Chapter 42 Liu Guanzhang takes the blame

Zhang Rang looked directly at the sealed iron bucket placed on the inside of the bed by Liu Hong, and his eyes instantly became extremely fiery.

He immediately reached for the sealed iron bucket.

"Every civil and military official is eager to get rid of the life essence liquid. Although most of the officials in the court have been controlled by me, the Imperial Guard is also controlled by me!"

"But He Jin is in control of the army guarding Xingyang City. He Jin is at odds with me. If the news about Liu Hongbintian spreads, He Jin will definitely take action against me!"

"The news about Liu Hongbintian can't be hidden for long. The most important thing now is to transfer the life spirit liquid according to the original plan!"

"As long as I take a hundred drops of life spirit liquid and gain tens of thousands of pounds of strength, I can conquer this world!"

Many thoughts flashed through Zhang Rang's mind, and then he called in the six servants guarding the door.

Four of the six chamberlains carried golden nanmu pails.

Zhang Rang immediately transferred the life spirit liquid into a golden nanmu Gong bucket, then sealed the Gong bucket and put it into another large Gong bucket.

Then he asked someone to pour some yellow and white night fragrance into the bucket.

Zhang Rang did not finish the transfer, but left about ten drops in the original iron bucket containing the life spirit liquid.

At the same time, he also asked someone to pour some green liquid prepared last night into the tin bucket.

He even asked Liu Hong's body to be arranged to look like he was sleeping, closed his eyes with his hands, and covered him with a quilt.

When he heard yesterday that Liu Hong was only willing to honor him with five drops of life spirit fluid, he conspired with his confidants to seize Liu Hong's life spirit fluid last night.

The method of using the Gong bucket to transfer the life spirit liquid was also thought up last night.

The green liquid and Gong bucket, which are similar in color to the life spirit liquid, were also prepared last night.

It’s all about this moment!

After doing all this, Zhang Rang asked one of the chamberlains who usually poured night incense for Liu Hong to carry the bucket containing the life spirit liquid.

As soon as Zhang Rang walked out of the courtyard where Liu Hong was, a chamberlain came towards him with the three Liu Bei brothers.

Liu Bei bowed to Zhang Rang and said, "Master Zhang!"

Although he didn't like Zhang Rang, an eunuch, Zhang Rang was a popular figure next to Emperor Liu Hong and had great power, so he didn't dare to offend him.

Zhang Rang remained calm and composed, "Xuande, Your Majesty is still waiting to summon you, so I won't delay you to see Your Majesty!"

Liu Hong did not summon Liu Bei's three brothers at all. He asked people to fake Liu Hong's oral instructions.

The reason why he found the three Liu Bei brothers was naturally to make them his scapegoats.

The reason why the three Liu Bei brothers were chosen was that they were extremely brave and were the bravest people except Wang Yun's adopted son Lu Bu.

With the force of three people, they will definitely be able to leave with the fake life liquid.

Another reason is that the three Liu Bei brothers have just entered the court and have no party members. Such people are the most suitable scapegoats.

Liu Bei cupped his fists and said, "Master Zhang, I'm going to take my leave!"

After saying that, he glanced at "Ye Xianglang" who was carrying the bucket.

Feeling the pungent stench, he quickly held his breath and hurriedly led his two sworn brothers towards Liu Hong's compound.

Liu Bei was very excited when he thought that His Majesty would reward the three brothers with life essence.

Zhang Rang glanced at two of the chamberlains.

The two chamberlains understood the situation and quietly followed the Liu Bei brothers.

Zhang Rang asked two more servants to inform the imperial guards.

"Liu Xuande, I have left ten drops of life spirit fluid for you three brothers. Don't let me down!"

Zhang Rang turned back and took a look at Liu Hong's yard.

Thinking of ten drops of life spirit liquid, Zhang Rang also felt a little distressed.

But when I thought about the more than 800 drops on my body, I didn't feel distressed anymore.

Besides, it’s worth giving up ten drops of life spirit liquid to make the follow-up plan go smoothly!

the other side.

A chamberlain led Liu Bei's three brothers outside Liu Hong's room.

"My three gentlemen, His Majesty is waiting for you inside. You go in!"

The chamberlain said respectfully to the three Liu Bei brothers.

For some reason, Liu Bei felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But the eunuch beside him was indeed the eunuch beside Emperor Liu Hong.

Shaking away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Liu Bei glanced at the two brothers beside him.

He opened the door and walked in.

When Liu Bei's three brothers entered the room, the chamberlain quietly retreated.

"His Majesty!"

When he came to the bed, he looked through the curtains and vaguely saw the emperor Liu Hong lying inside, and the three brothers Liu Bei bowed and saluted.

After receiving no response for a long time, Liu Bei raised his head, feeling even more uneasy, "Your Majesty, for the sake of your safety, please forgive me for being rude!"

Stepping forward to open the curtain, the expressions of the three brothers suddenly changed.

I saw Liu Hong lying quietly on the bed, his face and lips turning purple.

