Chapter 47 Dragon Vein

Looking at Tang Xiyue with a calm face, Fang Yu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

It's like the calm before the storm.

Shura field!

Three words suddenly appeared in his mind. He didn't know why, but he felt guilty. It felt like he was raising a mistress and was caught and raped by his original wife.

Seeing that Fang Yu didn't speak, Tang Xiyue suddenly stretched out her jade hand and pinched the soft flesh around his waist.


Fang Yu took a breath and woke up instantly.

"Xiyue, this is Mr. Cai's daughter."

Fang Yu said with a smile, but the smile on his face was uglier than crying because Tang Xiyue twisted the soft flesh around his waist a few more times.

Just after explaining, Fang Yu secretly cursed himself for not living up to expectations: This girl and I are just good buddies, why should I explain to her?

Tang Xiyue glared at Fang Yu fiercely, and then walked towards Cai Yan with long legs.

"Hello! My name is Tang Xiyue, and I am Fang Yu's childhood sweetheart!"

Arriving in front of Cai Yan, Tang Xiyue had a bright smile on her pretty face, elegant and generous.

"Aren't you good friends?"

Hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu whispered softly. He and Tang Xiyue have known each other for thirteen years. They went to school together, played together, beat people together, and...

Well, there seems to be nothing wrong with my childhood sweetheart.

"Hello! I am Cai Yan, Mr. Fang's... maid."

Seeing Tang Xiyue's extended right hand, Cai Yan was stunned for a moment, and then extended his right hand to shake her.

Cai Yan paused for a moment. She didn't know how to call herself, so she called herself Fang Yu's maid.

In the first confrontation, Cai Yan was completely defeated.

Tang Xiyue, who won the first confrontation, showed an imperceptible smile and continued: "It turns out to be Sister Cai Yan. If Sister Cai Yan doesn't dislike it, you can call me Sister Xiyue from now on."

Cai Yan said quickly: "You are the same master of the world as Mr. Fang, and a little girl dare not reach up to you."

His eyes fell on the crescent mark on Tang Xiyue's forehead that was the same as Fang Yu's, with envy in his eyes.

Perhaps only a being like her is worthy of Young Master Fang.

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of me, whose appearance and temperament were much better than hers, I felt a little ashamed.

Especially the other party's unattainable identity as the Lord of the World made her feel very disappointed.

In the second confrontation, Cai Yan was completely defeated again.

"Sister Cai Yan, although I am the master of the world, I am still a human being. There is nothing high or low. Is it possible that sister Cai Yan looks down on me?"

Tang Xiyue said with a smile.

"No, Xiyue...sister...sister, Yan'er definitely didn't mean to look down on you."

Cai Yan quickly explained.

"Sister Cai Yan, that's right. If Xiao Yu'er bullies you in the future, just tell me and I will help you vent your anger."

Hearing Cai Yan's name, the smile on Tang Xiyue's face became brighter. In the third confrontation, she won again.

Although Cai Yan has stunning looks, elegant temperament, and a bookish air, she looks like a lady in this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

But she Tang Xiyue is not bad either, both in appearance and temperament she is a bit better than Cai Yong.

When she first met Cai Yan just now, she still had a sense of crisis in her heart.

But after three confrontations, she no longer regarded Cai Yan as her competitor. She was not on the same level at all.

Cai Yan was stunned, "Xiao Yu'er?"

Tang Xiyue pointed at Fang Yu behind him and said, "Sister Cai Yan, Xiao Yu'er is the Mr. Fang you call him."

Cai Yan said hurriedly: "Sister Xiyue, Young Master Fang is very kind to Yan'er. If it weren't for Young Master Fang, Yan'er and her father would have become the prey of monsters."

Hero saves beauty!

Tang Xiyue suddenly felt wary, and what her cousin had said to her suddenly came to mind.

"Sister Cai Yan, I'm very happy to meet you today. Let's go and talk."

After saying that, Tang Xiyue took Cai Yan's hand and walked towards the main hall, leaving Fang Yu aside.

Seeing Tang Xiyue fool Cai Yan into calling her "sister" in just a few words, Fang Yu shook her head.

Although Cai Yan is a lady and a talented woman, she does not appear in public and is simple-minded.

In modern terms, she is a homebody.

Tang Xiyue is the eldest daughter of the Tang family. Although she has a carefree personality, as the eldest daughter of the Tang family, her communication skills are naturally extraordinary.

Cai Yan is a homebody with a quiet personality, how can she be her opponent.

In the confrontation between Tang Xiyue and Cai Yan just now, he had always been in a dominant position. Cai Yan was on the weaker side from the beginning to the end.

Fang Yu is sure that even if Tang Xiyue sells Cai Yan, Cai Yan will still help her count the money.

Getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu summoned the [Grotto-Heaven] attribute panel.

[Grotto-Heaven]: Hongmeng Immortal Domain.

[Grade]: First Grade (45980/100000).

[Area]: Thirty square kilometers.

