Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 14 The Forge And The Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone

Chapter 14 The Forge and the Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone

"Dian Wei, go clean the battlefield and collect all the valuable things they have on them."

Fang Yu looked at Dian Wei and said with a smile.

He saw the heat in Dian Wei's eyes, but now was not the time to teach Dian Wei his skills.

It's not that he can't bear it, but that Dian Wei doesn't understand the terminology of cultivation, and asking him to practice hastily will only make him go crazy.


Dian Wei took the order and left.

Dian Wei was cleaning the battlefield, and Fang Yu was not idle either. He was looking for the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that Dian Wei said in the mountain stream.

After burning the incense, Fang Yu searched almost the entire mountain stream, but could not find any trace of the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

"Did someone get on board first?"

Fang Yu stood on a piece of bluestone and frowned.



"The group of tauren aliens just now seemed to be looking for something. Are they also looking for the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's eyes suddenly looked at the place he missed.

He just missed the small waterhole where the group of tauren aliens were standing.

Fang Yu ducked to the edge of the small pool.

The pool is not deep, less than two meters. The water is crystal clear and sparkling under the sunlight, and you can even see some swimming fish and shrimps.

Fang Yu's eyes searched the pool inch by inch.

Soon, Fang Yu noticed something strange in the center of the pool.

There is a small hole as big as the mouth of a bowl in the center of the pool, and there is a faint golden light coming out.

"Is the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure there?"

Fang Yu's eyes lit up and he stepped into the pool. He soon came to the entrance of the cave and dived into the water.

After a while, Fang Yu emerged from the water with a happy face, holding a palm-sized house model in his right hand.

When Fang Yu got the house model just now, a piece of information appeared in his mind.


[Quality]: Average.

[Grade]: First Grade.

[Function]: Forging.

[Introduction]: An ordinary forge that provides weapon blueprints and artifact refining materials to produce ordinary weapons and armor.

Fang Yu was smiling. Unexpectedly, he received a Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure as soon as he entered the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

With this forge, as long as he obtains weapon blueprints and artifact refining materials, he can continuously produce standard weapons and armor.

This is equivalent to having an automated arsenal!

Moreover, after he adds dark blue points to this [forge], the quality of the forge will be improved.


Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

The Forge is a very important Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure to him, and even to any Grotto-Heaven Lord.

According to the information he learned, Great Xia Dynasty currently owns less than 5% of the masters of Grotto-Heaven in the forge.

With the forge, when you train your subordinates in the future, you will not be short of weapons and armor.

Besides, excess weapons and armor can also be sold.

The value of the forge is self-evident.

Although he couldn't wait to build the forge in Grotto-Heaven, Fang Yu gave up his thoughts when he thought that his Grotto-Heaven level was only First Grade.

After looking at the forge again, Fang Yu put it directly into the inventory.

He didn't dare to put the forge into Grotto-Heaven, because if he put the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in Grotto-Heaven, a message would appear prompting whether to bind Grotto-Heaven. If he didn't answer for ten breaths, it would be bound by default.

Fang Yu didn't want his Grotto-Heaven to collapse because of his negligence.

He had been negligent once before, and still feels a little frightened when he thinks about it.

Fortunately, Primordial Tree is extremely powerful, otherwise, his Grotto-Heaven would have been destroyed by himself.

Fang Yu walked towards Dian Wei.

"Lord, I have plundered all the belongings of those twenty minotaur monsters. In addition to twenty-five weapons, I also obtained twenty-five small bags."

As soon as Fang Yu came to Dian Wei, Dian Wei pointed to a lot of things on the ground and reported to him respectfully.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Fang Yu reached out and patted Dian Wei on the shoulder and said with a smile.


But when he saw the twenty-five tauren corpses also collected by Dian Wei, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. Are these valuable things?

Shaking his head, Fang Yu bent down to pick up a small bag made of unknown leather and opened it.

Immediately, he saw dozens of black crystal stones the size of pigeon eggs inside the bag.

Fang Yu's eyes lit up.

He has recognized these black crystal stones as the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

The Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone is very important to the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, because the Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone can be used to upgrade the Grotto-Heaven and Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure levels.

At the same time, Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are also the currency used by Grotto-Heaven masters to trade with each other.

Under normal circumstances, valuable treasures will be traded with Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Of course, some people also like to trade with currencies on Earth Star.

Fang Yu picked up all the blue bags and counted them. This time he got a total of 1,250 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

"First increase the Grotto-Heaven movement level."

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately called up the [Grotto-Heaven] panel.

[Grotto-Heaven]: Hongmeng Immortal Domain.

[Grade]: First Grade(0/100000)

[Area]: Thirty square kilometers.

