Chapter 163 Judgment Conference

In Hongmeng Immortal Domain.

Private housing area in Dongcheng District.

More than fifty burly men were sitting in a huge open space, talking and laughing.

One person suddenly looked at a burly man wearing a golden uniform with a small purple tree embroidered on his right chest. Suddenly, under the small tree, there were two small characters with flying phoenixes - Hongmeng. He smiled and said:

"Brother Big Meng, we are all in the [Devil-Slaying Legion], but you are in the Lord's [Hongmeng Holy Guard]. We usually don't practice together, so it's hard to see each other. It's a rare day off for us to get together."

"I heard that the newly opened [Shiweitian] restaurant in Fangshi, Dongcheng District, Seoul is good. You and Brother Zilong have the best relationship. Now go and call Brother Zilong. I just saw him coming back. !”

The burly man known as "Big Meng Brother" hesitated for a moment and said, "But Brother Zilong is now the commander of the [Devil-Slaying Legion]. Will he be willing to go with us?"

Everyone looked hesitant when they heard this, even though they were Zhao Yun's childhood playmates.

But now Zhao Yun has a noble status and is the commander of the army. There is a big difference between their status and Zhao Yun's status.

At this moment, a hearty voice sounded from behind everyone: "I do!"

After hearing this, everyone quickly got up from the ground and saluted Zhao Yun: "Legion Commander!"

Zhao Yun waved his hand and said with a smile: "In private, you guys are still the same as before. You can just call me Brother Zilong. I don't want to affect the relationship between our brothers because of my identity. Do you know?"

Hearing Zhao Yun's face, everyone showed a simple and honest smile.

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "Let's go, I'm treating you today!"

Everyone cheered and followed Zhao Yun towards Fangshi.

The same scene happened in three other residential areas in Seoul.

The demon-killing Dao soldiers who grew up together invite their childhood playmates to have dinner together.

When the families of Demon Dao soldiers knew that their sons and husbands were back, they were overjoyed and would show off to their acquaintances when they met them.

Others were filled with envy when they heard that the Demon-Slaying Legion, the Hongmeng Holy Guard, and ordinary soldiers had all received 100,000 yuan in rewards.

They secretly swore in their hearts that if Fang Yu recruited soldiers again in the future, they would definitely let the men in their families sign up.

Inside the Demon-Suppressing Pass.

Fang Yu looked at the virtual light screen in front of him and sighed softly: "As expected of a state machine, it is extremely efficient. In less than an hour, all the traitors were caught in one sweep!"

Su Qingyin looked at Fang Yu and said, "Of course, the country is the strongest. Even if all the forces in the Great Xia Dynasty are combined, they are not as strong as the country."

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, except you, a freak!"

Fang Yu rolled her eyes at the big lolita Su Qingyin. Can she speak? Can we still play happily together in the future?

Fang Yu didn't argue with Su Qingyin, a good man doesn't fight with a rotten girl!

He opened the post sent by Mr. Li Xing to see how the melon-eating people of Great Xia Dynasty would react.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that our Great Xia Dynasty would have so many scum. These people would secretly defect to Demon Race. They are really worse than pigs and dogs!"

"Yes! These people - they are simply not human, not even as good as dogs. At least dogs are well-raised and can look after homes and homes. However, these beasts are humans, but they work as dogs for Demon Race. You must know Demon Race and so on. How many good sons and daughters of Great Xia Dynasty have I killed every year!”

"Originally, I was wondering why Senior Fang Yu destroyed three waves of Demon Race, but the fourth wave withdrew. It turned out that a traitor secretly tipped off their master.

These beasts were cut into pieces, if they hadn't tipped off the information, Demon Race would have been completely wiped out! "

"When I saw the message from the brothers upstairs, I suddenly thought of something very important. Why did someone immediately stand up and accuse Fang Yu when he captured Demon Race's demon general? I think those who accused him immediately, It must be someone—treacherous!”

