Chapter 175 Damn it! Zhongwu World?


Wanwan gloated and laughed, her smile was full of flowers and waves, and she said, "I never thought that the founder of Cihang Jingzhai would be the woman of our first-generation Saint Emperor, Xie Tiao!"

"And the secret skills of those old nuns were actually learned by that old nun from Dini from my holy sect's secret skills."

"Those old nuns are smart. They wanted to distance themselves from our Holy Sect, but unexpectedly they shot themselves in the foot. They changed a magical skill and turned it into something different!"

"If that old nun Fan Qinghui knew about it, I'm afraid she would be so angry that she would vomit blood on the spot. By then, Cihang Jingzhai will definitely become the laughing stock of the Sui Dynasty..."

"Oh, no, I will become the laughing stock of the entire Jiuzhou Continent!"

Fang Yu was stunned for a moment after hearing Wanwan's words.

He heard the point.

Kyushu Continent?

Fang Yu immediately asked: "Miss Wanwan, how big is your Jiuzhou Continent and how many dynasties are there in total?"

He had a vague feeling that Jiuzhou Continent was not the world he knew in "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty".

Wanwan looked up at Fang Yu and smiled charmingly: "Our Jiuzhou continent is vast and traceless, and there are five dynasties in total!"

After Wanwan knew that the master nun had just fainted and not gone crazy again, she stopped caring about her.

Although she knew Demon Dao's family from Fang Yu's mouth, she did not give up her hatred for Cihang Jingzhai.

After all, they had been fighting with Cihang Jingzhai for hundreds of years.

Over the past few hundred years, many masters from her holy sect have died at the hands of Cihang Jingzhai, and it has long been a situation of unending struggle.

She and Shi Feixuan were mortal enemies, but for her kind heart.

She had just added insult to injury and took the opportunity to kill Shi Fei Xuan.

Who told her that Wanwan was a kind-hearted person?

Fang Yu's eyes flashed and he continued to ask: "Which five?"

Wanwan didn't hide anything and answered with a smile: "The Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Sui Dynasty, the Great Yuan Dynasty, the Great Song Dynasty, the Great Ming Dynasty!"

"Each dynasty has some subsidiary kingdoms, such as the Song Dynasty. Within the Song Dynasty, there were several subsidiary kingdoms, such as the Dali Dynasty, the Xixia Dynasty, etc."


Fang Yu immediately burst out with a curse word.

Just now he thought that this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm was transformed from the Double Dragon World of the Tang Dynasty.

It is now very obvious that it is not!

Wanwan was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "Master Fang Yu, what did you say?"

Fang Yu said seriously: "I said a plant!"

Wanwan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Grass is a plant, yes!

But she vaguely felt that the "grass" coming out of Fang Yu's mouth was not a good word!

Fang Yu changed the topic, not wanting to get entangled with Wanwan about the "grass" issue.

"Miss Wanwan, can you tell me who was the emperor in the other four dynasties? Are there any celebrities?"

Wanwan's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said with a smile: "Since Mr. Fang Yu wants to know, I will naturally tell you everything!"

After saying that, Wanwan cleared her throat and began to tell Fang Yu slowly.

Wanwan just saw that Fang Yu cured the possessed Shi Feixuan with just a drop of three-color spiritual liquid. She was even more convinced of her intention to make a deal with Fang Yu.

Although she didn't know what the three-color spiritual liquid was, she also knew that it was a very precious treasure.

Fang Yu is the legendary lord of the world, and his cultivation is unfathomable.

She was sure that the kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that Fang Yu just mentioned that could improve cultivation would not be worse than the three-color spiritual liquid.

Half an hour later.

Fang Yu's expression remained normal, but he was a little shocked in his heart and cried out.

From Wanwan's words, he knew that this three-star level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm was called Kyushu Continent.

The Kyushu continent is vast and boundless.

There were five great dynasties in the Central Plains.

The Qin Dynasty was in the middle.

The Sui Dynasty was to the east of the Qin Dynasty.

The Great Yuan Dynasty was to the south of the Great Qin Dynasty.

The Song Dynasty was to the west of the Qin Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty was to the north of the Qin Dynasty.

Moreover, from Wanwan's mouth, Fang Yu also heard about many popular figures from the past life.

For example, the leader of the Yin and Yang family in the Great Qin Dynasty was Donghuang Taiyi, and the emperor was Zheng Ge.

Perfect Being, Zhang Sanfeng, the first person in the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was Emperor Yuan Shun.

In the Song Dynasty, "Qiao Feng in the North and Murong in the South", the emperor was Zhao Xu.

The iron and courageous god Hou Zhu of the Ming Dynasty was ignored, the immortal demon invited the moon, the leader of the Tianxiahui Xiongba, etc., the emperor was Zhu Houzhao.

Fang Yu was a little shocked that the popular characters in the martial arts novels written by the "Golden Ancient and Yellow" elders in his previous life were all found in the Kyushu continent.

In his opinion, this Jiuzhou continent is a world of ultimate martial arts.

Although a little shocked, Fang Yu was more happy and excited.

Because the larger the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, the more opportunities there are.

The five great dynasties!

If he extracts all the dragon veins from the five great dynasties, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his Grotto-Heaven will definitely reach an unimaginable level!


Set a small goal first and collect good things from the Sui Dynasty first, and then go to other dynasties to search for them!

