Chapter 51 Grotto-Heaven Upgrade

Seeing Fang Yu's disinterested attitude, Tang Xiyue frowned.

He grabbed his ear directly and said, "Xiao Yu'er, you actually turned a deaf ear to me. I'll ask you again now, do you remember what I said?"

Fang Yu suddenly felt dumbfounded: "Remember, I will definitely keep a distance from Ji Mengfei!"

"Hurry up, let go, your ears will be twisted off!"

Tang Xiyue let go of his hand and said seriously: "Xiao Yu'er, maybe in your opinion, my words are alarmist!"

"Maybe you think about it, our Great Xia Dynasty's laws are strict and everyone is equal before the law."

"But I tell you, but I tell you, in the eyes of the real high-level people, the law is just a plaything in their hands, because they originally made the law."

"Besides, the Qin Family is the strongest among the five royal families. Even the royal family has to give three points of courtesy. It has influence in the military, political, and business circles. It is a real behemoth. It is not something that the small Wang family in Riverside City can compete with. Than."

"If the Qin Family wants to deal with you, they have many ways, and no one will get caught!"

Fang Yu's eyes flashed, I didn't offend the Qin Family, why should I be afraid.

It is true that Qin Wudao is a peerless genius, but geniuses are afraid of unreasonable cheating!

Besides, as long as you give me time, even if the Qin Family provokes me, I will still destroy the Qin Family. I don’t care whether the Qin Family is a royal family or not.

Fang Yu had many thoughts in his mind. He knew that Tang Xiyue cared about him, so he did not refute.

He didn't tell Tang Xiyue his thoughts.

Otherwise, this girl would have to say that her words fell on deaf ears.

After all, the Grotto-Heaven era is an era where the strong are respected!

The law can restrain ordinary people, but it cannot restrain the truly strong. As long as he is strong, the law cannot restrain him!

Fang Yu glanced at Tang Xiyue and said helplessly: "Xiyue, in your eyes, am I the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman?"

His eyes glanced at Tang Xiyue. Although he was plain, his appearance was impeccable. He smiled and joked: "Besides, if I were such a person, I would have eaten you up long ago. You are no better in temperament or appearance." Ji Mengfei is bad."

Tang Xiyue stared into Fang Yu's eyes, "Then who is more beautiful, me or her?"

Fang Yu didn’t hesitate: “Of course it’s you!”

He is not stupid. Saying that another girl is more beautiful in front of a girl is simply asking for death.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Tang Xiyue's mouth.

Fang Yu changed the subject, "Xiyue, how many Grotto-Heaven stones do you have on your body?"


Tang Xiyue said with a smile: "If you need it, I will give it to you now."

"Yes, I want it."

Fang Yu was not polite to Tang Xiyue. He had already reached a cooperation with Tang Xiyue and soon gave Tang Xiyue a discounted price with the life essence liquid.

Tang Xiyue waved his right hand, and a pile of Grotto-Heaven sacred stones appeared on the grass in front of Fang Yu.

Fang Yu immediately put away all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones on the ground, then took Tang Xiyue's little hand and led her to escape into his Grotto-Heaven.

When one enters the cave, there are two.

He had already taken Tang Xiyue once, and he didn't want to carry her behind his back and make her think too much.

He has known Tang Xiyue for thirteen years, and he naturally sees Tang Xiyue's kindness to him.

Besides, he has determined that this little girl's feelings for him have soured and she is coveting his beauty.

He wasn't willing to give her up to anyone else, so he wanted to find an opportunity to point it out directly.

When they appeared again, they were already standing on the eaves of the main hall of the Primordial Dao Palace in Grotto-Heaven.

Fang Yu let go of Tang Xiyue's little hand and summoned his own [Grotto-Heaven] attribute panel.

[Grotto-Heaven]: Primordial Dao Palace.

[Grade]: First Grade (141200/100000) [Can be upgraded]

Seeing that the words [Upgradeable] appeared behind his Grotto-Heaven level, Fang Yu clicked on it without hesitation.

The next moment, one hundred thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones flew out from Fang Yu's body.

As soon as the one hundred thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones flew out, they instantly turned into black gas and sank into the ground.


In an instant, the entire Grotto-Heaven shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu saw the gray fog surrounding Grotto-Heaven receding rapidly, and the area of ​​his Grotto-Heaven was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sky is also rising rapidly at a speed visible to the physical body.

It's like the creation of heaven and earth.

Fang Yu watched all this with a calm face.

Tang Xiyue beside him also looked calmly.

"Don't panic, everyone, this is me upgrading the world!"

The people who were taken into Grotto-Heaven by Fang Yu naturally noticed such a movement. They were startled at first, and then they calmed down instantly when they heard the vast heavenly voice echoing in their ears.

After a while, the Grotto-Heaven upgrade was completed, and Fang Yu found that the area of ​​his Grotto-Heaven had expanded ten times, from the original thirty square kilometers to the current three hundred square kilometers.

