Chapter 135 The hero comes to an end

"No way!"

Qin Jie and others, who were less than 800 meters away from the center of the lake, saw Fang Yu decapitate Qin Wudao with a sword, and their eyes suddenly split.

"Little beast, I want to kill you. Not only you will die, but everyone related to you will die!"

Qin Jie's face was ferocious, with tears streaming down his face, and his eyes were extremely sinister, and he shouted angrily at Fang Yu.

Watching his beloved grandson beheaded by Fang Yu with a sword!

His grandson Qin Wudao is the successor he trained with countless efforts. He has always had high hopes for his grandson!

Even if Fang Yu uses public opinion to cause his Qin Family to suffer a lot.

Even if that old immortal Li Ming cheated him out of three-fifths of the Qin Family's background, he would never have lost his composure like he is now.

Because he believes that as long as the strength of the Qin Family is not compromised, and as long as his grandson Qin Wudao is still alive, their Qin Family will regain its glory sooner or later!

It will even take it to the next level.

When the time comes, everything that their Qin Family has lost will be back one by one, and they will also liquidate it one by one!

but now……

Gone, everything is gone!

Once the Ninth Grade-qualified grandson dies, the Qin Family has no hope of rising.

At this time, he was furious, and his heart was completely filled with anger.

Fang Yu ruined his life's hard work, his greatest pride in his life, and his hope of the Qin Family rising again.

He only has one idea now, which is to kill Fang Yu and kill everyone related to Fang Yu.

Even if he and Fang Yu die together, he will not hesitate!

The people around Qin Jie were equally furious. Their eyes were red and they rushed towards Fang Yu desperately, vowing to cut Fang Yu into pieces in order to relieve their hatred.

When killing Qin Wudao, Fang Yu also collected everything that exploded from his body into the space ring.

Hearing the roar behind him, a mocking look appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Cutting down the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows!

All this is within his calculation.

He originally planned to invite Mr. Li Xing to come and control the situation.

But when he broke through to Qi Condensation Realm Fifth Layer, he changed his mind.

He planned to take advantage of the decisive battle with Qin Wudao to kill the Qin Family in one fell swoop.

Because he knew that with the Qin Family's character, if he killed Qin Wudao, he would definitely retaliate against him at all costs, and might even implicate the people around him.

Therefore, he could clearly kill Qin Wudao with one move just now, but he deliberately delayed the time.

His purpose in doing this was to lure the Qin Family people to rescue Qin Wudao, and then take action to kill all the Qin Family masters.

He has a Guardian Medal, and the Qin Family's active attack on him is treason. Even if he kills them, no one will say anything.

Otherwise, how could Mr. Li Xing let the Qin Family come to the rescue?

Even leading Qin Wudao to a duel in the center of the lake was part of his plan.

Because by leading Qin Wudao to the center of the lake, innocent people would not be harmed.

He turned around and saw Qin Jie and others about five hundred meters away from him, smiling brightly, "Old dogs, do you know why I deliberately delay time when I can kill your grandson and son with one sword? ?”

Qin Jie, who was rushing at the front, was stunned. He suddenly thought of something, his expression suddenly changed, he stopped, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

not good! This little beast has a vicious mind. His goal today is not just to be innocent, but to catch all the masters in my Qin Family!

Before Qin Jie could hurriedly alert the others, he saw Fang Yu swinging a sword at them from the air.

As Fang Yu swung his sword, countless dense rays of bright purple sword energy cut through the sky, roaring toward them at extremely high speeds with a monstrous momentum.

"Defend quickly!"

Qin Jie, who felt the fatal crisis from the purple sword energy, shouted a reminder.

Although Qin Jie reminded him promptly.

But the Qin Family people who had lost their minds didn't listen at all.

Even if they listened, it would not help.

Because just now they were desperate and rushed towards Fang Yu at full speed. They couldn't even stop themselves, let alone defend themselves.

In the eyes of others, the people of the Qin Family were like moths to a flame, taking the initiative to meet the purple sword energy whizzing towards them, looking like they were seeking death.

Puff puff puff~

In the blink of an eye, dense purple sword energy penetrated the bodies of Qin Yu and others, instantly turning them into a hornet's nest.

Then many colorful objects fell from their bodies and sank into the lake in the blink of an eye.

Their bodies also fell into the lake, and their blood instantly dyed the lake surface dozens of meters in radius red.

Twenty-nine people.

Only Qin Jie stopped in time and propped up the energy shield.

Coupled with the fact that there were twenty-eight human shields in front of him to block the sword energy, he was lucky enough to escape and save his life!

"You little beast, you are so cruel. You actually planned to kill all of my Qin Family in one fell swoop. My Qin Family's hundreds of years of over!"

Qin Jie shook his body, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

His hair turned gray in an instant, as if he had aged dozens of years.

Their Qin Family has a total of thirty-six Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer. One of them was killed by Fang Yu a few days ago, and there are still thirty-five left.

In order to prevent accidents, he brought a total of twenty-nine Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layers this time, leaving only five to guard the Qin Family.

