Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 165 The Immortal-Killing Demon Weapon Tower

Chapter 165 The Immortal-killing Demon Weapon Tower

Fang Yu waved his right hand, and a curtain of light instantly appeared in front of him.

Seeing the three people in the light curtain, Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.


"Are Concubine Ji Meng and Xiao Yan here?"

"It seems that the two of them are here to give me Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. After getting these Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, my Grotto-Heaven can also be upgraded to Fifth Grade."

"I don't know if Fifth Grade level Sanguang Divine Water can completely resurrect my parents?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately exchanged the Grotto-Heaven mark and escaped from Grotto-Heaven.

In order to avoid trouble, he asked Ji Mengfei and Xiao Yan to settle his accounts once a month, instead of having to come and give him the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone every day.

When he appeared again, he was standing in the bedroom.

Fang Yu took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and walked out.

Soon, he came to the living room.

"Brother Xiao, Concubine Meng, you are here!"

Fang Yu smiled and said hello to Xiao Yan and Ji Mengfei who were chatting with Tang Xiyue, then walked to sit next to Tang Xiyue.

As soon as he sat down, Tang Xiyue poured him a cup of tea.

Fang Yu took the tea from Tang Xiyue, took a sip, and then placed the tea cup on the coffee table in front of him.

Ji Mengfei looked at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Brother Fang Yu, this is last month's ledger. Take a look at it and I will give you the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone soon!"

With that said, Ji Mengfei handed a ledger to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu reached out and took the account book from Ji Mengfei's hand and looked at it carefully.

A total of 5 million fine iron long swords and 5 million fine iron long knives were sold last month. Both weapons were sold for 1,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, and the total sales were 10 billion Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

One ton of fine iron can forge two fine iron long swords, or two fine iron long knives.

The 10 million weapons consumed a total of 5 million tons of fine iron, and each ton cost 200 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, which means that the cost was one billion Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

After deducting the cost and Ji Mengfei's remuneration, Ji Mengfei needs to give him 8 billion Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

After confirming that it was correct, Fang Yu put down the account book, looked at Ji Mengfei, and nodded slightly: "There is no problem with the account book!"

"Brother Yu, this is [Yuxi Group]'s account book from last month!"

Xiao Yan saw Fang Yu reading Ji Mengfei's account book and handed one to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu reached out and took the account book handed over by Xiao Yan.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Yan now calls him "Brother Yu".

He is Tang Xiyue's fiancé. Xiao Yan calls Tang Xiyue "Sister Yue" and there is nothing wrong with calling him "Brother Yu".

The last time Xiao Yan came to pick up the goods, he met Concubine Ji Meng, and he no longer concealed that the weapons sold by Concubine Ji Meng were forged by him.

Besides, with Xiao Yan's intelligence, he might have guessed it already.

Even other forces have guessed it.

After all, he took the initiative to expose himself when he was at the Demon Suppression Pass.

With his current strength, he no longer worries about others coveting him.

Therefore, even if others know, he is not worried.

Although he regarded Xiao Yan as a brother.


Brothers, let’s settle the score!

The accounts must be settled clearly so that there will be no conflicts.

Fang Yu opened the account book and looked at it carefully.

Xiao Yan's account book is very simple. He got 30 tons of the legendary Fifth Grade [Life Spirit Liquid] from Tang Xiyue last month.

Fifth Grade Life Essence, priced at 1,000 Grotto-Heaven stones per drop.

A drop of life spirit liquid weighs ten grams.

One ton is 2,000 kilograms, and one kilogram is 500 grams, which is a total of 100,000 drops of life spirit liquid in one ton.

30 tons is 3 million drops, and the total sales volume is 3 billion Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. After deducting the 300 million remuneration for Xiao Yan, there is still 2.7 billion left.

After looking at the account book, Fang Yu nodded to Xiao Yan.

"Brother Fang Yu, I will give you the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone right now."

Ji Mengfei got up and walked to the open space in the hall.

Fang Yu also stood up and walked to Ji Mengfei's side.

After a while.

Fang Yu put all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones given to him by Ji Mengfei and Xiao Yan into his inventory, a total of 10.7 billion.

Including the 1.5 billion on him, he now has a total of 12.2 billion.

So many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are enough for him to upgrade [Primordial Sacred Spring] from Third Grade to Fourth Grade, and then upgrade the Grotto-Heaven level.

"Brother Fang Yu, the Great Xia Dynasty fine iron is gone, and I have bought up all the reserves in some foreign countries."

Ji Mengfei looked at Fang Yu and said softly: "Although some countries still have it, they want a minimum of 500 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones per ton, and they refuse to lower the price!"

After a pause, he added: "They said they can reduce the price if they want, but there is one condition, that is, they must sell them weapons, and the price of the weapons is the same as that of Great Xia Dynasty!"

Fang Yu looked calm and said calmly: "Mengfei, I don't plan to open up foreign markets before the domestic market is full!"

"Even if we open up foreign markets, the price we sell to them will be ten times higher, whether they like it or not!"

"I have reached an agreement with Mr. Li. They will smelt the previous weapons into refined iron. It is said that they can smelt about 5,000 tons. They will send it to me after a while."

After a pause, he continued: "Go and talk to the weapons bosses of Great Xia Dynasty and ask them to sell their weapons to us as scrap metal. If they agree, give them 500 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones per ton. It’s just scrap metal they keep in their hands anyway!”

Ji Mengfei nodded slightly.

