Chapter 156 Arriving in time

Demon-suppressing pass.

On the broad city wall.

A shadow is running quickly forward.

Every step he took covered a distance of several hundred meters.

The speed is as fast as lightning, leaving a trail of afterimages behind him.

This person running at great speed is Fang Yu.

For some reason, Fang Yu suddenly felt uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

It is worth mentioning that although Zhenmo Pass has four gates.

But the four city gates are all in the same direction.

The south wall of Zhenmo Pass is a straight line, two thousand miles long. There is a city gate and a pass every five hundred miles.

Just when Fang Yu was rushing towards the third pass at full speed.

In the city at the third pass.

Hundreds of thousands of [Vermilion Bird Legion] soldiers used houses as bunkers, using psychic submachine guns and bows and arrows to launch frantic attacks on the demon soldiers who launched the general attack. The demon soldiers also used bows and arrows to fight back.

It's just that the bows and arrows in the hands of the magic soldiers don't have as far a range as the weapons and equipment in the hands of the [Vermilion Bird Legion].

Suddenly, the demon soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

[Vermilion Bird Legion] seems to have the upper hand, but the officers of [Vermilion Bird Legion] are not happy.

Because the seven Great Demon generals of the Demon Race army have not yet taken action.

Once the Seven Great Demons take action, the situation of the battle will reverse instantly.

Those seven Core Formation demon generals are the key to determining the outcome of the battle.

The roof of the first two-story bungalow in the middle alley.

Qin Qingqing and the other six looked calmly at the demonic soldiers charging towards them on the street in front of them without fear of death.

Around them, there were many fully armed soldiers lying and standing, shooting at the demon soldiers with their guns and bows.

Countless dense spiritual bullets and arrows poured towards the demonic soldiers, who fell down one after another like wheat.

However, as soon as the demon soldiers in front fell, the demon soldiers behind them instantly replenished their ranks.

These magic soldiers seemed not to be afraid of death at all.

Suddenly, a figure shrouded in dark demonic energy rushed out from behind the demon soldiers.

This figure, shrouded in dark demonic aura, with only a pair of scarlet eyes exposed, cut through the sky and shot toward Qin Qingqing as fast as lightning.

"The Demon General is out, let's go!"

Qin Qingqing said something to Su Qingyin and others around her.

As soon as he finished speaking, six figures rose into the sky and faced the demon general.

"Extreme Profundities Sword Skills!"

"Deadly flying knife!"

"Great Prajna Palm!"


When the six people were still about 80 meters away from the demon general, they all used their strongest moves.

Qin Qingqing swung his sword, and a ten-foot-long red sword light roared toward the Demon General's face.

Su Qingyin waved her right hand, and dozens of gleaming scalpels sliced ​​through the sky, like a goddess scattering flowers, towards the demon general.

Master Jiujie waved his palm, and a huge bright golden palm print exuded the aura of extreme strength and sunshine.

Taoist Master Xuan Qingzi flicked the whisk in his hand, and the countless threads of the whisk turned into sharp threads, winding towards the demon general.

"The mantis blocks the car!"

The demon general sneered, suddenly stretched out his right hand, and waved Qin Qingqing and the six of them with one palm.

As the Demon General waved his hand, Heavenly Demon Qi swept towards Qin Qingqing and the six of them.

The attacks launched by Qin Qingqing and the others collapsed as soon as they touched the demonic energy.

The demonic energy did not show up, but still swept towards Qin Qingqing and the others.

Qin Qingqing and the others smiled bitterly and quickly put up their spiritual shields.

They also thought that the strongest attack of the six of them could not shake the demon general in the slightest.

Seeing the black demonic energy so close at hand, Su Qingyin glanced at Qin Qingqing beside her, "Qingqing, I'll give it back to you!"

Su Qingyin suddenly dodged and stood directly in front of Qin Qingqing.

Qin Qingqing's expression changed, and she quickly stretched out her hands to grab Su Qingyin's shoulders. With a turn, she and Su Qingyin instantly changed places, with her back blocking the incoming demonic energy.

Just when Qin Qingqing and Su Qingyin changed places, the dark demonic energy also hit the spiritual shields of Qin Qingqing and others.