[Building]: Primordial Tree (Ninth Grade), Primordial Dao Palace (First Grade), Sacred Spring of Life (First Grade), Spirit Vein (Ninjo, First Grade) [+]

[Attribute]: Chaos (Mythical).

Seeing the familiar plus sign behind [Spirit Vein], Fang Yu's eyes lit up and he immediately clicked on the [Spirit Vein] attribute panel.

[Spirit Vein]

[Type]: Spiritual objects of heaven and earth.

[Quality]: Average.

[Grade]: First Grade.

[Introduction]: The natural birth of heaven and earth spiritual things is the product of the gathering of spiritual energy. The energy source continuously produces spiritual energy. With Spirit Vein, even a pig pen can become a dragon pen.

See the introduction.

Fang Yu felt a hole in his heart and didn't know whether he should vomit.

A pig pen turns into a dragon pen, isn't it still a pen?

But when I think about the functions of Spirit Vein.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a circle or not!

"It doesn't matter about cheating or anything like that. I mainly want to see the attributes of Spirit Vein after Dark Blue adds some points."

Looking up at Tang Xiyue and Tang Xiyue who entered the main hall, Fang Yu had an expectant smile on his face.

Dark blue...add some!

Without hesitation, click on the [+] next to [Spirit Vein].

In an instant, the Primordial Tree behind Fang Yu emitted bright purple light.

At this moment, the two Spirit Veins that he had driven into the ground shot out from the ground and were suspended ten meters above the square in the blink of an eye.

The purple divine light instantly enveloped the two Spirit Veins.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yu immediately communicated with the Grotto-Heaven seal and sealed the main hall of Primordial Dao Palace.

Immediately afterwards, the two white light veins shrouded in purple divine light expanded rapidly like two ham sausages cooked in boiling water.

Also, the color changed from white to gold.

When the purple divine light dissipated, the two white light veins underwent earth-shaking changes.


Looking at the two new Spirit Veins floating in the air, a word suddenly popped into Fang Yu's mind.

Yes, after adding the dark blue of the Primordial Tree, the two Spirit Veins have transformed into the shape of a dragon.

These two Spirit Veins are now as thick as an adult's thigh, each about three feet long, and are entirely golden.

Its body is covered with dense, palm-sized golden scales, and its abdomen has four legs, each with five claws.

It has a head like a camel, with two golden antlers like antlers on its head, eyes like a rabbit's eyes, a neck like a snake, ears like a cow's head, and two long beards on its lower jaw.

The appearance is exactly the same as the dragon in Mythical legend in its previous life.

"Ang, ang!"

Just when Fang Yu was looking at the two Spirit Veins, he saw two Spirit Veins raising their heads and shouting, and two high-pitched dragon roars sounded one after another.

Then, the two Spirit Veins flew around the Primordial Tree, and then plunged into the ground of the Primordial Tree.

Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction and then clicked on the properties panel.

[Dragon Vein]

[Type]: Spiritual objects of heaven and earth.

[Quality]: Legend.

[Grade]: First Grade.

[Function]: Produce the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, gather luck, and evolve the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

[Introduction]: The spiritual beings of heaven and earth naturally bred by heaven and earth are the product of the gathering of spiritual energy. Energy sources continuously produce spiritual energy, which gathers and suppresses luck. It is said that with dragon veins, even a beggar has a chance to become an emperor.


"Dragon Veins?"

"It seems that Dragon Vein is also a type of Spirit Vein, but it is a higher level than Spirit Vein."

After reading the information about Dragon Vein, Fang Yu murmured thoughtfully.

He could clearly sense that after the two dragon veins were submerged into the ground, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Primordial Dao Palace was rapidly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth stopped increasing.

Fang Yu felt it carefully and nodded with satisfaction.

If the amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy before was "five", then now it is "twenty-five", a full five times increase.

Don't underestimate this small five times.

Because of the Primordial Tree, the aura of heaven and earth in his Grotto-Heaven is five times that of ordinary people.

Now it has doubled again and has reached a very scary point.

Fang Yu closed the attribute panel, released the blockade of the main hall, looked up at the main hall, and his eyes flashed.

Because he had sealed off the main hall just now, Tang Xiyue did not notice that the Spirit Vein turned into a dragon vein.

But he knew that that girl must be able to feel the changes in the aura of heaven and earth.

But he wasn't going to explain anything.

Because he knew that with that girl's intelligence, he had already guessed that he had a shocking opportunity when he opened Grotto-Heaven.

After all, as long as you are not a fool, you can guess from the changes in his cultivation before and after opening Grotto-Heaven that he got a shocking opportunity when opening Grotto-Heaven.

He also knew that Qin Qingqing must have guessed that he had a shocking opportunity.

In fact, as long as others investigate his information, they can also guess that he got a shocking opportunity when he opened Grotto-Heaven.

It was because of these thoughts that he took the initiative to expose the Sacred Spring of Life.

Without his permission, the Primordial Tree would not be visible to others, and he planned to cover it up with the Sacred Spring of Life.

Second update!

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(End of chapter)

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