It is worth mentioning that in this month, she bought a lot of Fifth Grade life essence liquid from Tang Xiyue.

Her Ji family now has thirty Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layers and two early-stage Core Formation realm experts.

It can be said that the strength of their Ji family has surpassed that of the Qin Family of the past.

All this is because of Fang Yu.

She was very grateful to Fang Yu.

Some family elders even suggested that she marry Fang Yu.

She refused.

After getting along with him for more than a month, she did not deny that she had a crush on Fang Yu and even liked him a little bit.

However, she didn't want to ruin the relationship between Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue.

After Ji Mengfei chatted with Xiao Yan and Fang Yu for a while, she said goodbye.

Fang Yu also gave Ji Mengfei all the 2 million weapons with two attributes in his inventory to take away with him.

It is worth mentioning that this month, he forged a total of more than 2.5 million weapons comparable to Low Grade Spirit Weapon.

After seeing off Ji Mengfei and Concubine Ji, Tang Xiyue took Fang Yu's arm and they returned to the living room together.

Fang Yu turned to look at Tang Xiyue and asked curiously: "Xiyue, where is my daughter?"

He did not find the little girl in the villa.

Tang Xiyue replied with a smile: "Mom came here this morning to take her and Lingyun shopping together."

Fang Yu smiled and didn't care about her, as long as the little girl was happy.

He is not worried that anyone will do anything bad to her because his mother-in-law is now a Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer.

After his relationship with Tang Xiyue was exposed, all the powerful people in Riverside City knew that Li Yuening was his mother-in-law. Who dared to touch her!

Besides, the little girl is the Dao Fruit of the ruthless Great Emperor. Her strength is very terrifying. Once she is angered, the terrifying power hidden in her body will burst out.

By then, no one in the entire Earth Star can be her enemy.

Tang Xiyue urged: "Xiao Yu'er, go and upgrade your Grotto-Heaven."

Fang Yu nodded and took Tang Xiyue to escape into Grotto-Heaven.

When the two of them reappeared, they were standing on an endless plain.

Everything you see is green grass, and the earth is like a green cloak.

Within a month, all the grass seeds Fang Yu scattered in the Grotto-Heaven grew.

"Xiao Yu'er, you have unbound a Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, and now there are only eleven pieces. That means you must bind another Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and upgrade it to the Fourth Grade level before you can upgrade it. Grotto-Heaven level.”

Having said this, Tang Xiyue turned to look at Fang Yu and asked with a smile: "Have you decided what type of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure to bind?"

Fang Yu didn't hide anything, "Xiyue, I'm going to bind the magic weapon tower!"

Tang Xiyue was stunned and his eyes lit up: "Are you going to use the Demon Weapon Tower to control those twenty-seven Core Formation realm demon generals?"

She knew that twenty-seven demon generals were suppressed in Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven.

Fang Yu nodded, flipped his right hand, and a palm-sized black tower appeared in his right hand.

At this moment, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

[Bind the Magic Soldier Tower? ]


As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, the magic weapon tower in his hand turned into a black stream of light and shot towards the sky. It flew to a height of 100 meters in the blink of an eye, and then quickly surged.

In the blink of an eye, the Demon Soldier Tower exploded into a nine-meter-high black tower, suddenly falling from the sky and sitting in the open space in front of him and Tang Xiyue.

Fang Yu immediately checked its properties panel.

[Magic Tower](+)

[Type]: War Tower.

[Quality]: Rare.

[Grade]: First Grade (0/100)

[Function]: Change class to Demon Soldier.

[Characteristics]: Demon soldiers are bloodthirsty and cruel, and are emotionless killing machines. (0/10)

[Introduction]: The Demon Soldiers are bloodthirsty and cruel. They are a group of emotionless killing machines. The life and death of the Demon Soldiers are controlled by the owner of the Demon Soldier Tower!

See the plus sign behind [Magic Soldier Tower].

no doubt.

The functionality of Primordial Tree is available again.

Fang Yu didn't hesitate at all, and immediately clicked on the plus sign behind [Magic Soldier Tower].

next moment.

The bright purple divine light shot out from the sky in the center of Grotto-Heaven, enveloping the [Magic Soldier Tower] in the blink of an eye.

After a few breaths.

The divine light dissipates.

[Magic Soldier Tower] has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The color changed directly from black to blood red, as bright as blood.

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows: "It looks pretty good!"

He immediately checked its properties.

[Zhuxian Demon Soldier Tower]

[Type]: War Tower.

[Quality]: Mythical.

[Grade]: First Grade. (0/100000)

[Function]: Change the profession of the Immortal-killing Demon Soldier.

[Characteristics]: Heavenly Demon holy pool allows soldiers to transform into Heavenly Demon Dao Body. Heavenly Demon Dao Body can be from yin to evil, restraining the power from hard to yang (0/2000).

[Introduction]: A very powerful warrior tower, the immortal-killing demon soldiers have incredible combat power, and are cold and ruthless killing machines.

After becoming a Killing Immortal Demon Soldier, it is the nightmare of immortals and gods to be able to kill immortals and destroy gods. Anyone who changes his profession and becomes a Killing Immortal Demon Soldier will have his life and death controlled by the owner of the Killing Immortal Demon Soldier Tower.

After reading the attribute panel of [Zhuxian Demon Soldier Tower], Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

The Demon-killing Dao soldiers and the Demon-killing demon soldiers are two extremes!

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(End of chapter)

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