Chapter 24 Goodbye Tang Xiyue

Fang Yu taught Zhao Yun Kung Fu while controlling the plane.

The skills taught are naturally the same as those of Dian Wei, and they are all "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

He only teaches mind skills, boxing skills and footwork.

As for the swordsmanship, he didn't pass it on to Zhao Yun, not because he couldn't bear it.

But because Zhao Yun is a gunsmith, the one that suits him is the best.

Just like Dian Wei, Fang Yu also did not teach him swordsmanship because Dian Wei's character was not suitable for sword practice.

Zhao Yun has a very good memory. He only explained it twice and Zhao Yun remembered everything.

Then he patiently explained the cultivation terms and precautions to Zhao Yun.

It is worth mentioning that among the hundreds of other Grotto-Heaven Lords who were randomly teleported into the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, some found the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, and some killed some aliens and obtained some trophies.

Even when they first entered the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm yesterday, a few unlucky guys were teleported directly to the gathering place of the aliens. Before they could escape, they were swarmed by the aliens and hacked to death with random swords.

At the junction of Yuzhou and Sizhou, a white helicopter landed slowly at the entrance of a valley.

Then the cabin opened, and eight figures jumped out one after another.

The leader was a girl wearing a white dress, with short shoulder-length hair, a tall figure, and a delicate face.

This beautiful girl is Tang Xiyue.

Behind her were Xiao Yan and three men and four women.

"Xiao Yan, are you sure there is a Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in this valley?"

Tang Xiyue looked at the valley not far away with a serious look on his face.

I saw that the entire valley was shrouded in a layer of blood-colored mist, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside. Under the sunlight, the blood-colored mist exuded very bright colors.

There was no sound in the valley, not even a few nearby peaks, it was dead silent.

With such an anomaly scene, Tang Xiyue knew that there must be alien races in the valley in front of him, and they were also bloodthirsty alien races.

Xiao Yan, who was standing on the right side of Tang Xiyue, said with certainty: "Sister Yue, I have inquired clearly. According to the indigenous people living nearby, three rays of light fell into this valley one after another half a month ago, that is, It is said that there are at least three Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures in this valley."

After a pause, he added: "But according to them, the blood-colored mist at the entrance of this valley is very corrosive. Someone once wanted to go in to investigate, but as soon as they came into contact with the blood mist, it instantly turned into a pool of blood!"

"Sister Yue, this blood mist is a blood evil formation. The blood evil energy can corrode spiritual power. To be on the safe side, we first use the 'Purple Thunder Talisman' to break the formation from the outside, and then enter the valley to search."

"The peaks around this valley are completely silent. Our plane flew over them just now and did not scare a single bird or animal. In other words, all the animals in the valley have been scared away."

"Judging from this blood evil formation, there must be aliens in the valley who are practicing by devouring qi and blood. All the aliens who devour qi and blood are extremely cruel and bloodthirsty, and these aliens are somewhat difficult to deal with."

Tang Xiyue took a deep breath, her delicate and pretty face full of determination, "Although the bloodthirsty aliens are difficult to deal with, this world is only a Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. Logically speaking, the highest alien race in it is Qi Gathering Realm Ninth." Layer!”

"Even if something unexpected happens and there are aliens from the Qi Condensation Realm, we still have the cards to deal with it."

"Let's go in"

Before Tang Xiyue finished speaking, he heard the roar of a helicopter in the sky.

Everyone quickly looked up at the sky and saw a silver helicopter flying towards them in the sky a few hundred meters away.

"Sister Yue, this is Wang Teng's flaming helicopter."

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank and he said to Tang Xiyue that he recognized Wang Teng's helicopter at a glance because there was a red word "Teng" on the fuselage.

The character is very big and can be seen very clearly from a distance. "Teng" is the symbol of Wang Teng's Shaobao.

"He seems to be here for this valley, and he will act based on my look."

Tang Xiyue frowned, glanced at everyone around him, and said softly.

Everyone nodded, their expressions becoming solemn.


When the helicopter was only a few dozen meters away from them, Xiao Yan's pupils suddenly shrank and he cursed.

A bright smile appeared on Tang Xiyue's cold and pretty face.

Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief, because they all recognized the person sitting in the driver's seat, it was Fang Yu who Tang Xiyue missed so much.

"Sister Yue, it seems that Wang Teng's Shaobao was robbed by Brother Fang Yu. You have a good sense!"

Xiao Yan looked at Tang Xiyue beside him and said with a smile.

Seeing that Fang Yu was driving Wang Teng's plane, he guessed that Fang Yu must have robbed Wang Teng, otherwise Wang Teng's plane would never have fallen into Fang Yu's hands.

