sacred Spring] requires so many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. I am afraid that even if Fang Yu exhausts the inventory of all the forces in the world, he will not be able to upgrade [Primordial Sacred Spring] to Fifth Grade.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiyue smiled and comforted: "Xiao Yu'er, don't be anxious, there are always more solutions than difficulties. You have promoted Grotto-Heaven to Fourth Grade in such a short time, which is already very rare!"

"Besides, you now have a monopoly on the weapon industry. As long as the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon does not spread, you can keep collecting wool. One day you will raise enough Grotto-Heaven sacred stones needed to upgrade [Primordial Sacred Spring]."

Fang Yu smiled.

He very much agreed with Tang Xiyue's words.

Even if the Supreme Grade Treasure Weapon is overrun, he can continue to harvest wool with the Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon, which is comparable to the Low Grade Spirit Weapon.

Low Grade Spirit Weapon is rampant, and he can also forge higher Level Spirit Weapon.

It can be said that as long as Earth Star does not have a second Mythical quality forge before.

The price of weapons remains unchanged, he Fang Yu has the final say!

Getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu once again took out an epic-quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure from the space ring.

[Bind 'Moon Well'? ]


Fang Yu just finished speaking.

The [Well of the Moon] in your hand flies to the side of [Sacred Spring of Life] and turns into a well at will.

This time Fang Yu did not check the attributes of [Moon Well] again, because the attributes of the two [Moon Wells] were the same, and directly added dark blue points to it.

After adding points, Fang Yu immediately checked its attributes.

[Sacred Spring of Life]

[Type]: Secret treasure.

[Quality]: Mythical.

[Grade]: First Grade (138300000/100000)

[Function]: Condensate life liquid.

[Characteristics]: The blessing of the goddess of life can improve cultivation, qualifications, and healing treasures (a drop of life liquid can increase life span by five years, up to five hundred years.)

[Stock]: 10/10 (1/1 day).

[Introduction]: The accompanying secret treasure of the goddess of life. According to legend, the goddess of life's body is a sacred tree of life. When she was still a tree, there was a Transcendent Level treasure spring beside her.

After reading the attributes of [Sacred Spring of Life], Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction, not bad!

Although the properties of [Sacred Spring of Life] cannot be compared with Primordial Sacred Spring, you should be content with it.

Fang Yu's eyes flickered when he saw that the [Introduction] said that the goddess of life is a tree.

However, he didn't think too much about it. In the previous life novels, not only did the goddess of life appear to be a tree, there were also goddesses who took the form of animals. The Dao Ancestor in the ancient novels was still an eel.

With this Mythical quality [Sacred Spring of Life], his legendary quality [Sacred Spring of Life] can also be retired, just in time for Tang Xiyue to train his subordinates.

Tang Xiyue is his woman, and she doesn't even have a Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure of legendary quality. If she tells her about it, she will be an embarrassment to him.

Of course, except Dragon Vein.

Because he had already given Tang Xiyue ten dragon veins of legendary quality before.

As for unbundling, it was a waste of 1.11 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

There was a [Shen Weapon Forge], and Fang Yu said it was just drizzle.

He now has just a little bit of the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.

——He was missing by a few hundred million points!

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately walked to the legendary Fourth Grade Sacred Spring of Life, waved his right hand, and suddenly there were many dense oak barrels on the ground.

These oak barrels were prepared for him by Ji Mengfei.

With a thought, it is said that the twenty tons of life liquid in the Fourth Grade Sacred Spring of Life are evenly packed into two hundred oak barrels, each holding one hundred kilograms.

After doing all this, Fang Yu used his mind to issue an unbinding command to the legendary Sacred Spring of Life of Fourth Grade.

[Is it confirmed to unbind the legend Fourth Grade Sacred Spring of Life? ]


The words just fell.

The next moment, the legend Fourth Grade Sacred Spring of Life turned into a stream of light and flew to his hand, turning into a palm-sized green well model.

Tang Xiyue said with a distressed look: "Xiao Yu'er, how did you unbind the Sacred Spring of Life? You spent 1.11 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade it from First Grade to Fourth Grade!"

There are more than one million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. Even her Tang family does not have such a large inventory.

Fang Yu grinned, showing two rows of white and neat teeth: "I have a better one now. I'll give this one to you. Our family is not short of money now!"

Looking at Fang Yu who looked like a "nouveau riche", Tang Xiyue couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, "That's 1.11 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. My Tang family doesn't even have that much in stock, you prodigal man!"

She felt sorry for the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone, but Fang Yu had already been untied, and it was too late for her to say anything.

Of course, she was also very touched because Fang Yu untied it for her.

Fang Yu handed the Sacred Spring of Life to Tang Xiyue.

Tang Xiyue took the Sacred Spring of Life, stood on tiptoes and pecked the corner of Fang Yu's mouth.

A legendary quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, worth a kiss from your fiancée!

If the female Grotto-Heaven Master on Earth Star knew what Fang Yu was thinking at this time, she would definitely say, Handsome man, you give me a legendary quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. Without even a kiss, you can have in-depth communication if you want. !

Fang Yu looked at the Mythical quality [Sacred Spring of Life] and spent 11.1 million to upgrade the Mythical quality [Sacred Spring of Life] from First Grade to Fourth Grade.

