Chapter 168 I will kill you

"What a terrifying formation, it can actually transfer the power of seven other people directly to one person!"

When the demon generals behind Fang Yu saw this, their pupils suddenly shrank, and they felt a little envious.

They knew that when Zhao Yun's eight people used the large formation, Li Xiao and the others were defeated.

But when they think that they also have a [Zhuxian Formation] and can achieve such effects, they are not envious.

The eight demons of Li Xiao felt the terror of the golden phoenix, and they slapped a palm with all their strength.

As the Eight Demons struck out with one palm, eight huge blood-colored energy palms roared towards the golden phoenix.

The aura exuding from the golden phoenix is ​​extremely strong and yang.

The aura exuding from the eight substantial blood-colored palms is extremely yin and extremely evil.


There was a shocking roar, and the golden phoenix and the bloody giant collided fiercely, and terrifying energy fluctuations swept away in all directions.

Fang Yu immediately blocked the area.

The next moment, the Eight Demons of Li Xiao vomited blood and flew away.

After they flew dozens of meters upside down, they hit an invisible barrier and stopped.

That invisible barrier is the barrier arranged by Fang Yu.

The bodies of Zhao Yun and the others only shook a little.

Obviously, Zhao Yun and the other eight won this contest.

Fang Yu used his mind to remove the energy barrier, looked at the Eight Demons of Li Xiao, and said calmly: "You guys should go back to the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier Tower to heal your injuries!"

The Eight Demons of Li Xiao bowed respectfully to Fang Yu: "Yes, master!"

After saying that, the Eight Demons turned around and entered the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier Tower.

Fang Yu turned to look at Zhao Yun and the others.

Seeing that Zhao Yun and the others were pale and a little depressed, Fang Yu asked with concern: "Zilong, are you okay?"

They had already dismantled the [Devil-Slaying Formation] at this time.

"Thank you for your concern, lord, I'll be fine waiting!"

Zhao Yun and the others were flattered, and they quickly raised their hands and said.

When the demon generals saw Fang Yu's completely different attitude, they felt envious and secretly vowed to perform well in the future.

Just then, Xi Zhi walked out of the [Zhuxian Demon Soldier Tower].

Xi Zhicai saw Fang Yu from a distance, and quickly walked up to Fang Yu, cupped his fists and saluted: "Lord!"

Although Xi Zhicai's attitude was respectful, his voice was cold, completely different from before.

Fang Yu waved his hand, and then looked at Xi Zhicai standing in front of him for the last time.

Compared with just now, Xi Zhicai has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, his hair changed from black to red, and he was a few centimeters taller. He was cold and handsome.

He stood there expressionless, his gaze extremely deep, like a piece of ice that lasted ten thousand years.

Moreover, Fang Yu also discovered that Xi Zhicai's cultivation level had soared to Qi Gathering Realm Ninth Layer.

Fang Yu asked softly: "Zhicai, do you feel anything wrong?"

He originally thought that after Xi Zhicai changed his profession and became the Demon Soldier of Killing Immortals, his appearance would become as ugly as those Demon Generals.

But Xi Zhicai not only did not become ugly, but also became more handsome.

Compared with before, he was a bit more enchanting and handsome.

Xi Zhicai replied respectfully: "My lord, Zhicai didn't feel anything was wrong. I feel better than ever before!"

"My mind is very calm now and my emotions have become extremely pure!"

Fang Yu asked again: "Do you have a bloodthirsty impulse in your heart?"

Xi Zhicai answered firmly: "No!"

Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He was still worried that Xi Zhi would turn into a bloodthirsty monster, but now he felt more relieved.

Guo Jia and the others also breathed a sigh of relief. They could not stop Xi Zhicai from changing his profession to become the "Demon Soldier of Immortal Killing", but they were also worried that Xi Zhicai would turn into a bloodthirsty monster.

Fang Yu asked curiously: "Zhicai, what did you gain after changing jobs?"

When Guo Jia changed his profession and became a Demon-killing Dao soldier, he had three more skills and one Divine Ability than others, and became a Transcendent Level support. He was a little curious about what Xi Zhicai had gained.

Xi Zhicai answered respectfully. Although his attitude was respectful, his voice was very cold.

"Reporting to my lord, Zhicai obtained a copy of the "Zhuxian Demonic Sutra". In the "Zhuxian Demonic Sutra" there is a set of military formations [Zhuxian Grand Formation] and a set of arrow techniques "Zhuxian Archery Technique".

"In addition, I also gained a Divine Ability "Zhu Xian Demon Eyes" and three skills!"

"The Immortal Killing Demon Eye can see through all illusions, and can even directly attack and devour souls!"

"The three skills are 'Inspire', which can instantly increase the combat power of [The Immortal Killing Demon Soldier] by +50%; 'Rapid'..."

Hearing Xi Zhicai's words, Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

The three additional skills Xi Zhicai obtained are the same as Guo Jia's, and they are all auxiliary skills.

But Divine Ability is different. Although his "Devil Eyes of Killing Immortals" and Guo Jia's "Eye of Ghosts and Gods" can see through all illusions.

But it is better than Guo Jia's "Eye of Ghosts and Gods".