"I'm dizzy! Grotto-Heaven has been promoted from First Grade to Second Grade, and the aura of heaven and earth has been diluted. Fortunately, my Primordial Dao Palace can gather the aura of heaven and earth, otherwise I would have cried to death."

Fang Yu felt it and murmured softly.

He found that in his Grotto-Heaven, except for the Primordial Dao Palace, the aura of heaven and earth had been diluted.

Fang Yu also takes it for granted.

After all, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Grotto-Heaven has been fixed. As the area of ​​Grotto-Heaven becomes larger, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will naturally be diluted.

This is like putting the same volume of rock sugar into a bowl of water and a bucket of water. The concentration of rock sugar in the bowl of water is naturally higher than that in the bucket of water.

Tang Xiyue rolled his eyes at Fang Yu and scolded with a smile: "Just have fun, the area of ​​your Second Grade Grotto-Heaven is already comparable to the Third Grade or even the Fourth Grade of the master of Grotto-Heaven who does not have the Grotto-Heaven attribute. Grotto-Heaven.”

"And the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in your Grotto-Heaven is several times, even ten times, that of theirs. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

She was very shocked. She didn't expect that Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven level upgrade from First Grade to Second Grade would cost 100,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.


Tang Xiyue is sure that Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven attribute is not a rare wood attribute at all, but the legendary Mythical attribute.

Although he had guessed it, Tang Xiyue did not reveal it and would not tell anyone.

Fang Yu is her sweetheart, and the stronger he is, the happier she will be.

At the same time, she was also very touched, because he definitely brought her in, which meant that he believed in her!

Hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu smiled, looked at the virtual panel in front of him that only he could see, and clicked on the Grotto-Heaven attribute.


[Level]: Mythical.

[Characteristic 1]: Outstanding people, all creatures in Grotto-Heaven have +2 qualifications (exceeding Ninth Grade, temporarily sealed).

[Characteristic 2]: Good harvest, grain yield in Grotto-Heaven x600%.

[Feature 3]: Grotto-Heaven is a blessed land suitable for practitioners of all attributes. The cultivation speed of all creatures in Grotto-Heaven is +600%.

[Characteristic 4]: The six livestock species are prosperous, and the output of livestock and poultry in Grotto-Heaven is x600%.

[Feature 5]: The fishery is developed, and the aquatic product output in Grotto-Heaven is x600%.

[Characteristic 6]: Natural treasures, natural treasures, growth speed and medicinal properties +600%.

[Feature 7]: (Grotto-Heaven level is insufficient)

[Feature 8]: (Grotto-Heaven level is insufficient)

[Feature 9]: (Grotto-Heaven level is insufficient)

[Introduction]: Due to the blessing of the great Primordial Tree, your Grotto-Heaven attribute has changed from [Wood] to an extremely powerful [Chaos] attribute. Chaos is the sum of all attributes between heaven and earth. The characteristics of your Grotto-Heaven attribute will change accordingly. With the growth of the Primordial Tree, it is rumored that Pangu, the great god of creation, was conceived in chaos. This Mythical story may not be true, but with this powerful Grotto-Heaven attribute, even an ordinary woman can kill a liger with bare hands.

"The properties of Grotto-Heaven will increase as the level of Grotto-Heaven increases. It is indeed true."

"Although one characteristic has not changed, other characteristics have been enhanced. As for characteristics seven, eight, and nine, I don't know at what level they can be turned on?"

"And when my Primordial Tree grows, the effect of its characteristics will also increase. This is simply double happiness!"

Fang Yu's eyes lit up, and he immediately returned to the main interface to check.

[Primordial Tree] (Incomplete information, tentatively designated as Ninth Grade, due to unknown reasons, cannot be upgraded with Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.)

[Primordial Dao Palace]: (Mythical First Grade, 41200/100000)

[Spring of Life]: (Legendary First Grade, 41200/10000) [Upgradeable]

[Dragon Vein]: (Legendary First Grade, 41200/10000) [Upgradeable]

Fang Yu was not disappointed when he saw that the Primordial Tree could not be upgraded with the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.

After all, the true level of the Primordial Tree cannot even be detected by Grotto-Heaven consciousness. It is strange that it can be upgraded with the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.

Since he placed the two Spirit Veins just now, the Primordial Tree has grown 200 meters tall, and a leaf that was consumed before has been condensed again.

There were even two more leaves and two branches than before. He vaguely guessed that the Primordial Tree might need Spirit Vein to grow.

Fang Yu's lips twitched when he saw that upgrading the Primordial Dao Palace required 100,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Although he wanted to upgrade all the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in Grotto-Heaven, the Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone refused to agree.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu clicked on [Upgradeable] after [Sacred Spring of Life] and [Dragon Vein] respectively.

In an instant, another thirty thousand (two dragon veins) Grotto-Heaven sacred stones flew out of his body and turned into three black air currents, which were submerged into the two dragon veins underground and the Sacred Spring of Life.

Second update!

Thank you [Tiandaoreqin] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Supreme Wu] for your monthly ticket!

(End of chapter)

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