The features and inventory of Fourth Grade Mythical quality [Sacred Spring of Life] have been increased.

The characteristics increased from one drop for five years, to one drop for twenty years, and up to two thousand years.

A life span of two thousand years can almost be called "immortality".

If those who are obsessed with immortality knew it, they would go crazy.

The inventory has changed from 10 to 40 tons, and even the recovery speed has changed from one ton per day to four tons per day.

Again, he doesn't plan to sell Mythical Fourth Grade's [Sacred Spring of Life].

He plans to let Tang Xiyue continue to sell the legendary quality [Sacred Spring of Life]. After the price of the legendary [Sacred Spring of Life] comes down, he will continue to sell the Mythical quality.

Fang Yu not only wants to be a profiteer himself, but also plans to drag his woman to become a profiteer with him. He has already planned to go all the way to the dark side on the road of profiteer!

In fact, he was helpless. If he didn't collect the wool, he wouldn't be able to satisfy the big eater of [Primordial Sacred Spring].

Then, Fang Yu took out the last mouthful of epic-quality Spirit Well from the space ring.

[Should it be bound to the ‘Star Divine Spring’? ]


As soon as he finished speaking, the palm-sized silver Spirit Well in his hand flew directly to the open space to the left of the Primordial Sacred Spring.

In the blink of an eye, there was a well with a diameter of half a meter in the open space.

The well water is silver, like starlight, very beautiful and charming.

Fang Yu curiously clicked on its attributes.

[Star Divine Spring]

[Type]: Secret treasure.

[Quality]: Epic.

[Grade]: First Grade.

[Function]: Condensate the star spirit liquid.

[Characteristics]: Blessing from the Star Goddess, a healing treasure.

[Stock]: 5/5 (1/1 day)

[Introduction]: The secret treasure of the Star Spirit Clan is a secret treasure given by the Star Goddess. It is an excellent healing treasure.

After reading the attributes of [Starlight Divine Spring], Fang Yu murmured softly: "It's exactly what my sister said. This is a healing treasure that only has the function of healing."

Calm down.

Open the [Grotto-Heaven] panel.

[Star Divine Spring] (+)

Obviously, it is the turn of the cold tree master to appear again.

Fang Yu immediately clicked on Add.

The bright purple divine light arrived as promised and instantly enveloped the [Star Divine Spring].

Less than five breaths.

The divine light dissipates.

The appearance of the Star Divine Spring has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First, the diameter became one meter.

Secondly, the color changed into three colors, gold, silver and purple.

Finally, the color of the well water also changed from silver to gold, silver and purple. The three colors of well water are in the well, each occupying one-third of the place. The Jinghe River is distinct and does not infringe on each other.

The three-color well water is like a beautiful ribbon, very beautiful.

"so beautiful!"

Tang Xiyue's eyes were shining with stars as he whispered softly.

Women have zero tolerance for beautiful things.

Fang Yu looked at the three-color spiritual spring and raised his eyebrows.


"Gold, silver, and purple, I seem to have seen them somewhere?"

"Could it be"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately clicked on his attributes.

[Three Lights Divine Spring]

[Type]: Heaven and Earth Spirit Well. (Innate)

[Quality]: Mythical.

[Grade]: First Grade (125900000/100000) [Upgradeable]

[Function]: Condensate the three-light divine water.

[Characteristics]: Sun, Moon, Star, Three Light Divine Water. One of them is the most poisonous thing in the world. Three in one is the world's first healing Holy Medicine. After reaching a certain level, it can reverse life and death, flesh and bones, and resurrect the dead. ;

Golden Sunlight Divine Water can consume blood essence, flesh and blood; Silver Moonlight Divine Water can corrode Primordial Spirit soul; Purple Starlight Divine Water can swallow True Spirit consciousness;

[Inventory]: 10/10 (1/1 day).

[Introduction]: The Spirit Well is bred by heaven and earth. According to legend, only the Great Thousand World with three thousand Great Dao can be bred. This legend may not be true, but with the [Three Light Divine Spring], it will be difficult for you to die!


Fang Yu stared at the virtual light screen in front of him, his body trembled slightly, and he clenched his fists.

Tang Xiyue, who was next to Fang Yu, saw his performance and wondered, did Xiao Yu'er get another Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure of unknown quality?

She could tell that Fang Yu's performance this time was even more exciting than getting [Primordial Sacred Spring].

When she saw Fang Yu's eyes filled with mist and tears falling down, she asked with concern: "Xiao Yu'er, are you okay?"

Tang Xiyue was very worried because this was the first time she had seen such a strong Fang Yu cry.

When he first met Fang Yu, even when he was ridiculed, "bullied" by her, or even hurt, he didn't shed a single tear.

Now, Fang Yu actually shed tears.

Fang Yu came to his senses and directly consumed 11.1 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the [Three Light Divine Spring] from First Grade to Fourth Grade.

She didn't look at the upgraded attributes at all, and didn't care about the tears in the corners of her eyes. She said to Tang Xiyue: "Xiyue, let's go to the Martyrs Cemetery!"

After saying that, he took Tang Xiyue directly to escape from Grotto-Heaven.

First update.

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(End of chapter)

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