Chapter 151 Infant Formation Demon Lord?

Zhenmo Pass, in front of the first pass.

Fang Yu looked at the Demon Race army that was struggling to advance with a calm expression.

The Demon Race army is now about 1,500 meters away from the Demon-killing Dao soldiers standing in front of him.

The Demon Race army advanced less than half the distance, and once again more than 300,000 demon soldiers died under the arrows of Demon Dao soldiers, and now less than 400,000 are left.

The remaining demon soldiers are all elites, most of them have Qi Gathering Realm cultivation. The cannon fodder is almost dead, and many of the demon soldiers have injuries on their bodies.

At this time, the demon-killing soldiers had very few arrows left in their hands, and they could shoot at most three more rounds.

Fang Yu forged a total of 300,000 refined iron arrows.

Among them, there are only 30,000 arrows that are comparable to Low Grade Spirit Weapon, and the rest are all Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon with two attributes.

With three hundred thousand arrows, it is very rare to be able to kill so many demonic soldiers.

It's not that he doesn't want to forge more fine iron arrows, but that forging arrows requires fine iron and alien feathers.

Fine iron is easy to find, but exotic animal feathers are very difficult to find.

Besides, refined iron arrows are not disposable consumables and can be recycled as long as they are not damaged.


After three rounds of arrow rain, the Demon-killing Dao soldiers once again sent away tens of thousands of demon soldiers.

The number of remaining magic soldiers is less than 300,000.

"My sons of Demon Race, this group of hateful human monks have no more arrows. Let me tear them apart!"

At this moment, a roar sounded from the center of the Demon Race army.

As soon as the roar came out, all the demon soldiers, with red eyes, accelerated towards Fang Yu and others.

Fang Yu touched the ground with his toes, and his body turned into a stream of light rising into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, we were two hundred meters above the Demon Race army.

At his feet, there is a purple lotus that looks like substance.

After the completion of "Hongmeng Heavenly Dipper Step", Fang Yu can now stand on his own feet.

A three-property fine iron long sword appeared out of thin air in Fang Yu's right hand. He looked down at the Demon Race army below him and said calmly: "Nine Great Demon generals, come and lead them to death!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, a solemn voice sounded, "Jie Jie, what a loud tone, what a genius of the human race. What I like most is to devour geniuses. Since you are seeking death, I will help you!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

Immediately afterwards, nine figures were seen soaring into the sky from the Demon Race army, flying to an altitude of 200 meters in the blink of an eye.

Nine demon generals stood in nine different directions, surrounding Fang Yu directly in the center, blocking all his escape routes.

Nine Great Demon's whole body was covered with a black energy as dark as ink, and a pair of scarlet eyes were exposed on the outside. It was impossible to see the true face clearly with the naked eye.

However, the nine demon generals were unable to hide from Fang Yu's vast spiritual power.

He just released his mental power to investigate and "see" the faces of the nine Great Demon generals.

There are eight men and one woman. The men are as ugly as the evil spirits Yaksha, and the women are beautiful and coquettish.

The demon general directly in front of him has the highest cultivation level and has reached the middle stage of Core Formation.

Fang Yu and the more than 200,000 demon soldiers under the Nine Great Demon Generals did not stop charging, and charged towards the Demon Killing Soldiers without fear of death.

Killing Demon In front of the soldiers, Zhao Yun took out a silver spear, pointed the tip of the spear at the demon soldiers, and said loudly: "Soldiers, follow me and kill the enemy!"

After saying that, Zhao Yun took the lead and rushed towards the demon soldiers swarming in like a tide.

All the Demon-killing soldiers drew out their swords hanging from their waists and charged after Zhao Yun.


Seeing this, Guo Jia waved his right hand, and many light spots spread out from his hand, and those light rays engulfed the bodies of all the Demon-killing Dao soldiers.

Just when the light spot hit the Demon Dao soldiers, a cyan circle of light appeared under their feet.

The next moment, the speed of all Demon-killing soldiers suddenly increased dramatically.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Demon-killing Dao soldiers and the Demon soldiers collided fiercely.

Guo Jia immediately added an "encourage" skill to Demon Dao Bing.

Suddenly, the combat power of all Demon-killing soldiers suddenly increased.

Ding ding ding~


The clash of weapons and the screams of the demon soldiers intertwined together, as if playing a beautiful piece of music.

9 The Great Demon looked indifferently as he was being executed on the ground. The Demon Dao soldiers mercilessly killed the demon soldiers, with no intention of rescuing them at all?

It seems that the lives of these magic soldiers are not worth mentioning in their eyes.

The enemy cannot move, I cannot move!

Nine Great Demon will not take action, Fang Yu also does not take action in advance!

He glanced briefly at the Demon-killing Dao soldiers who were fighting fiercely with the Demon soldiers on the ground, and nodded imperceptibly.

The performance of Demon Dao soldiers is remarkable.

They formed a three-talent formation to kill the enemy, leaving their backs to their comrades. The demon soldiers were vulnerable to them.

Their cultivation level may not be as good as that of the magic soldiers, but each of them is an Unparalleled Genius who can cross levels and challenge, and they have the advantage of weapons.

It can be said that if you touch it, you will die, and if you touch it, you will be injured.

Broken limbs were flying everywhere, and blood was flowing into rivers.

Even if some demon soldiers can kill Demon soldiers.