Guan Yu quickly stretched out his hand to detect Liu Hong's breathing, turned to look at Liu Bei, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, Your Majesty is in heaven!"

"Judging from the color of His Majesty's face and lips, he died of poisoning!"

Liu Bei said in a deep voice: "Second brother, third brother, just now Zhang asked the eunuch to say that His Majesty was waiting for the three of us brothers, but now His Majesty is overjoyed. I think it must be that eunuch who poisoned Your Majesty!"

"That eunuch controls the government. From what I can see, he must have poisoned His Majesty for the life spirit liquid. The life spirit liquid must be in that respectful bucket. We are going to chase him now. We must not let him take your majesty's life spirit liquid." Ran!"

Zhang Fei picked up the iron bucket placed next to Liu Hong's pillow and said to Liu Bei: "Brother, your Majesty's life essence is still there. The color is the same as what your Majesty took yesterday, and even the smell is the same!"

Liu Bei looked at the green liquid in the iron bucket in front of him and was dumbfounded, "This?"

When Liu Hong took the Life Spirit Liquid yesterday, he also saw that the color of the Life Spirit Liquid was indeed green.

He suspected that the life spirit liquid in the iron bucket was fake and had really been replaced by Zhang Rang.

But the green liquid in the tin bucket exudes a faint fragrance, and just smelling it makes me feel more energetic.

Wasn't His Majesty poisoned by that eunuch Zhang Rang?

It is said that he suddenly vomited blood in the morning, and there was still green liquid left in the corner of His Majesty's mouth. According to that "Wang Teng", His Majesty's body could only take one drop in three days. He just took one drop yesterday. Could it be that Your Majesty couldn't bear it after Zhang Rang left? After swallowing the spirit liquid of life, if the deficiency is not replenished, how can one reach heaven?

The chamberlain who was carrying the bucket just now was indeed the "Ye Xianglang" beside His Majesty, and the bucket was full of a bucket of yellow and white night fragrance.

That eunuch Zhang Rang would definitely not transfer the life spirit liquid mixed with night fragrance away.

In other words, the life liquid in front of me might be real? !

Thinking of this, Liu Bei's eyes instantly became extremely fiery.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he said in a deep voice: "Second brother, third brother, although my brothers and I did not kill your majesty, many people saw us entering your majesty's yard just now. Now that your majesty is dead, they will definitely kill him." The crime is placed on our three brothers!"

Speaking of this, Liu Bei said righteously and solemnly: "For the current plan, our three brothers have no choice but to take the life spirit liquid and escape. As long as we can escape from Xingyang City, with these life spirit liquid here, my three brothers will definitely be able to escape in the future." Destroy all the alien races in the world and restore peace to the world!"

"I wonder what you two brothers think?"

Zhang Fei said loudly: "Brother, I listen to you! These days, I have had enough of the corrupt officials in the court. They all only want to enjoy themselves and have no regard for the lives of the people!"

Guan Yu's face was firm: "I will accompany you in life and death!"

Liu Bei was very moved. He took the iron bucket from Zhang Fei and walked quickly towards the gate with the two brothers.

"Someone, come quickly! Your Majesty has passed away. The three Liu Bei brothers poisoned Your Majesty for the life essence!"

When the three brothers Liu Bei just walked to the door, a scream sounded from the yard.

Liu Bei's expression changed drastically, "No! I fell into a trap!"

"Well, Liu Xuande, Your Majesty has been so kind to you three brothers. He not only rectified your name, but also pardoned your second brother Guan Yu for killing an official. Even your third brother, a lowly butcher, was made a school captain, but you are ungrateful. , actually poisoning His Majesty for the sake of life spirit liquid, it’s worse than a pig or a dog!”

At this moment, Jian Shuo, the commander of the Imperial Guard, came in with his Imperial Guard, pointed at Liu Bei and cursed loudly.

"Commander Jian, please listen to my explanation. Your Majesty is really not poisoned by your Majesty. He just came in."

Liu Bei explained loudly.

"Bold Liu Bei, what you are holding in your hand is His Majesty's Life Spirit Liquid. The evidence is conclusive, but you still dare to quibble?"

"Get these three traitors and thieves down for me, general!"

"Don't hurt His Majesty's life essence!"

Jian Shuo was Zhang Rang's man, so how could he give Liu Bei a chance to defend himself and directly interrupt Liu Bei's words.

As soon as he finished speaking, the imperial guards behind Jian Shuo all rushed towards Liu Bei's three brothers.

"Second brother, third brother, the matter has come to this, we can't argue, now we can only fight with all our strength to break out of the siege."

Liu Bei looked very ugly and said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei beside him.

Because he couldn't explain it lightly now, Liu Hong was dead, and what he was holding was Liu Hong's life liquid.

And he also saw that this was a conspiracy against the three brothers.

Liu Bei was vaguely sure that the life spirit liquid in his hand was fake, but he didn't care about it at the moment.

When Guan Yu and Zhang Fei heard this, they immediately attacked the advancing imperial guards.

First update.

Please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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