"The brothers upstairs are right! The traitors secretly defected to Demon Race. They must be afraid that Boss Fang Yu will interrogate their information from the mouth of the demon general, so they stepped forward to set the pace and wanted to use public opinion to force Boss Fang Yu to kill him. Kill the devil!"

"I agree too! It's a pity that they underestimate senior Fang Yu too much. Our senior is not a star and has no idol baggage at all!

Those traitors also threatened that if Senior Fang didn’t kill those demon generals, they would no longer buy the ‘Life Spirit Liquid’ sold by Senior Fang Yu and Senior Sister Xiyue [Yuxi Group]!

It’s so funny. The ‘Life Spirit Liquid’ sold by our senior [Yuxi Group] is of high quality and low price. It is priceless but has no market. Will the seniors lack people like them to buy it? "

"I also agree. If Senior Fang Yu had known that they were rapists, I'm afraid he wouldn't have sold the 'Life Spirit Liquid' to those unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. You know, Senior Fang Yu sold it to us at Linjiang Martial Dao College. Half price for teachers and students!

He is such a friendly person, but he is actually being reviled by those people. Some of them are being manipulated. Those who are being manipulated must have their consciences eaten by dogs!

If Senior Fang Yu hadn't stepped in to save the siege, the Demon Suppression Pass would have been broken this time, which would have been an absolute disaster for our Southern Wilderness Fire Territory! "

"I, Xiao Yan, am the general manager of [Yuxi Group]. I solemnly declare here: Anyone who insulted our chairman in the live broadcast room of Zhenmoguan Field Reporter has been permanently blackmailed by us [Yuxi Group]. List, we will no longer sell 'Life Spiritual Liquid' to them!

Because we can't be sure whether there are any people among those people - treacherous people! "

“I, Ji Mengfei, am the general manager of the Linjiang branch of [Penguin Consortium], and I solemnly declare here: We [Penguin Consortium] will not sell any weapons to those who insult Fang Yu in the future.

Because we can't be sure whether there are any adulterers among those people! "

"God Xiao and Goddess Ji did a great job, it should be done like this. Thank you two big guys for supporting our Fang Yu!"

"Thank you two big guys for supporting our senior Fang Yu!"

Fang Yu glanced at the comments briefly and then closed Skynet.

In the blink of an eye, six hours passed.

Fang Yu has returned to Riverside City at this time.

He just participated in the pursuit meeting of [Vermilion Bird Legion].

The anger throughout the memorial service was very solemn and depressing.

Fang Yu felt a little heavy.

After attending the memorial service, he refused Ye Tian's offer to stay and returned to Riverside City with his god-sister Qin Qingqing.

It is worth mentioning that the five-clawed golden dragon flag of the Great Xia Dynasty was flown at half-mast to see off all the fallen soldiers of the Vermilion Bird Corps. All citizens of the Great Xia Dynasty observed a fifteen-minute silence for all the fallen soldiers to see them off.

Inside Fang Yu's villa.

In the living room.

At this time, Concubine Ji Meng, Xiao Yan, Tan Jun, Li Ying'er, and Tang Xiyue's family members all came.

Tang Xiyue's cousin Tang Lingyun stood in front of Fang Yu, looking at the little girl in Fang Yu's arms with big eyes, with mist in her eyes: "Brother-in-law, who is she? Do you not like Lingyun anymore?"

Fang Yu looked at the pretty little girl in front of him, and suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded. Even such a small person knew how jealous she was.

"She is my brother-in-law's sister and also your sister. Lingyun is my sister. You have to take good care of your sister, you know?"

Tang Lingyun looked at her little girl, her eyes lit up, and she said in a sweet voice, "Sister Nannan, my name is Tang Lingyun, and I am my brother-in-law's favorite sister. You can call me Sister Lingyun from now on. Can I play with you?"

The little girl nodded slightly and jumped off Fang Yu's lap. "good!"