Xiao Yan was also a little shocked, because he knew that Wang Teng had a trump card in his hand that could threaten Qi Condensation Realm.

Fang Yu can steal Wang Teng's plane, which means that Fang Yu's combat power can be comparable to Qi Condensation Realm, or Fang Yu also has a trump card that can threaten Qi Condensation Realm.

Otherwise, Fang Yu would never be able to grab Wang Teng's plane.

I just don’t know whether Wang Teng is dead or alive?

Hearing this, Tang Xiyue had a beautiful smile on his face. He was worthy of being the man that his sister had chosen. It seemed that Xiao Yu'er had mastered that skill.

After a while.

The helicopter landed in the clearing in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, the cockpit door came over, and a young man with shoulder-length hair, handsome appearance, and a slender figure jumped out of the driver's seat.

The visitor is none other than Fang Yu.

"Haha, Brother Fang, you are so awesome. You actually snatched Wang Teng's Shaobao and did what I always wanted to do!"

Xiao Yan came to Fang Yu in one step, gave Fang Yu a thumbs up, and laughed loudly.

"He wanted to kill me, but I fought back."

Fang Yu said calmly.

"Xiao Yu'er, that bastard Wang Teng actually wanted to kill you, are you not hurt?" Tang Xiyue's face turned cold, and he came to Fang Yu in a flash, asking urgently.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Looking at the girl with worried eyes, Fang Yu felt warm and said softly.

Xiao Yan smiled and joked, "Sister Yue, I think you are concerned but confused. Brother Fang is standing here clearly. Do you think he looks hurt at all?"

Tang Xiyue's pretty face turned red, and her beautiful eyes glared at Xiao Yan, "Xiao Yan, even my sister dares to make fun of you. Are you itchy again?"

Recalling the scene of Tang Xiyue beating him, Xiao Yan shuddered and said with a smile: "Sister Yue, I was wrong. I don't dare to tease you anymore!"

Then he looked at Fang Yu and asked curiously: "Brother Fang, did you kill Wang Teng's Shaobao?"

After hearing Xiao Yan's words, Tang Xiyue's attention shifted to Fang Yu again, with curiosity in his eyes.

Others also looked at Fang Yu with curious faces, waiting for his answer.

Fang Yu shook his head, "Let him escape."

After hearing Fang Yu's words, Tang Xiyue and Xiao Yan's expressions suddenly became solemn.

"Brother Fang, you have to be careful in the future. Based on my understanding of Wang Teng, after he goes out, he will definitely let the Wang family's masters deal with you!"

Having said this, Xiao Yan looked relaxed and continued: "But brother Fang, don't worry, Riverside City is not decided by the Wang family. Although the Wang family is arrogant and domineering, they don't dare to deal with you blatantly, and you are recognized by me, Xiao Yan. Brother, I will not sit idly by."

Although he had not known Fang Yu for a long time, Xiao Yan felt that Fang Yu was a trustworthy person and he wanted to make a real friend with Fang Yu.

"Thank you for your kindness, Brother Xiao. I can handle it myself."

Looking at Xiao Yan without any pretense, he also felt that Xiao Yan was a trustworthy person.

Although he only knew Xiao Yan for a short time, just because Xiao Yan was Tang Xiyue's friend, he didn't mind making friends with him.

Besides, Xiao Yan treats people sincerely and is not a duplicitous person. Being friends with such a person will make you feel at ease.

Perhaps this is the sympathy between geniuses.

"Xiao Yu'er, and me, I won't just sit idly by and ignore it!"

Tang Xiyue looked at Fang Yu with her beautiful eyes, and when she said this, she said with a look of remorse: "Wang Tengqian is angry with you, but it is also because of me."

She knew that Wang Teng must have taken action against Fang Yu because of her.

"Xiyue, you don't have to blame yourself. We are good buddies. Your business is my business. There is no need to be so alienated from me."

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue and said softly.

He and Wang Teng had no intersection at all. It was all because of the girl in front of him. It is not an exaggeration to say that beauty is a disaster.

Although Wang Teng was provoked because of Tang Xiyue, Fang Yu did not mean to blame her at all.

"Are they just good buddies..."

Tang Xiyue's beautiful eyes flashed, and she felt a little annoyed at this idiot.

Xiao Yan glanced back and forth between Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue, shaking his head slightly.

"What's wrong?" Fang Yu asked in confusion when Tang Xiyue didn't speak.


Tang Xiyue shook his head, his pretty nose twitched, and changed the topic: "Xiao Yu'er, why are you here? Have you heard that there is a divine light falling in this valley?"

"No, I saw a plane coming over here, so I came here."

Fang Yu shook his head.

The reason why he flew over just now was to see if this was Tang Xiyue, and he had no idea that there was Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure here.

First update.

Please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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