Chapter 133 Two moves to severely damage

among the crowd of onlookers.

Fang Yu, a middle-aged man in a suit and meticulously combed hair, was walking on the waves on the lake, his face full of pride and pride.

"Good! As expected of you, you are my student, Mede, the teacher is proud of you!"

This middle-aged man is Fang Yu’s class teacher, Med.

Behind Meide, a group of students wearing school uniforms and full of youthful atmosphere looked at Fang Yu's back with admiration in their eyes.

These students are the freshmen of Class 3 and Class 6 of Linjiang Martial Dao College.

It is worth mentioning that today Linjiang Martial Dao College is on holiday.

The teachers and senior management of Martial Dao College led a team to support Fang Yu, just because Fang Yu came from their Riverside City Martial Dao College and is the pride of their Linjiang Martial Dao College.

Many students at Martial Dao College regard Fang Yu as their idol.

The head teachers of other classes looked at the rosy Med with envy.

Because Mei De handed over Fang Yu, he is now a celebrity in Linjiang Martial Dao martial arts. Not only has he been promoted and received a salary increase, but he has also gained a reputation. No matter who he meets, he must call out "Teacher Mei".

In previous years, the senior three (Class 6) were at the bottom, and Med was looked down upon by them because of this. But now he has become a celebrity in the college because of Fang Yu. How could they not be envious of him.

This is the so-called "teacher is more valuable than a disciple"!

Grade 3 (Class 6) has also become the most desirable class for all Linjiang students, and countless geniuses have poured into Grade 3 and Grade 6.

The head teachers of other classes were envious and jealous. Why wasn't Fang Yu their student?

Among the onlookers, an old man wearing a simple military uniform, tall and kind, looked at Fang Yu's back and murmured in a low voice: "Xiaoyu, you must win, Grandpa Fang still has many heroic deeds that he has not done with you. Talk about it!"

This old man is none other than Fang Zhongyi, the gravekeeper at Riverside City [Martyrs Cemetery].

If Fang Yu were here, he would find that Fang Zhongyi's right arm has grown.

Her hair has become half black and half white, her face is rosy and she is full of energy.

Nothing like the dying old man he saw three days ago.

in an area surrounded by military police.

Tang Xiyue's beautiful eyes were fixed on Fang Yu's back, and she clenched her fists so tightly that her joints turned white.

Xiao Yu'er, you must win!

When you give birth to me, I will live, and when you fall, I will follow you!

"Yue'er, don't worry, Xiaoyu will definitely win. He promised to give you a grand wedding. Mom believes he will win!"

Li Yuening beside Tang Xiyue comforted her in a low voice.

Looking at Fang Yu's back, Xiaoyu, even for Yue'er, you must win!

Li Yuening knew that with her daughter's character, if something happened to Yu, her daughter would never live alone!

Fang Yu is her son-in-law. She doesn't want to see anything happen to Fang Yu, nor does she want to see anything happen to her daughter.

Qin Qingqing and others around Tang Xiyue also stared at Fang Yu's back, hoping that he would win.

Fang Yu stopped when he was still a hundred meters away from Qin Wudao.

He was like a boat, standing on the water without sinking.

At this time, he and Qin Wudao stood facing each other in the center of [Tiannu Lake].

"Fang Yu, do you know?"

Qin Wudao held a sword in his right hand, looked at Fang Yu who stopped with a calm expression, and said with a smile: "You are the only opponent that I have taken seriously in these years, and you are also the first one in these years that I have tried. Failed opponent!"

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Oh! So, it's an honor for me to be taken seriously by you?"

Then he changed the subject and said softly: "Unfortunately, I have never regarded you as my opponent, and you are not qualified to be my opponent!"

As he spoke, he turned his right hand and a fine iron sword appeared in his hand.

This fine iron sword is a three-attribute Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon.

Using the best weapons to send Qin Wudao on his way is also a sign of respect for him.

Fang Yu didn't lie. In his heart, he really didn't regard Qin Wudao as his opponent.

Because he regards the protagonist of Zhutian Myriad Worlds as his opponent. Although Qin Wudao is a young genius in Earth Star, compared with the protagonist of Zhutian Myriad Worlds, he is still far behind.

For example, Heavenly Emperor, the milk baby in the perfect world, reached the extreme level of Blood Channeling Realm when he was seven years old, and surpassed 100,000 pounds in a flash with one arm. Another example is Ye Fan of Sacred Body who does not pay for parking.

These people have surpassed Qin Wudao.

Qin Wudao only has Ninth Grade qualifications, and his physical strength only reaches 90,000 jins, which means that he can only have 90,000 jins of strength with one arm.

In front of these protagonists, he is at best just a relatively powerful little Karami, not even qualified to be their opponent.

Fang Yu, like the protagonists, also has cheats, and only cheats can be considered his opponent.

