Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 190 Looking For Your Master’S Lover

Chapter 190 Looking for your master’s lover

Although Shi Qingxuan heard her father's words, she did not run away.

She walked directly out of the wooden house and came to Shi Zhixuan, looking at her father with complicated eyes.

Because she believed that her father killed her mother, her feelings towards Shi Zhixuan, her father, were very complicated.

Although she hates her biological father.

But there is also a feeling of admiration. After all, the blood relationship between her and Shi Zhixuan cannot be concealed.

Especially what my father said just now: "Qingxuan, run!"

The first thing Shi Zhixuan thought of was him, which moved her a little.

She had seen her father's series of confessions over the years, but she didn't want to talk to him.

Every time her father gave her something, she didn't talk to him.

Think of this.

Shi Qingxuan found that her hatred for her father gradually dissipated.

Shi Zhixuan's expression changed drastically, but when he saw that his daughter's eyes were a little different from before, he immediately made a decision in his heart.

He looked at Li Xiao and said in a deep voice: "I can surrender to you, but I want you to promise not to hurt my daughter!"

If you dare to hurt her, even if I am defeated by you, I will fight with you! "

In order to protect his biological daughter, Shi Zhixuan lowered his proud head.

Although Shi Zhixuan is a hero.

But the hero is not without emotions.

His daughter Shi Qingxuan is his weakness.

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't hurt your daughter, and you will definitely not regret today's decision!"

Shi Qingxuan saw her father lowering his proud head for her, and the remaining hatred in her heart instantly dissipated.

Li Xiao continued: "Let's go. After I complete the task assigned by Saint Emperor, I will take you to see Saint Emperor!"

They all call Fang Yu "Saint Emperor" to the outside world.

After saying that, Li Xiao came to Shi Zhixuan and asked Shi Zhixuan to hold Shi Qingxuan. And he grabbed Shi Zhixuan's shoulders and flew them both away through the air.

In Li Xiao's heart, Shi Qingxuan is the woman of his master Fang Yu, and he dare not blaspheme her!

the other side.

Within the territory of the Sui Dynasty, a few hundred meters above the ground, a silver helicopter was in the air.

Wanwan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to look at Fang Yu and asked curiously: "My lord, is this iron lump we are sitting on now the Law Treasure of the Immortal Family?"

Fang Yu shook his head: "No!"

Wanwan suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she smiled charmingly: "My lord, is it possible that this iron knot is a kind of mechanism craftsmanship like the mechanism bird of the Mo family in Da Qin?"

Fang Yu flashed slightly: "Yeah!"

There is nothing wrong with describing helicopters as mechanical crafts.

Hearing Wanwan mention the Mohist family in Da Qin, Fang Yu immediately wanted to conquer the Mohist family.

If he subdues the Mo family, he can let them combine modern knowledge and maybe build a helicopter that can fly without oil.

However, if you want to conquer the Mo family, you must first kill the current leader of the Mo family, Yan Dan.

Based on the information he learned from Zhu Yuyan and others, he was certain that the current leader of the Mo family in Da Qin was Yan Dan.

Yan Dan is the prince of the Yan Kingdom and a disciple of the six-fingered black man, the last leader of the Mo family.

But the Six-Fingered Black Man died in the hands of Yan Dan's wife.

According to Fang Yu's speculation, Yan Dan knew that his wife, Concubine Dongjun Yan of the Yin Yang family, wanted to kill the Six-Fingered Black Man, but he did not stop her.

Yan Dan must also hope that the Six-fingered Black Man dies so that he can control the Mo family and make the Mo family his tool for revenge against Ying Zheng.

Even Fang Yu had a vague feeling that Yan Dan just wanted to use his wife to kill the Six-Fingered Black Man so that he could take over.

A villain like Yan Dan would definitely not be willing to surrender to him!

Besides, he didn’t want to accept Yan Dan.

Many thoughts suddenly appeared in Fang Yu's mind.

However, the most important thing now is to loot the good things from the Sui Dynasty first.

Shaking away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu looked at Wanwan and said, "Little witch, you can call me Mr. Fang Yu or 'Saint Emperor' from now on."

Wanwan's name made him speechless.

"Young Master", what the hell kind of title is this?

Wanwan's title reminded him of Li Ying'er's title of "aunt and aunt" to his mother-in-law.

Wanwan smiled and said: "Then the slave family will call you 'Master Fang Yu' from now on!"

Speaking of this, Qiao Xiu blinked at Fang Yu: "Master Fang Yu, you asked me to call you this. From now on, when your subordinates make things difficult for me, you must protect me!"

Fang Yu ignored Wanwan, the little witch, and discharged her electricity at him.

Seeing Fang Yu ignoring her, Wanwan was a little annoyed, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she asked with a smile:

"Master Fang Yu, what are you doing at Pegasus Ranch?"

"Looking for your master's lover!"

"Why do you curse?"

"I am telling the truth!"

Fang Yu said seriously, he did not scold Zhu Yuyan, nor did he slander her.

Lu Miaozi was indeed Zhu Yuyan's lover.

It has to be said that Zhu Yuyan is really cruel. In order to retaliate against Shi Zhixuan's cheating, she also cheated on her and had relationships with Lu Miaozi and Yue Shan.

Seeing that Fang Yu didn't seem to be lying, Wanwan asked curiously, "Tell me, who is my master's lover?"

Fang Yu said with a half-smile: "Little witch, you are actually curious about your master's privacy, you are so filial!"

Without waiting for Wanwan to answer, Fang Yu continued: "Lu Miaozi, you should have heard of it, right?"

Wanwan glanced at Fang Yu and nodded slightly: "Yeah!"