Because Xi Zhicai's "Zhuxian Demonic Eyes" can attack and devour souls.

"Zhicai, from now on the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier will be under your control. I will set up a [Zhu Xian Demon Soldier] regiment now, and you will be the commander and strategist of the regiment!"

Fang Yu looked at Xi Zhicai and said with a smile: "Anyone who disobeys your discipline can be killed first and punished later!"

Speaking of this, Fang Yu glanced at all the demon generals with majestic eyes, and asked lightly: "Are you dissatisfied?"

Xi Zhicai was originally loyal to him, and after he changed his job, his life and death were also controlled by him.

Therefore, he gave Xi Zhicai the power of life and death.

Besides, Xi Zhicai is just a Qi Gathering Realm Ninth Layer, but he has to lead a group of Core Formation realm demon generals.

If he didn't give Xi Zhicai the power of life and death, he wouldn't be able to suppress other demon generals at all.

The demons trembled and said in unison: "Master, we are convinced!"

After saying that, they bowed to the stern-faced Xi Zhicai: "Greetings to the Legion Commander!"

The demon generals instantly fell into character.

Although Xi Zhicai's cultivation level was lower than theirs, they did not dare to neglect him because Fang Yu gave Xi Zhicai the power of life and death.

They didn't want Xi Zhicai to find an excuse to kill them and use them to kill chickens to scare monkeys!

Xi Zhicai's cold eyes swept across the demon generals and said calmly: "No need to be polite!"

After a pause, he continued: "You should go back to the Immortal-Zhu Demon Weapon Tower to practice first!"

All the demon generals bowed their hands and bowed, then turned and entered the Zhuxian Demon Soldier Tower, "Yes, Lord Legion Commander!"

The Immortal-killing Demon Soldier Tower is filled with the rich aura of Heavenly Demon. They practice in it and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"Thank you for your attention, my lord, Zhicai will not let you down!"

Xi Zhicai bowed to Fang Yu and said.

"I trust you!"

Fang Yu patted Xi Zhicai on the shoulder, and then moved Xi Zhicai and others to a remote corner of the Primordial Dao Palace together with the Zhuxian Demon Soldier Tower.

The reason why he moved the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier Tower was because he wanted the [Demon Killing Legion] Legion and the [Demon Killing Legion] to enjoy the same treatment.

Fang Yu is not worried that the Heavenly Demon energy in [Zhuxian Demon Weapon Tower] will escape and contaminate his Primordial Dao Palace.

Because the [Zhuxian Demon Weapon Tower] can seal the Heavenly Demon energy inside.

"I will find a way to help you replenish your soldiers in a while!"

Fang Yu smiled, "You guys chat, I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Fang Yu left immediately.

Xi Zhicai's nine people saluted respectfully to where Fang Yu was standing just now: "Best farewell, my lord!"

Guo Jia walked to Xi Zhicai and asked with concern: "Zhicai, are you really okay?"

He could feel that Xi Zhicai's personality had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xi Zhicai glanced at Guo Jia with cold eyes and said lightly: "I'm fine!"

Then he glanced at Guo Jia and others, and said calmly: "Fengxiao, Zilong. If one day, I find that you betrayed the lord, I will not hesitate... kill you!"

After saying that, Xi Zhicai turned around and walked into the Zhuxian Demon Soldier Tower, looking extremely cold.

Although his voice was calm, it had an unquestionable tone.

Guo Jia: "..."

Zhao Yun and others: "..."

Guo Jia and the eight people looked at each other, and they all trembled. They could all tell that Xi Zhicai was not joking just now.

In other words, if they betray Fang Yu one day, Xi Zhi will not miss their old relationship and will definitely kill them without hesitation.

The eight people in Guo Jia sighed softly. They were not angry because of Xi Zhicai's words, and they were not afraid in their hearts because they had never thought about betraying Fang Yu.

They were lamenting Xi Zhicai's change. After all, they were still talking and laughing together before.

Although Xi Zhicai is still Xi Zhicai now, he is a completely different person.

To be precise, his personality changed and became strange and touching to them.

Guo Jia looked at Xi Zhicai's back with complicated eyes.

Although he and Xi Zhicai were good friends, they would often compare themselves with each other when they were together in the past.

He had a vague feeling that part of the reason why Xi Zhicai decided to change his profession to become the [Demon-Zhu Xian Demon Soldier] must be part of his reason.

"There is no coexistence between immortals and demons, Zhicai, I respect your choice!"

Guo Jia thought to himself, and then looked at Zhao Yun and others with a stiff smile: "Let's go!"

Zhao Yun and others nodded, they also respected Xi Zhicai's choice.

Although the immortals and demons are in opposition, their power and that of Xi Zhicai are also in opposition.

But they still regard Xi Zhicai as a good friend, just because they have a common master.

They planned to tell the soldiers about Fang Yu's establishment of a second warrior legion when they returned to the Demon-Slaying Legion's base.

They felt that the soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Legion were a little distracted after a big victory. If this continued, problems would arise sooner or later. They planned to use this incident to give the soldiers a warning and let them calm down!

Besides, only with competition can we make progress!

(End of chapter)

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