Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 131 The Demon-Slaying Legion Makes Its Debut

Chapter 131 The Demon-Slaying Legion makes its debut

The red beach on the west side of Tiannv Lake is crowded with people.

At first glance, they are all densely packed with human heads.

People gathered together in small groups and talked quietly.

"It's already twelve o'clock, and Fang Yu hasn't come yet. Could it be that he doesn't dare to come?"

"Probably not. Didn't you see the joint military and police security outside? How could he not come to such a big battle?"

"I'm sure Mr. Fang Yu will definitely come. Maybe he wants to cool off that hypocrite Qin Wudao first. Besides, in those novels from the old era, the protagonist is usually the last one to appear in such a battle!"

"That's right! If you regard Boss Fang Yu as the protagonist in the novel, Qin Wudao is the villain. Boss Fang Yu's experience is the same as what is written in most novels. He got an opportunity and was coveted by the villain!"

"Brother, when you say this, I feel the same way. A ruthless and domineering family like the Qin Family is a Transcendent Level villain no matter which novel it is placed in."

"That's right! Who do you want to win?"

"Of course it's Mr. Fang Yu. He is the pride of our Riverside City. If we don't support him, who else will we support!"

"I also hope that Mr. Fang Yu wins. He is from a commoner like us. As for Qin Wudao, go away, he is just a hypocritical and shameless villain."

Everyone was talking, and most of them supported Fang Yu, hoping that he would be the victor.

On the vast red beach, in one area, dozens of people gathered together.

These people were dressed luxuriously, and each of them exuded a powerful aura. There was not a single onlooker within twenty meters around them.

A handsome young man wearing a purple robe sat cross-legged in the middle of the crowd. His face was calm and his eyes were deep.

This young man is Qin Wudao.

This group of people is from the Qin Family of the Imperial Capital.

Except for Qin Wudao and his grandfather Qin Jian, everyone in the Qin Family looked unhappy.

Although the people around him talked very little.

But with their current level of cultivation, if they wanted to listen, they could hear discussions within a few hundred meters.

At this time, the people around them were pointing fingers at them, and all kinds of unpleasant comments kept pouring into their ears, irritating their sensitive nerves.

You must know that each of them is a master of Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer and the most powerful existence of Great Xia Dynasty.

Moreover, each of them held a high position in the past. When others met them, they would nod and flatter them.

Now, these ants that they usually didn't take seriously dare to point fingers at them.

This huge contrast made them feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Yu in the crowd had a cold look in his eyes and cursed in a low voice: "A bunch of damn untouchables dare to talk about my Qin Family. I'm really angry!"

Thinking back on how majestic he was back then, anyone with a lower official position than him would respectfully call out "Minister Qin" when they saw him.

But after the Internet storm broke out, he turned into a street rat, and everyone shouted for him to be beaten.

In the past few days, he had been hiding at home and never left the house.

Today, if Qin Wudao, the pride of their Qin Family, had not fought a life and death battle with Fang Yu, he would not have come.

Besides, Fang Yu had hurt him so badly, and he wanted to see Fang Yu's fate with his own eyes.

Thinking of Fang Yu, Qin Yu turned to look at his elder brother who was standing beside him, "Brother, that little beast hasn't come yet. Isn't he just letting an unscrupulous dove go?"

Qin Jie glanced at Qin Yu and said lightly: "Are you stupid? Will that old man Li Ming create such a big show? Will he come?"

If Qin Yu hadn't been the brother of his compatriot, he would have slapped him to death.

Because if he hadn't broken the defense and let Fang Yu get the hang of it, how could the Qin Family be like this?

How could the Qin Family's centuries-old reputation be ruined?

When talking about Li Ying, Qin Jian remembered that he was cheated by Li Ying, and the anger in his eyes almost overflowed.

An old fox like Qin Jie can't hide his emotions, which shows how much he hates Marshal Li Xin in his heart.

"Da da da~"

At this moment, the roar of a helicopter sounded from the sky.

Everyone subconsciously looked up and saw three military helicopters flying toward [Tiannu Lake] in a formation in the sky a few hundred meters away.

In the military helicopter in the middle, Fang Yu turned to look at the old man in white robe sitting next to him and said with a smile: "Grandpa Li, are we too high-profile?"

Li Xing said softly: "Xiaoyu, someone posted your information on the underground dark web. Now there must be many forces trying to take advantage of you!"

"I estimate that among the people watching this battle, there must be spies from all sides. I am doing this to tell those forces that you are from our military!"

"I want to see which country dares to let me, Great Xia Dynasty, run wild?"

After hearing what Mr. Li Xing said, Fang Yu didn't say anything.

He knew that Mr. Li Xing wanted to help him prop up the show.

Looking through the window, he looked at the extremely vast red beach in front of Tiannv Lake.

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

Because as far as the eye can see, there is a dense crowd.

He made a rough estimate and found that there were at least ten million people on that beach.

Fang Yu murmured in a low voice: "There are so many people here!"