"He is a contemporary of my master and the most skilled craftsman in our Sui Dynasty!"

Fang Yu said quietly: "Back then, your master and the Evil King Shi Zhixuan were lovers."

"Cihang Jingzhai was worried that the evil king would dominate the two sects and six paths of the Demon Sect, so he sent Bi Xiuxin to get close to him and destroy the relationship between him and your master!"

"Your master hated Shi Zhixuan's betrayal, so he had relationships with Lu Miaozi and Yue Shan, who had a crush on her!"

After a pause, Fang Yu asked: "Little Witch, did your master tell you that she has a daughter?"

When Fang Yu thought about it, both the evil king and Zhu Yuyan were too proud.

When two proud people get together, there will definitely be quarrels.

Bi Xiuxin was ordered to destroy their relationship and should play the role of "green tea bitch".

The green tea bitch can best arouse a man's desire for protection, so it is natural for Shi Zhixuan to fall in love with someone else.


Wanwan shook her head and then asked: "Master Fang Yu, who is my master's daughter?"

Fang Yu: "Mrs. Dongming Shan Meixian."

After a pause, he couldn't help but say sarcastically: "Little witch, no wonder your magic sect is notorious in the world of Sui Dynasty."

"Actually, there is a problem with your Demon Sect's behavior. Let's take Bian Fuhua as an example!"

"Bian is worthy of the fact that he looks like a human, but he is also very lecherous. As far as I know, he and Shan Meixian have a daughter named Shan Wanjing!"

"He even wants to have his daughter's ideas. He is worse than a beast!"

After hearing Fang Yu's revelation, Wanwan did not refute.

Because she knew that Fang Yu was right when he said that the disciples of the Holy Disciple were all good and bad, and there were indeed many evil and evil people.

Seeing that Wanwan didn't say anything, Fang Yu didn't say anything either.

This time he went to [Pegasus Ranch] to find Zhu Yuyan’s lover.

In addition to asking Lu Miaozi to help him open Yang Gong's treasure house.

He also fell in love with Lu Miaozi.

Lu Miaozi was the most skilled craftsman in the Sui Dynasty and a talented person.

He naturally wants to recruit talents.

Besides, he also had his eye on Pegasus Ranch.

Wanwan suddenly asked again: "Master Fang Yu, do you know the whereabouts of our Saint Emperor's relics?"

Looking at Wanwan like a curious baby, Fang Yu nodded.

Wanwan's beautiful eyes looked at Fang Yu, her eyes full of expectation, "Then can you tell me, where is it?"

Fang Yu glanced at Wanwan, "What do you want with that thing?"

"Although the evil emperor's relic contains the essence and true essence of the evil emperors of your demon sect, it is not as good as the [Hongmeng spiritual fluid] I gave you."

Wanwan smiled and said: "Of course the slave family knows, but the Saint Emperor relic is the Saint Emperor token of my holy sect. The slave family wants to get it back, just as a thought!"

After a pause, Wanwan continued: "Besides, you are now my Saint Emperor, Saint Emperor. As long as you possess the Saint Emperor's relics, you can command the disciples of other sects and Six Paths of my Saint Sect!"

Fang Yu: "It is in Yang Gong's treasure house. After I open Yang Gong's treasure house, I will give it to you!"

He mainly went for the power of the world contained in the [Evil Emperor Relic].

Once the Primordial Tree has absorbed the power of the world contained in the Evil Emperor's relic, he will have no use for the Evil Emperor's relic.

As for the evil emperor's relics containing the essence and true essence of the evil emperors of the Demon Sect, Fang Yu didn't like it at all.

A bright smile appeared on Wanwan's delicate and pretty face, "Thank you, Mr. Fang Yu!"

Next, Wanwan was like a curious baby, asking questions about this and that.

Fang Yu responded to her questions at one time or another.

An hour later.

Fang Yu flew a helicopter to a thousand meters above [Pegasus Ranch].

Wanwan pointed downwards and said to Fang Yu: "Master Fang Yu, below is the Pegasus Ranch!"

Fang Yu looked down.

The two of them were in the air, able to have a panoramic view of the entire Pegasus Ranch.

Pegasus Ranch has a mild climate, fertile soil, abundant products, and especially rich pasture.

Pegasus Ranch is surrounded by mountains on all sides, enclosing more than ten square miles of fertile fields. There are only two east and west gorges for entry and exit. The situation is dangerous and forms a natural shield for the ranch.

Viewed from a high altitude, you can see the fields of Pegasus Ranch forming beautiful patterns like blankets of different sizes, which makes you feel relaxed and happy.

In the meadows, which are full of pleasant colors of green, green and dark, more than ten lakes of different sizes are embedded in it like bright mirrors.

The turquoise lake water and the green pastures compete with each other. They are full of color and vitality, and the beauty is breathtaking.

At the end of the Pegasus Ranch grassland, the mountains rise and fall, stretching endlessly.

In this fairyland-like paradise, various types of livestock are densely populated - white sheep, yellow or gray cattle, and horses of various colors, enjoying their own leisure and rest, making the entire farm and pasture more colorful.

There is a magnificent castle built on a higher ground in the northwest corner, leaning against a cliff as steep as a wall and facing a winding river in front of it, making it even more spectacular.

Fang Yu knew that Shang Xiong, the first generation owner to build Pegasus Ranch, was a military general in the late Jin Dynasty. At that time, Liu Yu replaced the Jin Dynasty and changed its name to the Song Dynasty.

Looking away from Pegasus Ranch, Fang Yu immediately released his mental power to investigate the whereabouts of Lu Miaozi.

(End of chapter)

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