Including his grandson, there were a total of thirty Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer, but now twenty-nine were killed by Fang Yu.

Qin Jie knew that there were only five Qin Family left in the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer. Not to mention seeking revenge on Fang Yu, it was hard to say that they could hold on to the Qin Family's legacy.

He knew very well that other families would definitely take the opportunity to annex his Qin Family.

Even the little queen can take action.

His grandson was knocked off the altar by Fang Yu, and the Qin Family was also knocked off the altar by Fang Yu!

As for himself, he didn't think Fang Yu, a little beast, would let him go.

Fang Yu looked at Qin Jian, who had a pale face and red eyes, and taunted softly: "Old beast, am I cruel?"

"From the beginning to the end, I have never taken the initiative to provoke you Qin Family. It is you Qin Family who have come to trouble me again and again. It is as if you Qin Family are innocent!"

"It's your Qin Family's fault for being in this situation today. You can't blame anyone else!"

Qin Jie stared at Fang Yu and smiled miserably, "Haha, you are right, it is indeed my Qin Family who is to blame!"

"I, Qin Jie, lived a wise life, but because of one wrong decision, my Qin Family's hundreds of years of foundation were destroyed!"

"I, Qin Jian, am ashamed of the ancestors of the Qin Family!"

Speaking of this, the hatred in Qin Jie's eyes was undisguised. If eyes could kill, Fang Yu would have died a hundred times.

"Little beast, I don't regret provoking you at all, because if God gives me another chance, I will also choose to kill you and seize the treasure!"

"What I regret is why I didn't agree with my brothers and killed you at all costs!"

"If I had killed you at all costs, my Qin Family would not be in the situation it is today. It was my indecision that killed me... Dao'er, it was my indecision that ruined the Qin Family!"

"I regret it so much!"

Looking at the unrepentant Qin Jian, Fang Yu looked calm.

Poor people must be hateful, Qin Jian can be regarded as a tycoon, and he will not regret messing with him until his death!

The same goes for Qin Wudao. He will never regret provoking him until his death!

Sure enough, they are worthy of being brothers and sisters. They are not part of the same family. They don’t belong to the same family!

Fang Yu said calmly: "It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world!"

"For the sake of your resistance to foreigners, I gave you a chance to say your last words. Now that your last words have been said, you can go on your way with peace of mind!"

Qin Jian said coldly: "You want to kill me?"

"No one in this world can kill me, the only one who can kill me is myself!"

"I, Qin Jiangui, am a descendant of the royal family, and the royal family must not be insulted!"

"Even if I have to die, I will die with dignity and experience!"

"Although you are powerful, you will one day die in the hands of others. I am waiting for you in hell!"


After saying that, Qin Jie stretched out his right hand and slapped his forehead with his palm. His eyes dimmed instantly, and then he fell into the lake.

The heroic Qin Dynasty came to an end.

Fang Yu whispered softly: "You are quite stubborn, but it's a pity that you can't see my ending!"

Then it sank into the lake.

Of course he collects the spoils.

On the mountain peak south of Tiannu Lake.

Seeing Qin Jie commit suicide, Master Xuanming whispered the Buddha's name, "Amitabha, Qin Jie's benefactor is a contemporary hero, but he didn't expect it to end in this way. It's really sad!"

The old Taoist standing next to Master Xuanming sighed with emotion: "Yes! Qin Jian was a tycoon. He did not die in the hands of foreigners, but died in his own hands. It is really sad!"

Then he sighed: "Hey! I lost thirty Qi Condensation Ninth Layer experts in this battle, which means that I, Great Xia Dynasty, directly lost one-tenth of the experts. What a pity!"

The Taoist nun on the side retorted: "Xuan Dao Child, what's the pity? It's all their own fault!"

"Poor people must be hateful. If they hadn't coveted other people's things, how could they have ended up like this?"

"Didn't you hear what Qin Jie said just now? He will not wake up until his death. If the Qin Family is allowed to live, I don't know how many innocent people will be persecuted by them in the future!"

Old monk Xuan Ming nodded in agreement, "Junior sister Xuan Su is right. Donor Qin Jie's obsession is too deep and there is no cure. He has fallen into this situation today. Everything is retribution in the dark!"

"Even if there is no little donor Fang today, with the dominance of their Qin Family, sooner or later other geniuses will stand up and fight against their Qin Family!"

The old Taoist priest glanced at the center of the lake and said with emotion: "Before that little friend Fang was born, I thought Qin Wudao was my number one genius in the Great Xia Dynasty!"

"I didn't expect that it would take him less than a month to knock Qin Wudao off the altar and climb to the top!"

"Perhaps only this little friend can be called a true Unparalleled Genius. I, the Great Xia Dynasty, are really full of talents!"

"Although he is decisive in killing, judging from his behavior, he has great righteousness in his heart. Having him here is a blessing to me, Great Xia Dynasty!"

After a pause, he added: "Of course, it is also the sorrow of all geniuses, because his light is so dazzling that it blocks the light of all geniuses!"

"In front of him, no one dares to call himself a genius!"

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded in agreement.

Third update!

Please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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