But they were blocked by the armor on the Demon Dao soldiers. The Demon Dao soldiers were fine, but the demon soldiers who cut down the Demon Dao soldiers were in trouble.

To be precise, there was something wrong with the weapons they were reaching for. Any demon soldiers that struck the Demon Dao soldiers had their weapons curled up.

This is just great.

The Demon Dao soldiers knew that the weapons of the demon soldiers could not hurt them, so each one of them showed their ferocity and gave up their defense as if they were beaten to death. .

Among them, the most outstanding performers were Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong and other generals.

They were like an unparalleled killing god. Every time they made a move, several demonic soldiers were killed, and no demonic soldier could enter their bodies.

Zhao Yun and other generals rushed to kill them from left to right, just like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep, killing them in large numbers.

When Ye Qingdai saw Fang Yu suddenly flying over the head of the demon soldier, she immediately explained and asked her assistant to move the camera to Fang Yu.

"Instructor Fang has taken action again. He is worthy of being my number one Great Xia Dynasty player. Even when facing nine demon generals in the Core Formation realm at the same time, he remains calm and composed!"

"Looking at Instructor Fang's calm expression, he doesn't seem to take the Nine Great Demon Generals seriously at all. Let's wait and see!"

Although more than half of the demon soldiers were dead, the remaining demon soldiers were ruthlessly harvested by the soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Legion.

But the battle between Fang Yu and the Nine Great Demon Generals is the most important.

Because the outcome of the battle between Fang Yu and the Nine Great Demon Generals is the key to the victory or defeat of this battle.

If Fang Yu is defeated, no matter how many demon soldiers they destroy, it will be of no use.

Because the Core Formation Realm Demon General is too terrifying and cannot be defeated by just relying on a large number of people.

Once nine Great Demons are allowed to enter the Suppressing Demon Pass, it will definitely be a disaster for the Suppressing Demon Pass, and the Suppressing Demon Pass may be captured by the Demon Race.

"Hiss! Fang Yu actually had to fight a demon in the Core Formation realm at close quarters, and it was one against nine!"

"He is too reckless and too trusting. Does he think he can kill a demon general with one arrow and be invincible?"

"Yes! Boss Fang Yu was too impulsive this time. He could have retreated to the Demon Suppression Pass to defend and attack the Demon General with bows and arrows. There is no need to take such risks!"

"What do you know? Didn't you just see that after Boss Fang Yu shot a demon general, the remaining nine demon generals who were greedy for life and feared death were all mixed into the demon soldiers?

These nine demon generals obviously wanted to use the soldiers to close the distance with the boss Fang Yu. He could not attack the nine great demon generals. When the nine great demon generals were close, with their speed, Mr. Fang Yu could not attack him anymore. Archery opportunities. "

"That's right! And letting the nine Great Demon generals get close to Boss Fang Yu's warrior legion will undoubtedly be a disaster for his warrior legion!"

The barrages in the live broadcast room were flying all over the place.

Some people think that Fang Yu took the initiative to fight against the Nine Great Demon generals because he was distracted and was looking for death.

Some people think that Fang Yu's approach is the most correct choice. After all, he cannot attack the Nine Great Demon Generals. Once the Nine Great Demon Generals get close, it will be a disaster.

Some people worry that Fang Yu cannot withstand it, because this battle between Fang Yu and the Nine Great Demons is the key to the victory or defeat of this battle.

Once Fang Yu is defeated, the nine Great Demon generals will attack the Suppressing Demon Pass. At that time, the soldiers at the Suppressing Demon Pass will be attacked from both sides.

Because there were also battles at the other three passes of Zhenmo Pass.

Although the soldiers at the other three passes struggled to resist the demon soldiers, their results were incomparable to those at all Fang Yu's passes, and the situation was precarious.

When Ye Qingdai showed the camera to the Demon Dao soldiers who were killing everyone, all the powerful people in the live broadcast room were horrified.

If it were before, they could still say that Fang Yu's demon-slaying army relied on their weapons and had little combat effectiveness.

But now it's close combat.

They saw that many of the Demon-killing Dao soldiers had no spiritual energy fluctuations, so they knew that they had not yet broken through to the Qi Gathering Realm.

However, even without Qi Gathering Realm, they killed the magic soldiers of Qi Gathering Realm and lost their armor.

Cross-level challenge!

All the forces know that this is a group of Unparalleled Genius who can challenge beyond the level.

A military legion composed of Unparalleled Genius, they really can't imagine how terrifying the future will be.

Some of the "geniuses" who were originally unconvinced with Fang Yu and thought they were equal to Fang Yu and could one day surpass Fang Yu fell silent collectively when they saw the combat power shown by Fang Yu's Demon-killing soldiers.

All of them looked bitter.

They wanted to surpass Fang Yu, but they were shocked to find that none of Fang Yu's subordinates were worse than them. How could they compare?

"I didn't expect that there would be a young talent like you in the human race. If I hadn't guessed, you should be the Riverside City Fang Yu that Madam Demon Lord said, right?"

The demon general in the Core Formation realm, who is more than two hundred meters in front of Fang Yu, suddenly spoke.

Fang Yu's pupils suddenly shrank.

Even the Core Formation Demon General has to call him "sir."

Could it be——

The demon king in this demon general's mouth has reached the Infant Formation Realm?

Infant Formation Demon King.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's mood became very solemn.

(End of chapter)

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