[Architecture]: Primordial Tree(Ninth Grade), Primordial Dao Palace(First Grade), Sacred Spring of Life(First Grade)

[Attribute]: Chaos (Mythical).

"Holy shit! Why did my Grotto-Heaven upgrade change from 100 to 100,000?"

Looking at his Grotto-Heaven panel, Fang Yu was stunned.

He clearly remembered that when he first saw the [Grotto-Heaven] panel, it only took 100 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade Grotto-Heaven from First Grade to Second Grade, but now it costs 100,000, a full 1,000 times.

"It is said that the more powerful the Grotto-Heaven attributes are, the more Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are needed to upgrade."

"Could it be..."

Fang Yu instantly thought that the change in the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone required to upgrade Grotto-Heaven must be related to the transformation of his Grotto-Heaven attribute into [Chaos] attribute.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu was relieved. It is understandable that the other Grotto-Heaven attributes of Mythical Level require so many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Recall the knowledge about upgrading Grotto-Heaven: Grotto-Heaven without attributes, only requires 10 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade from First Grade to Second Grade.

Rare requires 100 pieces.

Epic is 1000 pieces.

Fang Yu doesn't know the rest.

But now seeing that his Mythical attribute Grotto-Heaven requires 100,000 coins to upgrade from First Grade to Second Grade, he guessed that the legendary Grotto-Heaven may require 10,000 coins to upgrade to Second Grade.

Originally, Fang Yu thought that he would be a small rich man after getting 1,250 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, but when he saw that more than a thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones were not enough to even upgrade Grotto-Heaven.

Fang Yu suddenly discovered that he was actually very poor.

"Hey! I'm still too poor."

Fang Yu sighed lightly, closed the Grotto-Heaven attribute panel, and then put the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone and all weapons into Grotto-Heaven.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu also put the Minotaur's head into the Grotto-Heaven.

Because the twenty-five tauren horns are also an artifact refining material.

"Dianwei, let's go, let's go to Zhuojun, Youzhou now!"

Fang Yu looked at Dian Wei and said with a smile.

He is now on the border of Yanzhou in the Three Kingdoms, hundreds of kilometers away from Youzhou.

The reason why Fang Yu went all the way to Zhuo County in Youzhou was naturally to cut off Hu Big Er Liu.

Although Fang Yu did not remember the specific time when Big Ears Liu and Guan Zhang became sworn brothers, he remembered that the Taoyuan sworn alliance was after the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out.

He knew from Dian Wei's mouth that the Yellow Turban Rebellion had not yet broken out.

Fang Yu knows that the Yellow Turban Rebellion will probably not happen because a large number of aliens have descended on the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

The alien races are cruel and bloodthirsty, and some even rely on swallowing human blood to practice, which is not something ordinary people can resist.

For example, those tauren he killed just now were at the lowest level of Body Tempering Second Layer and had a huge strength of two thousand kilograms.

It can be said that any foreign race is comparable to a peerless general like Zhao Yun.

One Zhao Yun can kill seven in and seven out in Changbanpo.

One hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand Zhao Yuns can cause unimaginable damage.

Since he has come to the Three Kingdoms, he naturally wants to take Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun, who have been famous throughout the ages, for his own use.

As for Uncle Liu Huang who sells straw sandals, Fang Yu has no interest.

Of course, Fang Yu also knows that this is no longer the Three Kingdoms he is familiar with, anything can happen, and the plot may have a series of butterfly effects due to the arrival of alien races.

"My Lord, don't you want these twenty-five monster corpses? Eating them can increase your strength."

When Dian Wei saw that his lord did not intend to take the headless corpses of the minotaurs, he immediately reminded him.

"Dian Wei, these aliens are humanoid monsters. Eating them is no different from eating humans. I have something better on my body, so I don't want the alien corpses."

Fang Yu shook his head. Only a fierce person like Dian Wei could eat humanoid aliens.

"Let's go!"


Dian Wei looked away from the twenty-five tauren headless corpses and walked in front to lead the way for Fang Yu.

As for the twenty-some headless tauren alien corpses, Fang Yu did not burn or bury them. He knew that the smell of blood here was very strong, and animals would definitely be attracted to them after they left.

Tauren are not poisonous, and their flesh is a great tonic for animals.

Everyone has the responsibility to protect animals. He can also contribute a delicious meal to the animals. Maybe those lucky animals can evolve into Monsters.

The first update has been signed, you can safely collect it.

Thanks to "I Love Mi Meng" for the big reward of 300 coins.

Thank you all for your votes.

Thank you very much, your support is the motivation for Little Ling Turtle.

Codeword in progress.

(End of chapter)

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