Seeing the two beauties playing hand in hand, Fang Yu looked away and chatted with Xiao Yan and others.

After bidding farewell to Xiao Yan and others, Fang Yu took her little girl to escape into Grotto-Heaven.

He left the little girl to Cai Yan to take care of, while he went to the Primordial Tree to take Hongmeng spiritual liquid to practice.

Early next morning.

Eight in the morning.

Fang Yu held her little girl in her arms and sat in the living room watching live TV.

The little girl was holding candied haws in both hands, eating and watching TV at the same time.

It is worth mentioning that since Tang Xiyue established [Yuxi Group], Xiao Yan and his wife moved out.

Nominally, the legal persons of [Yuxi Group] are Tang Xiyue and Fang Yu, but Xiao Yan and Tan Jun are in charge of the management, while Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue are the hands-on shopkeepers.

On the TV screen, it was an extremely vast square.

There is a high platform in the square.

There were more than a dozen people sitting on the long table on the high platform.

Fang Yu saw two familiar figures among these dozen people.

One is Mr. Li Xing, and the other is Ye Tian, ​​the commander of the [Vermilion Bird Legion].

"Is this Queen Jiang Yuehuang?!"

Fang Yu's eyes flashed as he looked at the woman with stunning appearance and noble temperament who was wearing a golden dragon robe and sitting in the center.

In front of the high platform, hundreds of people were kneeling.

All of them were bald, wearing white prison uniforms, with handcuffs on their hands and shackles on their feet.

Each prisoner was flanked by two armed soldiers.

There were millions of people watching from behind.

At this time, all the people were "breathing fragrance" in front of hundreds of prisoners!

"Has the trial started?"

"I hope other people will be smarter and stop leaking the secrets of Great Xia Dynasty."

"Just let them live a little longer, and I will find them out sooner or later!"

Fang Yu's eyes were cold.

He knew that now the foreign races at other border gates would not dare to attack the border gates again.

Otherwise, he doesn't mind going there in person. As long as he captures some Core Formation aliens, he will definitely be able to find out all the traitors!

The little girl in Fang Yu's arms pointed at Jiang Yuehuang and said, "Brother, this sister is so beautiful, as beautiful as sister Xiyue!"

Hearing what little Nannan said, a gentle smile appeared on Fang Yu's face.

Ask yourself, if you only look at looks, Tang Xiyue and Jiang Yuehuang are in the middle.

But in terms of temperament, Jiang Yuehuang is even better than Tang Xiyue.

Fang Yu looked down at the little girl and said softly: "Nanny, when you grow up, you will definitely be more beautiful than this sister!"

The little girl turned to look at Fang Yu and asked with a smile: "Brother, are you serious?"

Fang Yu replied seriously: "Of course it is true, brother will not lie to you!"

Although he had never seen the appearance of the ruthless Great Emperor, but based on his daughter's current appearance, he knew that she must be a stunning beauty that would captivate the entire country.

Her temperament is not comparable to Jiang Yuehuang's.


The little girl's eyes narrowed to a slit, but she said: "Brother, my girl is not as beautiful as sister Xiyue!"

Looking at the little girl who knew how to be modest at such a young age, Fang Yu reached out and rubbed her little head.

At this moment, Jiang Yuehuang’s voice rang out: “Dear citizens present and people in front of the screen, I am Jiang Yuehuang, the Queen of Great Xia Dynasty!”

"The purpose of my convening an on-site public trial today is to try the traitor who secretly defected to the Demon Race and betrayed my human race!"

"I hope that all my people will remember my words. No matter who it is, as long as they betray the interests of my Great Xia Dynasty, I will never tolerate it!"

"I will now ask Marshal Li Xing to announce to you the crimes of these rapes. The evidence for these crimes is conclusive. I will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will I let a bad person go!"

Although Jiang Yuehuang's voice was clear and sweet, it had a certain dignity about it.

The trial conference has officially begun!

(End of chapter)

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