Chapter 154 Fire Captain Fang Yu


Fang Yu flashed and appeared in front of Li Xiao in the blink of an eye. He bent down and punched Li Xiao on the head.


I have surrendered, why do you still want to kill me?

This was what Li Xiao was thinking before he fell into coma.

Looking at Li Xiao who was unconscious, Fang Yu reached out to pick him up, directly put it away in his Grotto-Heaven, and immediately used the power of Grotto-Heaven to seal his strength and seal the place where Li Xiao was imprisoned. That area.

Although Li Xiao has surrendered, Demon Race is cunning by nature, and Fang Yu can't trust him.

He plans to bind Li Xiao to the Demon Soldier Tower after binding him to the Demon Soldier, and only after completely controlling him can he feel free to use him!

After doing all this, Fang Yu dodged and flew towards the place where the other eight Great Demons would fall.

Because he had just detected that the other eight Great Demon generals were not dead yet, but had just been seriously injured and passed out.

Soon, Fang Yu found the eight Great Demon generals, took them all into Grotto-Heaven after they were unconscious, and imprisoned them separately, also sealing off their powers.

"Why didn't Fang Yu kill those demon generals? Doesn't he know how many people in our Great Xia Dynasty have died at the hands of these demon generals over the years?"

"That's right! Why did he want to subdue these damn beasts? I admired him originally, but after seeing him subdue Demon Race, I will never worship him again in the future. He is not worthy of my worship!"

"That's right! If Fang Yu doesn't kill those demon generals, I will never buy anything from [Yuxi Group] again!"

"Haha, you people are just a bunch of angry youths. Who gives you the face to accuse Senior Fang Yu? You have the ability to accuse Senior Fang Yu here. Why don't you dare to go to the Demon-Suppressing Pass to kill Demon Race?"

"The school girl upstairs said it well! She said it as if we seniors owed them something. All of them only know how to accuse others from the moral high ground. Don't you have the eyes to see?

If it weren't for our senior, the first pass of the Demon Suppressing Pass would have been impossible to hold. His people killed more than a million demon soldiers this time. Didn't you see that he single-handedly fought nine Great Demon generals?

When you saw that he wanted to conquer nine demon generals, you were angry. Who gave you the face? "

Just when the live broadcast room was getting very noisy, Ye Tian's figure appeared directly on the screen: "I want to say something here, I am Ye Tian, ​​the commander of the [Vermilion Bird Legion]!

I remember back then, when I heard that our leader did not allow us to kill Japanese prisoners of war, I was very angry and couldn't figure it out!

I was thinking at that time, why I was not allowed to kill the little devil, should I keep him for the New Year?

But later, when we got a lot of information about the little devil from the little devil's mouth, I figured it out!

Those who accused Fang Xiaoyou, didn’t you just hear the conversation between him and the ninth demon general Li Xiao?

In all our years as Great Xia Dynasty, we have never captured a Core Formation Realm demon general. Not to mention capturing a demon general, not even the Demon Race Captain of the Qi Condensation Realm has captured a demon soldier. We only captured demon soldiers!

The Demon Soldier's understanding of Demon Race is limited and cannot be compared with the Demon General in the Core Formation realm!

Demon Race Even though he deserves death, a living demon general is more valuable than a dead one!

When I saw so many people criticizing Fang Yu, I couldn't help but say a few words for him. You don't have to take my words seriously, but you are not allowed to slander Fang Yu here!

Because without Little Friend Fang, I will definitely not be able to hold the first pass of the Demon Suppression Pass this time. It will definitely be a disaster for the Southern Wilderness Fire Territory!

Fang Xiaoyou's achievements are obvious to all. I will not allow anyone to slander him, nor will the more than 1.5 million soldiers of our [Devil-Slaying Legion] allow anyone to slander him! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, those "keyboard warriors" who accused Fang Yu fell silent.

Many people immediately sent messages to Fang Yu to apologize.

The screen was filled with barrages of "Brother Fang Yu, I'm sorry!"

Of course, some people started to panic.

Those who have been supporting Fang Yu were very happy to see those "keyboard warriors" apologize.

And our protagonist Fang Yu has no idea what is going on in the live broadcast room.

Because after he gave Zhao Yun and others an order to clean up the battlefield, he flew towards another pass without stopping.

Fang Yu had just released his mental power to check and found that the second pass was being attacked by Demon Race.

After a while.

Fang Yu finally arrived at the second pass.

The second pass is the same as the first pass. There is also a huge bloody plain in front of the city wall.

On the bloody plain, countless demonic soldiers charged towards the city wall without fear of death.

On the city wall, hundreds of thousands of soldiers attacked the demon soldiers with guns and cannons.

Da da da~

The gunshots were dense, and countless spiritual energy bullets poured out towards the demon soldiers like a goddess. The demon soldiers fell down one row after another like wheat.

Boom boom boom~

The sound of cannons shook the sky, and dense spiritual energy shells landed in the center of the densely packed demon soldiers and exploded. Every time a spiritual energy shell exploded, it would kill more than a dozen demon soldiers.