There were so many good things that Fang Yu thought of packing them all and taking them away.

Wanwan suddenly asked: "Master Fang, are you free now?"

Fang Yu looked up at Wanwan and asked, "Miss Wanwan, are you okay?"

Wanwan glanced at Fang Yu with resentment, "Master Fang, have you forgotten what you promised to the slave family just now?"

"You just said that you would accompany the slave family to meet my master!"

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, "Miss Wanwan, I just wanted to make a deal with your Yinkui sect. Did I ever say that I would accompany you to see your master?"

Seeing the resentful look on Wanwan's face, Fang Yu was speechless. She was truly a witch, and it seemed as if he had abandoned her.

"Miss Wanwan, thank you for telling me so much information. This is your reward!"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "I will wait for you in Yangzhou City for three days. If your master wants to see me, ask her to come to Yangzhou City to find me!"

After saying that, Fang Yu waved his right hand, and a jade bottle shot towards Wanwan.

After doing all this, he flew away directly through the air.

A mere Zhu Yuyan was not worthy of him condescending to see her!

He planned to go to Yangzhou City to pick up the "Longevity Technique" first, and then further plan the treasures of the entire Sui Dynasty.

After he got the "Longevity Technique", he planned to go to Luoyang to have a "friendly" discussion with Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty.

If he refused to give up Luoyang City and let him take away the dragon's veins, he would teach Yang Guang how to behave.

"Hmph! When you're done with someone, just slap them on the butt and leave, you're a heartless man!"

Wanwan stretched out her hand to grab the jade bottle thrown by Fang Yu, looked at Fang Yu's retreating back with her beautiful eyes, stamped her feet, bit her lip and said coquettishly.


"What a terrifying medicinal power. What level of heavenly material and earthly treasure is this?"

Wanwan opened the jade bottle in her hand and immediately felt a faint fragrance coming out. Looking at the drop of green liquid in the jade bottle, she took a breath.

After just one sip, Wanwan felt her bottleneck loosen.

She was sure that as long as she swallowed this drop of green spiritual fluid, she would be able to break through to the Qi Condensation Realm immediately.

At this time, Wanwan had forgotten about throwing Fang Yu away after he was done with it.

The reward given by Fang Yu is so delicious!


Wanwan took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to swallow the green liquid immediately, put the cap on the bottle, and carefully put the jade bottle close to her body.

"It seems that those things falling from the sky are important to the Lord of the World!"

Wanwan looked up at Fang Yu, who had turned into a black dot, her eyes filled with wisdom.

She was sure that those things falling from the sky must be very useful to Fang Yu.

Otherwise, Fang Yu would definitely not trade at such a high price.

Although she knew this, Wanwan still wanted to trade with Fang Yu.

Because her master has already studied it, those things are of no use to them at all.

Trading with Fang Yu is a win-win situation where everyone gets what they need.

"Teacher nun, originally I wanted to kill you, but seeing how pitiful you are, I will let you go this time. Who can say that my aunt is so kind-hearted!"

Wanwan turned to look at Shi Feixuan, who was unconscious on the ground, with a somewhat complicated look.

Those holes in the sky appeared before she was born.

She heard from her master that it appeared thirty years ago.

Anyone who has experienced a great change in the world has an additional language, the Lord of the World, and information about alien races in their minds.

At the same time, when the world changed, all the True Qi in everyone in their world turned into spiritual power.

Although the Body Refining system has changed, its combat power has become stronger.

Three days ago, many divine lights and some monsters suddenly descended from the sky.

Following her master's orders, she went out to investigate the alien race and the Lord of the World.

She didn't believe in the existence of the Lord of the World before, but when she saw monsters descending from the holes in the sky.

She knew that the Lord of the World really existed.

As soon as she came out of the mountain, before she met any foreigners, she met her mortal enemy Shi Feixuan.

Shi Feixuan chased her for two days and two nights.

Fortunately, to her joy, she met Fang Yu, the Lord of the World.

What made her even happier was that Fang Yu had no good impression of Zhengdao's hypocritical villains and was willing to trade with her.

"Giggle... Mr. Fang Yu, the slave family will definitely go to Yangzhou City to find you!"

Wanwan looked at Fang Yu's leaving figure and smiled.

Then he walked away directly.

She now wants to tell her master the good news.

As for Shi Feixuan, she didn't care about her.

Anyway, Shi Feixuan just fainted. When she wakes up, she will leave on her own.

"Is everyone gone?!"

Not long after Wanwan left, Shifei Xuan woke up.

Seeing that Fang Yu and Wanwan had left, Shi Feixuan looked blank and her eyes were very complicated.

She didn't expect that Wanwan, who had been hunted by her for two days and two nights, would care about her after her heart was broken and she became possessed!

She never thought that this was how Cihang Jingzhai's unique skills came from.

Fang Yu's words completely ruined her outlook.

"The Lord of the World actually exists..."

Shi Feixuan got up from the ground and gritted her teeth. She finally decided to go back to the sect and report Fang Yu's incident to her master.

Although I know that Dao Sect has trained her for so many years, he wants to use her as a "cauldron"!

But without the sect, she would have died long ago.

Therefore, she couldn't let go of the sect in her heart.

After making the decision, Shi Feixuan left directly.

(End of chapter)

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