Bang bang bang~

There were several loud noises, and the spiritual shields on several people were instantly shattered by the demonic energy, and then hit hard on their armor.

Several people vomited blood and flew away.

There was one person who was fine, and that was Su Qingyin, who was being protected by Qin Qingqing.

Qin Qingqing blocked Su Qingyin's demonic attack with her back, and a mouthful of blood spurted onto Su Qingyin's pretty face.

"Qingqing, why are you so stupid?"

Su Qingyin didn't care about the blood Qin Qingqing sprayed on her face. Looking at the pale Qin Qingqing, she burst into tears.

"You still call me stupid, aren't you too?"

Qin Qingqing glanced at her best friend and said softly.


"After receiving a blow from me, there was no damage to her body at all. Could it be that she is a Spirit Weapon level armor?!"

The demon general looked at Qin Qingqing and Qin Qingqing with his scarlet eyes. His eyes were full of greed. He flashed his body and chased after the two men who were flying upside down.

When Su Qingyin saw the demon general chasing after her, she trembled and landed on the street below her with Qin Qingqing.

As for the three masters of Jiujie, they have been smashed on the street, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

The two women held hands and looked at the demon general flying towards them.

"Two little beauties, as long as you behave and be my women, I will not only let you go, but I will also give you supreme honor!"

The demon general hovered in the air about fifty meters above the heads of Qin Qingqing and the two women, his greedy eyes scanning the two women's delicate bodies.

Su Qingyin looked at the Demon General and said coldly: "You are a ghost who doesn't even dare to show your true face, and you still want me to be your woman. You must give up. I would rather buy a dog for free than give you anything." You are not a human being, you are not a ghost, you are a woman!"

Qin Qingqing also said coldly: "Ghost, if you have any tricks, just let your horse come over!"

The demon general in the sky had a cold voice, "Jiejie, you are such a strong woman, I like you. After I capture you, I promise to make you two want to die!"


At this moment, a sharp sound piercing the air was heard.

Qin Qingqing and Wen Sheng looked away and saw a purple light shooting towards them with a long tail.

This purple light is like a comet falling, like a startling light flashing through the sky, like a rainbow streaking across the sky.

The two women did not see clearly what the purple light was, nor could they clearly see its movement trajectory.

The two women couldn't see clearly, but the Core Formation level demon general floating above their heads could see clearly.

He saw that the purple light was an arrow.

Unable to dodge, the demon general swung his palm with all his strength towards the rapidly shooting arrow, and boundless demonic energy swept towards the purple arrow.


The purple arrow instantly penetrated the black demonic energy and penetrated directly into his chest under the horrified gaze of the demon general. There was a hole as big as a bowl in his chest.

Then the demon general's body fell from the sky.

Qin Qingqing and her two daughters quickly ran away.


As soon as the two women dodged, the demon general's corpse crashed down where they were standing.

Su Qingyin looked at the dead demon general and said in disbelief: "Qingqing, the Core Formation realm demon general just... died?"

"Who saved us?"

Qin Qingqing raised the corner of her mouth, and a smile that turned everyone upside down appeared on her pale face, "I think... I already know who it is!"

With that said, Qin Qingqing bent down and took off the space ring from the Demon General's index finger, and said to Su Qingyin: "Qingyin, the Demon General is dead, and the battle line here is worry-free. Let's go find Taoist Priest Xuan Qingzi and the others. See if they are okay?"

Su Qingyin nodded, and Qin Qingqing walked towards the place where Xuan Qingzi and the others fell.

The soldiers who were blocking the attack frantically fought back after seeing the Demon General fall.

On top of the city wall, Fang Yu, holding a bow in his right hand, glanced at his god-sister Qin Qingqing, then ducked and flew elsewhere.

It was he who shot the arrow that saved Sister Qian and Su Qingyin just now.

Fortunately, he suddenly felt uneasy and arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Ten minutes later.

Fang Yu not only captured six demon generals, but also killed hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers.

He did not kill the two hundred thousand demon soldiers left.

Those demon soldiers were being surrounded and killed by the furious soldiers.

Fang Yu did not go to the fourth pass because he had just used his mental power to investigate and found that the demon soldiers at the fourth pass had retreated.

(End of chapter)

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