Seeing that the battlefield was in a state of anxiety and the demon general did not attack, Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

He flew directly towards the commander on the city wall.

When Fang Yu was still dozens of meters away from the nearest soldier, the soldiers who were attacking the demon soldiers also discovered him.

After seeing his face, they ignored Fang Yu and let him pass.

Soon, Fang Yu came to several burly men wearing general uniforms.

A burly man with a beard asked quickly: "Brother Fang Yu, have you solved it over there?"

Fang Yu smiled: "Brother Ye, it's solved!"

He knew this tall, burly man, they had met him before.

He is the commander of the first army of [Vermilion Bird Legion] and Ye Tian's eldest son, Ye Wu.

Ye Wu patted Fang Yu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Fang Yu, you are good!"

The burly men around Ye Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Yewu, why haven't these ten demon generals attacked yet?"

Fang Yu pointed to the back of the demon soldiers. Riding on a black war horse, there was a mysterious man shrouded in dark demonic energy.

Ye Wu said unconvincingly: "Maybe they are afraid of the God-Destroying Cannon in our hands?!"

Fang Yu said softly: "I will deal with these demon generals, and the demon soldiers will be left to you!"

Ye Wu looked worried, "Brother Fang Yu, are you sure?"

Fang Yu was very kind to them [Vermilion Bird Legion], and he didn't want to see anything happen to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu said calmly: "Leave it to me!"

After saying that, he put his toes on the bluestone floor, rose into the sky, and flew towards the ten demon generals.

Seeing this, the ten demon generals rose into the sky and flew towards Fang Yu.

When the ten demon generals were still about 500 meters away from Fang Yu, Fang Yu swung his sword.

Countless rays of purple sword energy were like brilliant streams of light, piercing the sky, carrying overwhelming momentum, roaring towards the ten Great Demon generals.

"Ten thousand demons swallow the sky!"

When the leading demon general saw this, his expression suddenly changed, and the bloody demon flag on his right hand waved towards the purple sword energy.

The next moment, nearly a million demonic figures wrapped in pitch-black demonic energy rushed out from the blood-colored demonic flags and faced the purple sword energy.

At the moment when nearly a million demonic figures appeared, the sky dimmed instantly, and overwhelming evil spirit and resentment filled the world.


Just when Ye Wu and others looked worried, the purple sword energy collided with millions of demonic shadows. As soon as those demonic figures came into contact with the purple sword energy, they dissipated instantly, and screams echoed around the world.

"Defend quickly!"

The demon general holding the bloody demon flag said loudly when he saw millions of demonic figures being strangled by the purple sword energy in an instant, but the purple sword energy did not dissipate at all.

He immediately blocked the bloody demon flag in front of him.

As soon as he finished speaking, a shield as black as ink suddenly appeared on the bodies of the other nine Great Demon generals.

Bang bang bang~

The dense purple sword energy bombarded the ten Great Demon generals, drowning them instantly.

Fang Yu didn't wait for the sword energy to dissipate. He flashed and appeared in the blink of an eye. The figure of the leading demon general appeared in the blink of an eye. His fists glowing with purple light carried a terrifying momentum and blasted towards the broken bloody demon flag in front of him.


There was a loud noise, and the bloody demon flag was blown away by Fang Yu.

Bang ~

The remaining power of his fist was not reduced, and he hit the demon general's chest hard.

Just when Fang Yu's fist hit the demon general, the dark demonic energy that enveloped him instantly dissipated, revealing a set of blood-colored armor.

The bloody battle armor was directly blasted by Fang Yu. The demon general's chest collapsed instantly, and the fist force came out from his back.

He vomited blood and flew away.

Fang Yu dodges and catches up with the demon general in the blink of an eye. Under his horrified gaze, he slaps him on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious and putting him into the Grotto-Heaven.

It is worth mentioning that the other nine Great Demons shot the sword energy that had just been emitted by Fang Yu into a hornet's nest and smashed it towards the ground.

Fang Yu flew towards them, who were still in free fall, and took all of them who were unconscious into his Grotto-Heaven.

After doing all this, he ducked to the sky a hundred meters above the demon soldiers, swung his sword at the stunned demon soldiers, and then flew non-stop towards the next pass.

Fang Yu did not stop here, because if he stayed for one more minute, the other two passes would be in danger of falling.

Although he is not a Holy Mother, he does not want to see the soldiers he admires die in vain.

Of course, if he didn't have the strength to rescue, he wouldn't play with his own life.

Besides, Demon Race’s massive attack on Demon Suppression Pass this time also had something to do with him.

If he hadn't forged weapons for the military, Demon Race wouldn't have attacked the Demon Suppressing Pass in a large scale.

Fang Yu even felt that Demon Race's large-scale attack on the Demon Suppressing Pass had something to do with the Demon Lord's wife.

After all, pillow style is very powerful.

Fang Yu directly became the fire brigade captain this time.

(End of chapter)

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