Qin Wudao was not angry either. He looked at Fang Yu with deep eyes and chuckled: "Haha, your mouth is still so annoying!"

"I hope your strength is as good as your mouth, otherwise, I will be very disappointed!"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I believe I won't disappoint you, and I hope you won't disappoint me!"

Fang Yu and Qin Wudao were talking and laughing, as if they were old friends they hadn't seen for many years.


Just as he finished speaking, Fang Yu's right hand suddenly rested on the hilt of the sword, and a crisp sword cry sounded.

The next moment, a bright purple sword light several feet long roared towards Qin Wudao.

Half of the purple sword light was submerged in the water. Wherever the sword light passed, the clear lake water was directly divided into two halves.

When Qin Wudao saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank.

His expression instantly became extremely solemn, because he sensed a fatal crisis from the roaring purple sword light.

Qin Wudao did not dare to be negligent at all, and he suddenly swung his sword towards the purple sword light.

The next moment, a multi-colored sword light that was much smaller than the purple sword light emitted by Fang Yu cut through the water and roared towards the purple sword light flying towards him at high speed.


In the blink of an eye, two sword lights, one purple and one colorful, collided fiercely between the two people, making a loud noise like thunder.

The lake water around the two sword lights exploded instantly, splashing into waves more than ten feet high.

The purple sword light emitted by Fang Yu did not dissipate, but became much darker, and it still shot towards Qin Wudao.

When Qin Wudao saw this, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and his expression completely changed at this moment.

He didn't expect Fang Yu to be so powerful.

His heart had no bottom.


Of course, Qin Wudao's movements were not slow either. He swung his sword again, and another multicolored sword light instantly hit the purple sword light. After a loud noise, the two sword lights dissipated at the same time.

"Qin Wudao, it seems you can't do it either!"

Fang Yu shook his head. He originally thought Qin Wudao could fight him for dozens of rounds.

But after passing the test just now, he was completely disappointed.

He felt that if he used all his strength, he could kill Qin Wudao with one move.

Of course, the movement of his right hand is still not slow.

Miso miso miso~

Three sounds of weapons being unsheathed were heard one after another.

Then there were three bright purple sword lights that cut through the water and shot toward Qin Wudao at extremely fast speeds.

Although Fang Yu could kill Qin Wudao with one move, he did not do that.

Because he has his own plan.

When Qin Wudao heard Fang Yu say that he couldn't do it, his face was as gloomy as water. In so many years, he was the only one who said that others couldn't do it. This was the first time he was told that he couldn't do it!

Swing out six swords with all your strength.

Six brilliant multicolored sword rays roared towards the three purple sword rays emitted by Fang Yu.

Qin Wudao, who fired six swords with all his strength, looked extremely solemn, because there was not much spiritual power left in his Dantian.

Boom boom boom~

The purple sword light and the five-color sword light collided together, and the first five multi-colored sword light and the two purple sword light issued by Qin Wudao were offset.

The last multicolored sword light only blocked Fang Yu's third purple sword light for a moment, and the darker purple sword light still shot towards Qin Wudao.

Seeing the purple sword light approaching Chi Chi, Qin Wudao, who had very little spiritual power left, looked horrified and quickly used his remaining spiritual power to prop up the spiritual shield.

As soon as a colorful energy shield like an egg shell enveloped Qin Wudao, the purple sword light slashed hard at the colorful shield.


With a loud noise, Qin Wudao's colorful energy shield was cut in half by the purple sword light.

Then the purple sword light struck directly on Qin Wudao's body. If Qin Wudao hadn't turned his head in time, his head would have been blown away by the purple sword light.

The purple sword light struck Qin Wudao's right shoulder, and a long and narrow cut was cut in his purple robe. A long wound was also cut on his body, and the white bones were faintly visible.

Blood spurted out from the narrow wound.

at the same time.

Qin Wudao was also pushed backwards by the huge force carried by the purple sword light, creating a dazzling water mark.

In the process of retreating, Qin Wudao opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.

Everyone watching saw Qin Wudao, known as the "Number One of the Great Xia Dynasty", being severely injured by Fang Yu in just two moves, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Originally they thought this was a fight between dragons and tigers.

Is this the result?

The number one person in the Great Xia Dynasty is a little too hip-stretching, right?

Those who don't know why Qin Wudao pulls his crotch.

But those veteran Grotto-Heaven masters who were defeated by Qin Wudao knew very well.

It's not that Qin Wudao can't do it, but that Fang Yu is too strong.

They knew that the outcome of this life-and-death battle had been decided. Qin Wudao was severely injured by Fang Yu's two moves and fell completely off the altar!

Thank you [Autumn Wind, Autumn Rain, Autumn Winter Snow] for your big monthly ticket.

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(End of chapter)

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