Old Marshal Li Xing said softly: "You and Qin Wudao are the two Unparalleled Geniuses of our Great Xia Dynasty. You two are fighting to the death. There has never been such a grand event before, and it is estimated that there will never be another event in the future!"

"If you don't read it, it will be a lifelong regret."

"So it's not surprising that so many people come!"

After a pause, he added: "If we hadn't blocked the flights and roads in time, the number of people would have been much higher!"

Fang Yu said apologetically: "Grandpa Li, I'm really sorry for asking you to mobilize forces like this for my sake!"

Li Xing waved her hand, "It's not your fault, you were just forced to agree!"

Speaking of this, Li Ying sighed softly: "Qin Wudao can be regarded as an outstanding person, but unfortunately he was born into the wrong family and took the wrong path!"

Fang Yu's eyes flashed and he said softly: "Grandpa Li, remember what I told you and block Xiyue for me!"

Li Xing nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you block it."

After a pause, he added: "But, Xiaoyu, are you sure you want to do that?"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "What? Grandpa Li, do you want to plead for them?"

Li Xing shook her head, "That's not true, I just feel a little regretful. After all..."

Speaking of this, Li Xing's voice stopped abruptly.

Next, neither of them spoke.

A moment later, three military helicopters slowly landed in an area separated by military police.

Li Ming looked at Fang Yu and said with a kind smile: "Xiaoyu, help the old man get off the plane!"

A trace of emotion flashed in Fang Yu's eyes, and he said softly: "Grandpa Li, thank you!"

He knew that the old man wanted to give him a platform, and he did not reject his offer.

Li Xing shook her head and said with a smile: "It's my honor, old man, to give you a platform!"

Fang Yu said nothing and helped the old man stand up.

Li Xing straightened her clothes, smiled lightly at Fang Yu and said, "Haha, some people may think too much when they see you helping the old man!"

"The smarter this person is, the more he will think!"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Only those with evil intentions will think too much!"

After saying that, he helped Mr. Li Xing and walked out.

As soon as Fang Yu helped Old Marshal Li Ying off the plane, all the surrounding military and police officers saluted Old Marshal Li Ying, "Old Marshal!"

Li Xing waved her hand with a gentle smile that made people feel like spring breeze, "No need to be polite!"

All the military police looked at Fang Yu, who was supporting old Marshal Li Xin, and their pupils shrank slightly.

Some spies who were among the onlookers saw this scene, and their expressions suddenly changed.

They all had photos of Fang Yu. When they saw Fang Yu helping Li Xing, they thought a lot just like what the old marshal just said.

Many forces that originally wanted to take action against Fang Yu gave up their thoughts in an instant.

Li Xing is the military god of the Great Xia Dynasty, and behind him stands the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

On Earth Star, except for the strength of a few heads, no one dares to use Li Ming's tiger beard.

The Qin Family's expressions also changed greatly, and their hearts were filled with hatred.

Fang Yu looked at Mr. Li Xing and smiled: "Grandpa Li, I'm going to deal with those clowns first!"

Li Xing said softly: "Go ahead, the old man will watch over you, no one dares to cause trouble!"

Fang Yu let go of Li Xing, gave Tang Xiyue a reassuring look on the side, touched the ground with her toes, and turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the lake.

He crossed hundreds of meters in a few steps and arrived at the shore, which was only one meter away from the lake. He looked back at the dark crowd and said softly:

"Qin Wudao, I'm here as promised, come out!"

Although the voice was soft, it spread out loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yu saw a young man in purple robe rushing out of the crowd more than a thousand meters away from him and shooting towards him.

A step of tens of meters takes less than three breaths.

The boy in purple robe stopped when he was still more than 200 meters away, and confronted him from afar.

As soon as the purple-robed boy stopped and waved his right hand, hundreds of strong men appeared around him.

Everyone was wearing exquisite armor, some were holding fine iron knives, and some were holding fine iron long swords.

When Fang Yu saw this, a hint of disdain flashed at the corner of his mouth, and with a wave of his right hand, hundreds of soldiers wearing exquisite armor also appeared beside him.

But his soldiers looked much more elite than Qin Wudao's.

Each of the soldiers he summoned had a sword hanging on his waist, a big bow in his hand, and a quiver on his back, full of arrows.

And the breaths are connected.

The auras of the soldiers around Qin Wudao were not connected at all.

There are Buddhist soldiers, Taoist soldiers, and even ghost soldiers, giving the impression that they are just a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers.

Fang Yu knew at a glance that these warriors were gathered for him by people from the Qin Family, and he found that dozens of warriors held purple thunder talismans in their hands.

He immediately thought that the Qin Family must be using the Purple Thunder Talisman to consume his spiritual power.

In this case, he would release his soldiers to play with Qin Wudao first.

This is the first appearance of the [Devil-Slaying Legion]. He wants to go through this battle and kill the chicken in waiting, so that all forces will not dare to take his idea again.

(End of chapter)

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